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Best 40 Hilarious Duck Puns and Jokes That You Will Love

Best 40 Hilarious Duck Puns and Jokes That You Will Love

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In case you have been searching for “Best Duck Puns and Jokes” or Duck Jokes One Liner, then you are at the right place.

Are you engaged in a never-ending search for duck puns that are absolutely hilarious for every occasion? Anticipate to engage in a dash of eggs-citement. We have compiled an extraordinary collection of duck quips and puns that are certain to make you quake with laughter.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Duck Jokes. Let us explore

Duck Puns for Instagram And Duck Puns Questions

Most ducks live in what state? Duckota.

What do you call movies that ducks like to watch? Duck-umentaries.

Why don’t ducks like reading directions? They prefer to wing it.

What’d the duck say when he dropped his plate? “I hope I didn’t quack it!”

Where do tough ducks come from? Hard-boiled eggs. Why do ducks like campfires?

They love seeing them quackle at night.

What did the cow tell the duck when she heard she won the lottery? “You lucky duck!”

What do you call a clever duck? A wise quacker.

Why did the duck have to go to the auto shop? His windscreen was quacked!

Why do ducks lay eggs? If they dropped them, they would break.

What do you call a crate that’s filled with a bunch of ducks? A box of quackers!

What did the detective say to his partner? “Let’s quack this case!”

Which musician do ducks listen to the most? Drake.

What do you call a crazy duck? A wacky duck!

What kind of eggs do bad ducks lay? Deviled eggs.

What do you call it when it’s raining chickens and ducks? Fowl weather.

Why did the duckling almost fall on the sidewalk? She tripped on a quack.

Why did the duck go to the bank? She wanted to get more bills.

Where do ducks find out the forecast? On The Feather Channel!

Why do ducks always get kicked out of water polo matches? Because they make major water fowls!

Why do ducks make the best detectives? Because they always seem to quack the case!

Where do duck monks live? In the mo-nest-ery.

What is a duck’s go-to Halloween costume? Count Quack-ula!

Why did the duck leave the pond? Because it was filled with coots and loons!

Who is MI6’s best duck agent? James Pond!

Why was the duck destined for a life of crime? Because he came from a rotten egg!

What do you call a reptile who eats a duck? A quack-odile!

Why did the mallard’s supervisor give him a good review? Because he was always a pro-duck-tive employee!

What did Darth Vader duck say to his fallen plumage? I am your feather!

Why was the duck hired on the spot? His qualifications fit the bill!

Why did the duck have to travel with his goose cousin to Brazil? He didn’t speak portu-geese!

What do you call a devout duck? A bird of pray!

Why did the duck need a repairman after the hailstorm? His window was quacked!

What is the ideal career for a duck? Webb design!

How do ducks make sure they stay hydrated? They always keep a waddle bottle in hand!

Why did the duck stay indoors on a Saturday? Fowl weather was forecasted.

Did you hear that the rubber ducky won the swimming race? He just barely squeaked past the finish line.

Why should diving ducks always wear swim trunks? Because otherwise you might see their butt quack!

Where do ducks always go to self-diagnose their symptoms? WebbMD

What did the rubber duck say when he was in a hurry? Let’s get quackin’!

Why do mallards always wear sunscreen? They don’t want to become a roast duck!

The early bird always gets the worm. That’s why ducks wake up at the quack of dawn!