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Know How Astrology Can Predict Your Sex Life – [Bonus] Astrological Remedies for Sexual Issues

Know How Astrology Can Predict Your Sex Life – [Bonus] Astrological Remedies for Sexual Issues

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To understand a person’s sexual desires, experiences, and compatibility with a companion, Vedic astrology analyses planets like Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in the birth chart. An individual’s sexual strengths, weaknesses, and possible issues in their sexual life can all be revealed by the analysis.

Astrological Planets Linked with Sex Life

The planets that are especially important for predicting sex life are as follows:


Venus is the planet of adoration, sensuality, and attractiveness. In the horoscope, it stands for joy, erotic intercourse, and sexual desires. Venus’s position in a person’s birth chart can therefore disclose their sexual preferences, attractiveness and potential for romance and intimacy. Venus in a favourable position may portend a sexual relationship that is both healthy and fulfilling.


Mars is known as the planet of vigour, initiative, and hostility. It stands for sexual ferocity, desire, and endurance. Mars’s position in the birth chart can therefore be used to predict a person’s sexual assertiveness, physical power, and capacity for sexual satisfaction. Mars can suggest a strong sex drive and sexual energy when it is in a favourable position.


The planet of wisdom, education, and spirituality is Jupiter. It stands for expanded knowledge and consciousness. Therefore, the position of Jupiter in the birth chart can reveal a person’s moral and ethical principles regarding intimacy. Additionally, their sex in the horoscope has the potential to bring them mental and emotional fulfilment.


The moon stands for nurturing, sensitivity, and emotional intellect. An individual’s emotional needs and desires in sexual relationships, as well as their capacity for intimacy and emotional connection, can be predicted by the Moon’s location in their birth chart.


Mercury is a symbol of expression, intellect, and connection. The position of Mercury in the birth chart can reveal a person’s capacity for verbal and intellectual stimulation in sexual relationships, as well as their capacity for expressing their sexual preferences, wants, and desires.


Saturn is a symbol of maturity, duty, and discipline. Saturn’s position in a person’s birth chart can therefore reveal information about that person’s capacity for restraint, dedication, and long-term stability in romantic partnerships.

Ketu and Rahu

In Vedic astronomy, Rahu and Ketu are the shadow planets. They thus stand in for hidden aspirations, fantasies, and anxieties. Rahu and Ketu’s positions in a person’s birth chart can disclose hidden sexual desires, fears, and possible problems with sexual addiction, obsession, or compulsion.

Astrological Houses Linked with Sex Life

Numerous astrological houses are connected to sexual analysis and prognostication. The most important horoscope houses for sex are as follows:

7th House

Marriage and sexual interactions take place primarily there. The personality traits one looks for in a partner are represented by the seventh house. As a result, examining the 7th house and its lord can shed light on a person’s sexual compatibility as well as any possible problems in their romantic relationships.

8th House

This house is for renewal, change, and untold stories. It is linked to sexual activity, the biological system, and the sharing of resources in a partnership. Deep mental bonds, sexual intimacy, and bonding are all related to the eighth house.

5th House

It is associated with romance, affection, and enjoyment. It thus symbolises one’s artistic expression, self-expression, and interests. Therefore, the 5th house of sex in a horoscope represents a person’s ability and wish to enjoy pleasure and intimacy. It also shows the calibre of one’s love affairs and relationships.

1st House

This house is for one’s identity, demeanour, and appearance. It symbolises a person’s bodily makeup, general well-being, and way of living. The first house can reveal a person’s attractiveness, sexual appeal, and personal manner in sexual predictions.

2nd House

The second house is a person’s sense of self, worth, and financial security. The second house in a sexual forecast represents a person’s material preferences, money situation, and the significance of material possessions in sex.

12th House

It is the house of faith, buried anxieties, and secrets. It reveals the repressed desires and anxieties a person may harbour about their sexual life in sexual predictions. Additionally, it highlights how important privacy and seclusion are in sexual interactions.

Zodiac Signs Linked with Sex Life

According to astrology, specific zodiac signs correspond to particular personality characteristics that may have an impact on a person’s sexual behaviour. People with the signs of Scorpio, Aries, and Leo prevalent in their horoscopes may be more sexually adventurous because these signs are frequently associated with sexuality, passion, and intensity.


Scorpios are passionate and fierce. They also experience a drive to fulfil their goals. They are also very observant and intuitive. It may result in a passionate and satisfying sexual encounter.


Aries people tend to be outgoing and self-assured. They are frequently also very autonomous and self-confident. Additionally, they have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. As a result, it may result in a thrilling and engaging sexual encounter.


Leos are renowned for their self-assurance and extroverted personalities and frequently relish the limelight. They are also very imaginative and artistic. It might lead to an enjoyable and exciting sexual encounter.

Signs in Horoscope that indicates Sexual Issues

According to astrology, a person’s birth chart may show certain planetary positions and combinations that signal low-sex desire or sexual issues.

According to astrology, the following are some signs of low libido in a birth chart:

Venus’s vulnerability or affliction: Venus is the planet of adoration, passion, and sex. Its weakness or its association with malevolent planets like Saturn, Mars, or Rahu can portend a lack of sexual arousal or difficulties in intimate relationships.

Weak or Troubled 8th House: In a birth chart, the 8th house represents sex, closeness, and change. It can suggest sexual issues or difficulty expressing one’s sexual desires if this house is weak or weakened by malefic planets.

Malefic Planets in the Seventh House: The seventh house in a person’s birth chart represents alliances, marriage, and sex. Malefic planets like Saturn or Rahu can suggest problems or obstacles in romantic relationships if they are in this house. Mars is the planet of sexual energy and desire. It is weak or afflicted. It can suggest low sexual drive or difficulties expressing one’s sexual urges if it is weak or afflicted by malefic planets.

Moon Affliction: The Moon is linked to feelings, emotions, and wants. Any malevolent planet’s influence on it may portend a dearth of sexual intimacy or emotional intimacy.

[Bonus] Astrological Remedies for Sexual Issues

The following astrological remedies can be useful in addressing sexual issues in a person:-

• Moonstones and white pearls can help balance the energy surrounding the sexual systems.

• The “Om Namah Shivaya” mantra can relieve sexual stress and improve general well-being.

• Putting a copper container with water inside under the bed can assist with sexual health.

• The phrase “Om Mangalaya Namaha” and wearing red clothing on Tuesdays can boost sexual arousal.

• Honey and powdered ashwagandha plant can be consumed to enhance sexual vitality.

• Regular Gayatri mantra recitation can help sexual functions become stronger.

•Additionally, a yellow sapphire gemstone can aid to increase libido.

• A piece of camphor placed under the pillow can also assist with sexual issues.

• Monday fasting and Lord Shiva rituals can aid in the resolution of sexual issues.

• Using sandalwood oil while receiving treatment can enhance sexual performance.