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25 Best Kevin Samuels Quotes – 25 Kevin Samuels Quotes About Woman

25 Best Kevin Samuels Quotes – 25 Kevin Samuels Quotes About Woman

In case you have been searching for “Best Kevin Samuels Quotes” or Kevin Samuels Quotes About Women, then you are at the right place.

Kevin Samuels is a well-known lifestyle coach and image consultant from Atlanta, Georgia. Kevin Samuel provides advice on fashion and lifestyle trends to influential individuals. In 2021, Kevin Samuels is anticipated to have a total net worth of $1.1 million.

American citizens refer to him as Kevin Samuels, and he is a YouTuber with over 1.26 million subscribers. His net worth has increased over time as a result of his professional accomplishment, which has generated greater income. As a result, the motivational speaker assists individuals and groups in regaining their footing.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Kevin Samuels Quotes About Life. Let us explore

Best Inspirational Kevin Samuels Quotes  And Kevin Samuels Quotes About Love

“You cannot wait until everything is perfect, you have to start improving yourself with the skills you currently have.”

“You have to be brutally honest about where you are and where you want to get to. Understand how far that is and then put in the work.”

“Anytime someone is a winner, they have haters.”

“Winners find a way to win, losers give you reasons why they can’t.”

“I’m not telling you that you can’t do a damn thing. You can act however you want to act and you get the outcomes you get.”

“You don’t have to have the resources of the top 1%, but you must have the mindset they do.”

“Waking up every day is a miracle. There are some people out there that are okay with not waking up if they go to sleep.”

“Throughout history, losers and quitters have always found a way to justify losing.”

“Money-making is a social activity and success is shared; you will only go so far without other people.”

“Don’t ask the world to respect you if you don’t respect yourself.”

“Life happens out in the world, you’ve gotta leave your house and go get busy.”

“I don’t care about your pride. You can’t be proud and broke at the same time.”

“Just put your head down and work hard for five years, and you will fill your life with brighter possibilities than you could have possibly imagined.”

“You can lose the game, but don’t lose the lesson.”

“The reason you’re not successful is not that you lack information, it’s because you lack desire.”

“Anyone can have a good year or two, but if you string it together that implies some sort of consistency.”

“You can decide to win in your life, but the first thing you need to do is stop complaining about everything that’s within your control.”

“If you continue to do what you do, you will continue to get what you’ve got.”

“Do not give to anybody based upon your level of attraction or interest. Do or give based upon their level of investment.”

“Many modern women today cannot deliver the wife experience. That’s why you get the girlfriend treatment. The wife experience is respect, affection, support, peace, and tranquility.”

“A high-value woman is attractive and appealing. She’s discerning and disciplined. She’s enthusiastic and exuberant. She’s loyal and liberated.”

“We ask so much of each other without realizing how much of a sacrifice it is to give someone what they want physically, mentally, and financially.”

“Many modern women today cannot deliver the wife experience. That’s why you get the girlfriend treatment. The wife experience is respect, affection, support, peace, and tranquility.”

“Whether you like it or not, the market decides your value. The market decides everything.”

“What percentage of men in this country make six figures or more? It’s 10%. So the question is what do those men, who make that kind of money, who all women tend to want…what do they want?”

“Women want a financially stable, young, sensitive man capable of violence and men want a chaste, sexually liberated mother who also can host dinner parties.”

“We’re shocked because people don’t tell women the truth these days. Men get told the truth all the time, women have no problem telling a man: I don’t want an average man. It happens every day on my show.”