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45 Top Funny Butter Puns and Jokes to Make Your Day

45 Top Funny Butter Puns and Jokes to Make Your Day

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In case you have been searching for “Best Butter Puns and Jokes” or Butter Puns for Instagram, then you are at the right place.

Without butter, life is insipid. It is difficult to imagine crepes, toast, croissants, mushrooms, and countless other foods without butter. In the past, butter was regarded a luxury, but nowadays it is a common ingredient in breakfasts and other meals. It is also an essential ingredient in cookery. As implied by its name, butter is the primary component of buttercream, which is most commonly used as a confection icing.

In your kitchen, butter is the most versatile ingredient due to its broad variety of uses. In addition to margarine, peanut butter, and the like, there are other types of butter that are equally popular and extensively employed. Peanut butter is the most popular spread, typically consumed on toast with jelly. It tastes divine and pairs well with chocolates such as peanut butter cups.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Butter Puns Pick Up Lines. Let us explore

Butter Puns for Captions And Butter Puns Funny

He did margarine-ally better than the other contestants in the cake-baking contest!

Hi! I’m so glad we finally melt!

One stick of butter says to another stick of butter “Yo! My butter from another udder!!”

I like my buns intended!

Funny buns make me smile!

“Did you hear that gossip about butter? You better not spread it around!”

Butter jokes are whey butter than cheesy cheese jokes!

The joke about butter was so long, I was thinking about shortening it.

Does butter sink or float? Neither, Butterflies.

What’s a monkey‘s favorite snack? Rhesus Peanut butter cups.

Have you heard of those psychos wanting to shift all cheese production to butter production? Some men just want to watch the world churn.

Would I post a bad joke on my cake day? You butter believe it.

Why did the butter break up with the knife? It kept getting left on bread.

Have you heard the joke about the butter? I better not tell you, it might spread.

What do you churn to make forgetful butter? Milk of amnesia.

Why are people in Arkansas having peanut butter and jelly for Thanksgiving this year? Because they’re sending their turkey to the White House.

Why did they send the butter to prison? He was a hardened creaminal.

Why are peanut butter and jelly retarded? They’re in-bread.

Broncobutter – What horses spread on their toast for breakfast!

Fillybutter – Lawless mercenary butter.

Ghostbutter – What ghosts spread on their toast for breakfast.

Crimebutter – What criminals use to make carry make a smooth getaway.

Blockbutter – Wildly popular movie about butter.

Butter-fly – When butter gets thrown out a window, it’s called butterfly!

Scuttlebutter – When butter gossip and tell tales about one another behind their backs.

I’m into real food and that includes real butter ~ Arden Myrin

With enough butter, anything is good! ~ Julia Child

Life is too short to fake butter, cheese or people! ~ Unknown

My favorite color is butter.

If we got rid of all the margarine and spreads, the world would be a butter place.

Surround yourself with butter, not negativity!

Slippery when buttered!

Why is popcorn way better than a movie? Because they are just so much butter.

Why did the comedian give butter to his audience? Because he was telling corny jokes.

Why did the butter start running so quickly? Because it was on a roll.

Why did the cannibal take a jar of peanut butter to the White House? He heard there was a giant cheezy cracker in office.

Why do the butter knives put on bow ties? Because they wanted to look sharp.

Joe’s bakery was renovated to give it a more upper crust look!

I tried margarine once. I dairy say I prefer butter any day!

A man threw butter and cheese at me today.. how dairy!!

You can’t churn back time.

I was just sitting, watching the world churn.

I tried margarine for a while, but it churns out I like butter better!

Butter churns the world around!

Butter making takes an e-churn-ity.

Life is what you bake it!

Bake the world a better place!

You bake me proud!