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Bada Osha 2023 Date, Celebrations, and Legends

Bada Osha 2023 Date, Celebrations, and Legends

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Bada Osha is the most important celebration at Dhabaleswar Pitha. The fasting day concludes with prayers and offerings to Lord Shiva. Those who are privileged travel to the Dhabaleshwar temple with its tranquil and spiritual atmosphere, while those who do not observe it at home. This prasad served on this day is known as Gaaja Pitha. This pitha is a brilliant white colour.

Bada Osha Date 2023

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Celebrations on Bada Festivals

  • During this significant Bada Osha festival, both men and women fast all day without consuming any liquids or food.
  • People who observe a fast consume the Prasad Gaaja Pitha after worshipping Shiva.
  • The most beloved Prasad of the Lord are Gaja Bhog and Tarana, which are prepared by the cleric and distributed to the devotees.
  • By consuming the prasad, disciples end their fast.

Legends Behind Bada Osha

Lord Shiva is attributed with performing a miracle that resulted in the naming of Dhabaleswara (Dhabala or White + Eswara or God).

The legend continues that a thief once abducted a black bull calf from a village and fled to the Lord Shiva Temple. The thief hid in the Sanctum Sanctorum with the calf as the furious mob waited outside the temple. The villagers heard the temple’s congregation shouting out.

The thief beseeched Lord Shiva earnestly to save him from the throng. Taking pity on him, Lord Shiva appeared before the audience as a saint (Sannyas) and inquired about the problem. The villagers informed him that they believe the thief and the black calf are hidden in the Sanctum.

The saint then purchased the calf outside in order to calm their fears. The audience let the thief go when the calf turned out to be white. The deity disappeared, and the thief realised who had come to assist him. After that, he revealed the truth and asked the audience for forgiveness.

He vowed to devote the remainder of his life to God’s service. Lord Shiva was responsible for the transformation of a black calf into a white one. Since then, Bada Osha has been celebrated and is most well-known at the Dhabaleswara temple.