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Know these 5 Reiki Principles for Overall Wellness

Know these 5 Reiki Principles for Overall Wellness

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Reiki, the Japanese energy-healing method, also includes a set of guiding principles, or precepts, as they are usually known.  These are called Reiki principles and they are the key to living a happy life and serve as “medicine for the soul.”

The principles themselves are analogous to affirmations or goals, and they emphasize living in the present moment.  

Reiki principles are there to urge us to embody reiki energy throughout the day, every day.” They emphasise the significance of taking one day at a time.

There is no right or wrong way to apply these reiki principles to one’s life. They can be utilized during meditation, as a morning intention, or anytime they are required.

5 reiki principles and how to implement them into your life.

  • Just for today, I will not worry

This reiki principle will help you remain grounded when contemplating the future.  Our egos become overwhelmed when we create fictional futures and then live in the present as if the imaginary future we created is real.

This reiki principle slows us down to the present moment—to now, to this, to today. This practice of tapping into faith and breathing into the present moment can produce profound shifts in our individual and social consciousness.

  • Just for today, I will not be angry

Anger is not necessarily a negative emotion. It indicates that someone or something may have crossed a line. What is important is how we handle our anger.  When something makes you viscerally outraged, attempt to get to the bottom of it. Consider it for a second before acting. This is not about repressing feelings, but rather accepting our anger and peeling back its layers to determine its source.

It is not a matter of repressing emotions, but rather of accepting our anger and removing its layers to determine its source.

This reiki principle is a reminder to allow anger to surface and evaporate in its own time, rather than criticizing or humiliating it, which simply causes it to linger longer than necessary.

  • Just for today, I will be modest

This reiki principle advises us to tone down our ego, especially when we’ve accomplished something remarkable. Our ego loves to claim credit for its accomplishments and receive gratitude for its contributions. If you see your ego get a boost from compliments and how beautiful you are, this reiki principle advises you to occasionally bow down to your soul and love.

  • Just for today, I will be truthful.

Being your most true self is an admirable and incredibly fulfilling goal to pursue, but in practice, it can be rather difficult. We grow up like pack animals wanting to fit in and be accepted when the most essential thing is to respect and love yourself just as you are.

Use this idea as a prompt to let your true self shine, rather than attempting to conform to a specific mold to be accepted or hide the truth about who you are. The beauty of the “only for today” portion of the mantra is that it encourages you to concentrate on taking one baby step today, then repeating the process tomorrow, and so on.

  • Just for today, I will Be sympathetic to myself and all other beings

Compassion is the healing ointment for rage and judgment. This reiki principle is a reminder to give ourselves and others the benefit of the doubt wherever possible. Practicing compassion is not always simple, but it is always worthwhile.

Why these 5 Reiki principles are widely used?

There are two main reasons for the mass adaptability of these 5 Reiki principles:-

Reiki principles are not linked with religion. Absolutely anybody, regardless of their spiritual beliefs, can resonate with these ideals. Atheists, Christians, whatever – these principles stand alongside any moral code.

Reiki principles are practical. These principles are just common sense. The Reiki principles are SIMPLE, but not EASY. The Reiki Principles are immediately applicable to everyday living, as well as your highest spiritual pursuits.