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25 Amazing Bus Jokes and Puns One Liners

25 Amazing Bus Jokes and Puns One Liners

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The act of boarding a bus is an activity that loads individuals into their daily schedules. Bus joke reading is an excellent method to pass the time during travel. Whether it be quips told on the bus while traveling, while waiting at the bus stop, or as passengers exit the vehicle, the following are some hilarious bus jokes.

Funny Bus Jokes One Liner

What’s the hardest part about working as a bus driver? Everyone’s talking right behind your back.

I got fired after giving up my seat on the bus for someone. I guess you can’t do that when you’re the bus driver.

I couldn’t get my refrigerator to work today. I had to take the bus instead.

How do eels travel across the seafloor? By Octo-bus.

Where do bus drivers eat their lunches? In a traffic jam.

What is yellow, and doesn’t know how to swim? A school bus.

What type of bus crossed the ocean? Columbus.

Why did the bus driver quit his job? It was driving him to madness.

What job can get you fired for going the extra mile? Bus driver.

Why did the bus stop in the middle of the street? It saw a zebra crossing.

Is the city bus running on time? No, it’s running on diesel.

Today was a rough day. First, my ex was hit by a bus. Then, I lost my job as a bus driver!

What superhero takes public transportation to get around? Bus Lightyear.

I hopped on the bus yesterday afternoon. After a few minutes, the driver asked me to sit down like everyone else.

Why can’t the kids take the school bus to school? It wouldn’t fit through the door.

Which end of the bus should passengers get off at the end of their ride? It doesn’t matter, both ends stop.

What happened to the man who ran in front of the bus? He got tired.

Did you hear all the buses are stopping today? It’s to let passengers off.

Is the bus running on time? No, it runs on wheels.

Jim: Did you hear that all the buses and trains will stop running today?
Jon: No. Is there a strike? Jim: No, they’re stopping to let the passengers off.

At work, my friend had always gone the extra mile. This is why he lost his job as a bus driver.

Why did the bat miss the bus. Because he hung around for too long.

What is the difference between a cold and a bus driver? A bus driver knows his stops, and a cold stops the nose.

What did the bus driver say to the frog? Hop on.

How do eels navigate the seabed? They go by octo-bus.