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Why we use Clove (लौंग ) in Hanuman Puja | Know the Answer

Why we use Clove (लौंग ) in Hanuman Puja | Know the Answer

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From our childhood, we have seen our elders offering clove (लौंग) to Lord Hanuman during the pooja. But have we ever  wondered why it is done so

Here are some of the reasons, why people offer clove to Lord Hanuman during the pooja:-

  1. During Hanuman’s puja, clove (लौंग) is offered to Lord Hanuman for the fulfilment of various desires.
  2. It is also offered for the cure of serious diseases at an early stage.
  3. For those who are facing sleep issues, donating eleven cloves to Lord Hanuman can provide much-needed relief.
  4. In case, somebody is looking for riches or facing acute money trouble, they can light a candle with mustard oil with two cloves in it and offering to Lord Hanuman can get much-needed relief.
  5. If the Devotees meditate on Lord Hanuman in the early morning while staring at the rising sun and then offer some cloves, they can get relief from critical illness.
  6. Before venturing out for any important work, if the devotee offer clove to lord hanuman, for certain they get success in their work

Why is Clove Used in Hanuman Puja?

In Hinduism, each spice is linked with a certain god. Clove is Shiva’s favourite spice. Hanuman is Shiva’s Rudra Avatar. Hence offering clove to Lord Hanuman has its desired positive effects.