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In which direction should we sit while having food? Vastu Shastra has the answer

In which direction should we sit while having food? Vastu Shastra has the answer

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As per Vastu Shastra, there is a specific direction, one must sit while eating the food.  Sitting in the wrong way, according to Vastu shastra, can result in a variety of health issues.

Which way do you prefer to eat?

According to Vastu, the direction one sits while eating has both positive and negative effects on one’s health and physique. Let us know the exact direction one should face and eat for leading a happy and healthy life.

East: In Ayurvedic scriptures, it has been advised to eat food facing the eastern direction. This results in a long life.  Facing East direction while eating also removes disease and mental stress. It also helps in the proper digestion of food, enhances the body’s digestive fire thus enabling a person to be hale and hearty.

North: Eat with your back to the north if you want to receive money, knowledge, and spiritual strength. Eating in this manner is advantageous to students and young people who are pursuing careers.

West: This is thought to be the profitable direction. People in business, working people, and those who do mental work should eat food facing west direction.

South: The direction of Yama is thought to be to the south. It’s not harmful to eat food in this direction. People with living parents, on the other hand, should avoid eating in this direction. When you eat in a group, there is no influence in either direction.


The dining room should be in the house’s west direction, according to Vastu Shastra. It has a positive effect. Eating in this zone satisfies all food requirements and offers nourishment, resulting in good health.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can we sit facing south at home?

When dining, it is recommended to face east or west. During meals, the family’s leader should face east. Other family members can face east, north, or west, however facing south is not recommended. If you want to put a refrigerator in the dining room, the southeast is the best direction to go.

2. In which direction we should not face while eating?

If your work involves legal problems, armed forces, or the like, you can surely sit in a home office facing south. If you work with money or its management, though, you should avoid sitting with your face to the south.

3. Can we face south while cooking?

When cooking, avoid facing south, according to Vastu, as this can lead to financial problems. When cooking, the optimum direction to face is east.

4. Which direction should face while eating?

While eating, facing east or north-east ensures excellent health. East  : In Ayurvedic scriptures, it has been advised to eat food facing the eastern direction. This results in long life.  Facing East direction while eating also removes disease and mental stress. It also helps in the proper digestion of food, enhances the body’s digestive fire thus enabling a person to be hale and hearty.