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What does Astrology say about the chances of the 4th Covid 19 wave in India?

What does Astrology say about the chances of the 4th Covid 19 wave in India?

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Despite the fact that Covid-19 cases have increased in numerous nations, specialists in India believe a fourth wave is unlikely unless a new, immune-escaping form emerges. Experts anticipate that a new variation will not emerge from India because the country’s overall viral activity has decreased dramatically.

Let’s take a look at the possibility of the fourth wave from an astrological standpoint. Take a look at what our in-house astrologer, Dr. Prabhukar Mishra, has to say about it:

On March 2, Jupiter, the planet of unity, gathering, society, riches, and expansion, entered its own Nakshatra. It will also be combusted till March 23. This may lead you to believe that there will not be a fourth Covid-19 wave, but hold your horses.

Dr. Mishra goes on to say that the time between April 15 and May 15, 2022, will be difficult for humanity. The first half of May, in particular, appears to be challenging. The reason for this is that from May 10 to May 15, the Sun will cross Rahu in the Aries zodiac sign.

From April 12, 2022, through April 21, 2023, Jupiter will be in its own sign, Pisces. Furthermore, Saturn will remain in Capricorn and Aquarius, its own signs. As a result, whatever Karma (good or evil deeds) was carried out during the pandemic will bear fruit until August 2023.

According to Dr. Mishra, a minor fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India could begin around June 22 and peak between mid-and late August.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will there be any fourth wave of COVID-19 in India?

Dr. Prabhukar Mishra, an eminent virologist, stated that the third wave of COVID-19 has stopped in India and that he is “pretty sure” that no fourth wave would emerge unless an unforeseen variant that acts differently emerges.

2. Can you get COVID-19 more than once?

“Yes, you would be protected from a second infection at first, but if your antibody levels drop rapidly as a result of the illness, you may not have enough antibodies to prevent a second infection.”

3. Are Covid cases increasing?

Following a five-week decline, global COVID-19 instances climbed last week, fuelled by increases in three regions, according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) latest weekly data.

4. What are some severe consequences of the coronavirus disease?

The Covid 19 virus has a direct effect on the lungs, lowering their capacity and limiting oxygen intake, resulting in ARDS and pneumonia. Individuals with underlying illnesses, respiratory difficulties, or both are at a higher risk.