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Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra | The Vedic Astrologers Bible

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra | The Vedic Astrologers Bible

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Maharishi Parashara was a Vedic Maharishi who wrote the ‘Hora Shastra.’ Because it is the first work on Vedic astrology, the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra is nearly every Vedic astrologer’s bible. Vishnu Purana, Krishi Parasharam, and Vrikshayurveda are all also attributed to Maharishi Parashara (one of the earliest texts on botany and traditional Indian medicine).

According to experts, the genesis of ‘Hora Shastra’ may be traced back to the Vedic Era, between 600 BC and 800 BC. It is based on the Vedas and contains various passages from the Rig Veda and Yajur Veda. The four Vedas strongly impact astrology since they are revered ancient scriptures that incorporate astronomy, rituals, and sacrifices and explain Vedic civilization.

The term ‘Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra’ literally translates to ‘The Great Book on Horoscope by Parashara,’ which was authored by Parashara as advice for those living in the Vedic Society.  These advice were simple changes that were recommended in a person’s daily routine, so as to achieve eternal fulfilment. Let us explore those advices from hora shastra.

Advice from Hora Shastra and their relevance in Life?

Mantra Chantings

This method rewires a cognitive process by using one’s sense of hearing. Women in Vedic civilization enjoyed equal spiritual and intellectual development chances. As a result, everyone may read, repeat, and comprehend the many mantras recommended to them. The Sama-Veda was the first to describe chants, and this book of Chants is considered the birthplace of Indian music.


This Method focuses on a person’s sense of taste as well as their eating habits.  

Wearing Gemstones as Ornaments

This method focuses on both the senses of touch and sight. Minerals, such as gemstones, were initially employed in ancient Indian medicine, but could not be incorporated into the daily diet. Hence, it was advised to wear gemstones as ornaments for the best benefits.

Offering water to the Sun and Moon

This method focuses on the visual sense.

Feeding animals and birds

Domestication of animals and agriculture were the principal occupations of Vedic people. It was only natural to feed the animals with compassion while maintaining ecological equilibrium.

Burning incense or sage

This method focuses on one’s sense of smell.