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Know the Correct Fruit and Milk Combo You Can Take? As Per Ayurveda

Know the Correct Fruit and Milk Combo You Can Take? As Per Ayurveda

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Viruddha Aharas

According to Ayurveda, Viruddha Aharas are food combinations that have opposing properties, have bad effects on the body when processed in a specific form, exert undesirable effects when mixed in a certain proportion, or have undesirable consequences if ingested at the incorrect time.

What Should Never be Combined with Milk?

According to Ayurveda, milk should only be combined with fully sweet and ripe fruits, except for banana, which has a sour aftertaste.

Bananas and milk should not be paired because, although bananas are sweet, the post-digestive effect will be sour. When bananas and milk are united, they create energy known as Vipaka, which can cause a variety of health issues.

While many people enjoy strawberry milkshakes, Ayurveda considers the combination of milk and strawberries to be Viruddha Aharas, as it may cause digestive issues.

Milk should not be combined with any berry, even strawberries. When we add berries to milk, the milk may not curdle immediately, but it will curdle once we have digested the berries.

What Can You Combine with Milk?

The two fruits that, according to Ayurveda, can be paired with milk are mango and avocado.

Combining a ripe, delicious mango with milk is possible. Avocados may also be blended with milk. In addition, the Ayurveda expert states that dried fruits such as raisins, dates, and figs can be consumed with milk.