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The Devil Tarot Card Meaning: What Does it Indicate?

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning: What Does it Indicate?

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The devil tarot card is one of the most important cards that signify obsession and manipulation. It’s the 15th card in the pack of Major Arcana. It corresponds to the energy of Capricorn and is ruled by the planet Saturn

If you’ve had this card in your tarot reading, this guide might be very helpful. It will take you through the details like the devil tarot card meaning, how it affects the business and personal life of the natives, and more. Dive in for all the answers.

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning – Should You Be Scared If It Pops Up?

Although the card of ill-deeds, negativity, and obsession, when this card appears in your tarot reading, you shouldn’t be scared. This card gives you a warning that something or somebody in your life is pulling you back and causing problems: that somebody can very well be you!

The devil tarot card means that your current situation or the recent future might make you feel trapped. It will take some sort of effort to break free from toxic habits. When you get this card, know that it’s high time that you make changes and amends if you don’t want your career and personal life to suffer. 

How Does the Devil Tarot Card Look Like?

Now that you know the meaning of the devil tarot card, you might also be inclined to learn what this card looks like and what it symbolizes. If yes, we have the answers. Have a look:

The devil tarot card showcases a big devil with the body of a man and the head of a goat. Near the feet of the devil are a naked man and a naked woman. The man and the woman are both chained to the podium of the devil himself. The devil has a lit torch in his left hand. His right hand is raised in a blessing. Above the head of the devil is an inverted pentagram. And, the background is black.

Every single detail that you see on this card has a meaning. Let’s find out all the details!

  1. The inverted pentagram stands for black magic, evil desires, and an interest in occult science.
  2. The naked man and the naked woman are loosely tied to the podium. It signifies that they can move away from the devil if they want to. The devil won’t be able to hold them back if they decide to leave.
  3. The tail of the naked man has fire. It represents lust.
  4. The tail of the naked woman ends in the shape of grapes. It represents addiction.
  5. The deep gaze of the devil represents how the devil uses fear and intimidation to hypnotize others and cloud their judgement. 
  6. The black background represents confusion. 

Significance of the Devil Tarot Card – What Does it Tell You?

As we have already mentioned, a devil tarot card means that something evil is holding you back. That evil could be a person (even you), addiction to substances, and even greed.

The devil tarot card stands for:

  1. Materialism.
  2. Manipulation.
  3. Greed.
  4. Addiction.
  5. Obsession for money, power, and sex.
  6. Toxic desires.

The significance of this card is that it gives out a warning that something is standing in your path to happiness and success. 

General Overview of the Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card

Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card in Business and Career

When the devil tarot card shows in business reading, it indicates quite a lot of things. Have a look!

  1. It’s telling you that somebody is badmouthing you to ruin your reputation.
  2. It’s indicating that you’re a workaholic and you need a break and enjoy other pleasures of life. 
  3. It also indicates that you might have some sort of addiction that’s blocking your path of getting a promotion.
  4. The devil tarot card also means that you don’t like your job at all. But you’re not doing anything to get out of your misery because you’re too scared to make a move and aim for a change.
  5. It might also be an indication that you are doing something illegal to make a successful career. 

Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card in Relationships 

The devil tarot card indicates a toxic relationship. When you get this card in your readings, here’s what it means:

  1. It means that you’re trapped in a toxic relationship.
  2. You are scared to leave your partner out of fear.
  3. You, or your partner, are continuing the relationship just for the sake of lust, ego, and/or money.
  4. Your partner is controlling and even abusive. 

If you’re single and the devil tarot card appears in your love reading, it means that you might find yourself stuck in a toxic relationship soon. 

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning in Health

When the devil tarot card pops up during one of your health readings, it means that the devil is warning you. 

Except for serious health problems if:

  • You have an unhealthy lifestyle and you eat a lot.
  • You indulge in unsafe sex.
  • You do drugs.
  • You take a lot of stress.

In every single scenario, your health will be seriously affected. 

5 Things that the Devil is Trying to Tell You 

Getting the devil tarot card is more of a sort of warning. When it shows up in a reading, it means that the devil is trying to tell you the following things.

  1. It’s about time to move out of a toxic relationship.
  2. It’s time to switch jobs and do something that you like instead. 
  3. What’s standing between you and success could be your: ego, excessive pride, and even substance abuse. 
  4. If you still don’t make a change, your health will rapidly go downhill.
  5. Your judgment is clouded and you’re not being able to tell right from wrong and good from the bad. 

Did you know that the meaning is the devil tarot card changes if it shows upside down during a reading? In this particular case, the devil is telling you to not resist temptation, and give in. That’s the only way out is what it’s trying to tell you.

Concluding Thoughts:

The devil tarot card is all about greed, ego, obsession, manipulation, and pride. Yet, the card doesn’t mean a bad omen. What it instead means is a warning. The card is trying to warn you about the possible dangers and is urging you to make changes.

We hope that this guide has helped you understand the true nature of the devil and also the fact that the devil in your life could be you, your family, and even your friends. So, the next time you get this card in your readings, do keep this guide in mind so that you can protect yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does the devil card mean in astrology?

When the Devil card appears upright in a Tarot reading, it represents downfall, unanticipated failure, disagreement, violence, disaster, an irritable individual, and bizarre or unusual occurrences. The Devil card warns you to be passionate and ambitious rather than restrained.

2. What does the devil tarot card mean in love?

In a love tarot reading, the Devil represents lust and temptation. With this card, there can be a sense of hedonism and a selfish drive for fulfilment. It can also simply mean pursuing all of life’s worldly pleasures in less serious conditions.

3. What does the devil signify?

The most powerful spirit of evil, frequently capitalised. 2: a bad spirit, such as a demon or a fiend. 3: a person who is evil or vicious.

4. What does the devil mean in a relationship?

The Devil is a symbolic portrayal of things that keep you “bound,” such as restricting behaviours or mental patterns, or something external, such as a bad relationship or an addiction.

5. What kind of word is devil?

A devilish beast. (the demon or devils) Satan is the most powerful devil. The negative aspect of one’s conscience; the polar opposite of the angel. A wicked or malicious person, or someone who exudes wild, spirited energy, particularly in a mischievous manner; generally applied to a young child.