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Dream about seeing yourself Crying? | Know what Astrology has to say about It

Dream about seeing yourself Crying? | Know what Astrology has to say about It

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Have you ever dreamt of yourself crying? Is crying in your dreams a reflection of the feelings you’re feeling in real life?

Tears reveal a person’s feelings and reveal his or her emotions to the rest of the world. When a person is thinking about something or someone, they become teary-eyed. And expressing grief via tears is one of the simplest and most effective ways to alleviate internal pain. As a result, crying helps a person help himself or herself by releasing the emotional load that has been hiding in the head.

But what does it mean when you dream that you’re crying?  Crying in a dream, according to astrology, could mean a multitude of things.

Let’s have a look at some of the dream’s meaning as per astrology :-

  1. If you find yourself crying in your dream, it could imply that you want to tell someone or a group of people about your feelings. This can include suppressed rage, grief, joy, misery, or ecstasy, among other emotions. The emotions inside you may suffocate you if you don’t find a way to express them, and you may wake up teary-eyed.

  • If you have been injured by someone’s words or actions, you may see yourself crying in your dream to convey your pain. It could also indicate that you are a naturally emotional person who is often overwhelmed by situations.

  • Crying in a dream could also mean that you need to express your sentiments or concerns to those who matter most to you. If this isn’t the case, such dreams may indicate that you’re depressed. And, because depression is not conducive to living a healthy life, you must fight to overcome it.

Please note, that if you’re the type that breaks down when they see someone crying in a movie, a dream involving crying shouldn’t alarm you.