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Best 40 True Colors Quotes You Should Not Miss!

Best 40 True Colors Quotes You Should Not Miss!

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In case you have been searching for “Best True Colors Quotes” or True Colors Quotes About Love, then you are at the right place.

Many of us have encountered someone whose true identity was concealed and who turned out to be someone we did not recognise.When a person’s true colours begin to emerge, it has a negative impact on our lives and can cause permanent trust issues.Personally, I value honesty above all else, whether in a romantic or platonic relationship. Yes, sometimes the truth can be painful, but in my eyes, deceit is the greater evil.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best True Colors Quotes Short. Let us explore

True Colors Quotes for Instagram Captions And True Colors Quotes For Life

“A person’s true colors will always show within time. You may be fooled for the moment, but be patient and see what happens.”

“You might have burned me with your lies, but karma is about to set you on fire.”

“Karma is a good judge of character, and you, my friend, are screwed.”

“Your believing or not believing in karma has no effect on its existence, nor on its consequences to you. Just as a refusal to believe in the ocean would not prevent you from drowning.”

“Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma.”

“Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you and theirs says enough about them.”

“Forgive the person and their actions, never give in to hate. Let it go, set it free, and karma will take care of what is meant to be.”

“People show their true colors, unintentionally. Pay attention.”

Speak the truth, tell the truth; speak by the card; paint in its true colors, show oneself in one’s true colors; make a clean breast.

Be true to yourself, and don’t be afraid to let your true colors show.

They wait until you fall in love with them and then they let their true colors show. About time they show you who they really are it’s to late and you’re in love with them.

“A rainbow is not afraid of showing its true colors because it knows it is beautiful inside out.”

“Sometimes it takes going through heartache and pain to be able to see clearly and find our true colors.”

If you are honest and free of ulterior motives in word and deed, then whatever you do is done when you’ve done it, with no need to worry about letting your true colors show.

“When people show you their true colors don’t get mad, paint beautiful mural of life lessons, and keep marching forward.”

“The best leaders are the ones who show their true colors not during the banner years but during times of struggle.”

“You may plainly perceive the traitor through his mask; he is well-known everywhere in his true colors; his rolling eyes and his honeyed tones impose only on those who do not know him. – Moliere

“Best believe that needle hurt you Best to see these true colors Than follow one of your false virtues A little secret to make you think: Why is the crazy stuff we never say, poetry in ink?” – Eddie Van Halen

“And I’ll see your true colors shining through I see your true colors and that’s why I love you so don’t be afraid to let them show your true colors, true colors are beautiful like a RAINBOW.” – Cyndi Lauper

“The Christian conceives of his abode on Earth in no more delightful colors than the Jainist sectarian. He sees in it only a time of sad trial; he also thinks that his true country is not of this world.” – Emile Durkheim

“The youth tend to see things through bright colors and hope, but only with age do you come to find the richness that colors can offer to leave your mark behind.”

It’s in the harsh times and the times we call good where our true colors show.

“The greatest influencers are those who show their true colors not just during time of peace, but also during times of struggle.”

“The six colors, including the white background, represent the colors of all the world’s flags … this is a true international emblem.” – Pierre de Coubertin

“A hundred things are done today in the divine name of Youth, that if they showed their true colors would be seen by rights to belong rather to old age.” – Wyndham Lewis

And if someone shows you their true colors, don’t make excuses for them or hope that they’ll change—listen to your gut. You deserve to be treated well.

“Don’t let your character change color with your environment. Find out who you are and let it stay its true color.”

When you see their true colors, don’t forget it. Don’t let it drop unconscious as usual only to repeat it.

Ya never can really tell for sure, until the fakers’ true colors show, and when the colors show, I mean the colors really freaking show.

Speak the truth, tell the truth; speak by the card; paint in its true colors, show oneself in one’s true colors; make a clean breast.

Be true to yourself, and don’t be afraid to let your true colors show.

They wait until you fall in love with them and then they let their true colors show. About time they show you who they really are it’s to late and you’re in love with them.

Soul mates connect with ease right off the bat and let their true colors show without fear of judgment.

Don’t be afraid to be who you are. Who cares if your true colors don’t paint a happy portrait to a man that doesn’t even see his own self worth.

Listen, friend, no one will think less of you because you let your true colors show from time to time. In fact, others will probably appreciate you more for allowing them to see the true you.

Don’t be afraid to show your true colors, Don’t be afraid to get up and dance.

“The best thing about the worst time of your life is that you get to see the true colors of everyone.”

“I’d rather have an enemy who admits they hate me, instead of a friend who secretly puts me down.”

“Pay attention to how people act when you’re not on good terms. True colors will always reveal themselves.”

Under pressure, your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.