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Want to Look Good | Chant this Chandra Mantra For Beauty

Want to Look Good | Chant this Chandra Mantra For Beauty

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Chandra is a Hindu god who is linked to plants. It is believed in Hindu culture that reciting the Chandra mantra can help people achieve a healthy physique and physical beauty.

Chandra Mantra For Beauty

Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sa Chandramase Namah

 श्रां श्रीं श्रौं चन्द्रमसे नम:।।

How To Chant Chandra Mantra?

1. Mantra should be chanted on Monday or on the full moon day.

2. Mantra should be chanted for 16 Mondays or 16 full moon days.

3. The person chanting the mantra should bathe in the evening and do the mantra chanting at moonrise or chandrodaya time.

4. The person chanting the mantra should dress in white clothes.

5. The person chanting the mantra should light a lamp out of cow ghee.

6. The person chanting the mantra should place jasmine flowers, dhoop, and Chandan on the table (sandalwood paste).

7. The person chanting the mantra should serve white coloured fruit or kheer as a Prasad 8. The person chanting the mantra should recite the mantra 108 times while counting with a Chandan mala.