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Top 35 Barbie Puns and Jokes You Will Love

Top 35 Barbie Puns and Jokes You Will Love

Over 35 hilarious Barbie puns are about to blow your mind and make you laugh uncontrollably. This collection is full with puns and witty wordplay that will make you laugh out loud, whether you’re a fan of the famous doll or not. Whether you’re looking for puns on Barbie’s many accessories or Barbie-themed takes on old sayings, you’ll find them all here. Get comfortable, because we’re about to enter the wild world of Barbie jokes. How about we start this pun party!?

Hilarious Barbie Puns One-Liner

Don’t be a Barbie-killjoy.

Barbie and Ken, a match made in plastic heaven.

Barbie is like a modern-day Cinderella with endless outfit options.

High heels, high standards – it’s all part of being Barbie-nificent!

Barbie is the ultimate doll-ight of fashionistas.

Barbie is plastic fantastic!

I’m not Barbie-lieving my eyes!

She’s the Barbie-tarian of fashion.

Let’s toast to a Barbie-licious night!

Ken you handle all this fabulousness?

Life’s a Barbie-beach!

I’m not just any doll, I’m Barbie-tastic!

Barbie teaches us that it’s okay to be plastic, as long as you’re fantastic.

1Let’s have a Barbie-Q and serve up some plastic perfection.

Barbie’s car broke down, but luckily she keeps a spare tire…in her purse!”

“What did Barbie say when she saw the bill for her dream house? This is a real dollhouse-keeping nightmare!”

“Barbie’s favorite ice cream flavor? You guessed it, Neapoltin Ken!”

“Why couldn’t Barbie become a lawyer? She was way too blonde to pass the BARbie exam.”

“Barbie’s new organic garden isn’t doing well, she has a real green thumb (and pinky and index finger…)”

“It was Barbie’s birthday, and she was overwhelmed with all the presents. She just couldn’t Ken-tain her excitement!”

“Did you hear about Barbie’s new line of clothing? It’s called Dress-to-Impress-a-Ken!”

“Why couldn’t Barbie use the computer? She couldn’t get past the Windows!”

“Barbie’s famous designer friend created a new outfit for her, it was quite the haute coll-ectible!”

“What kind of music does Barbie listen to? Anything with a Ken-dy beat!”

“Barbie decided to take up golf, but she kept getting distracted by all the cute caddie Kens.”

“What did Barbie say when she won the lottery? Now I can finally afford the Barbie Dream Yacht!”

“Barbie wanted to become an astronaut, but she realized she would have to give up her heels for moon boots.”

“Barbie’s fashion line was a flop, critics said it lacked Ken-fidence.”

Why did Barbie become a dentist? She wanted to practice bar-brasion.

Why does Barbie always carry a pencil? So Ken can bar-row it!

What did Barbie say to the sailor doll? “You’re the captain of my bar-ge!”

What did Barbie say when she tried to pay with her credit card but it got declined? “Oh no, they’ve bar-red me!”

Why did Barbie become a magician? She loves performing bar-renditions.

What’s Barbie’s favorite type of sandwich? A turkey and pro-bar-lone.

How does Barbie dry her hair after a shower? With a hair-bar-sher!