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Foods to Eat and Avoid Based on Your Zodiac Decoded: Find Out What Food Astrology Says About You!

Foods to Eat and Avoid Based on Your Zodiac Decoded: Find Out What Food Astrology Says About You!

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Food astrology is an elemental connection between human health and zodiac signs. The 4 categories of zodiac signs are Fire Signs, Water signs, Air Signs, and Earth Signs. You can read about the Fire Signs and Water Signs food astrology in our other guide. In this guide, we will specifically be covering the Air signs and the Earth signs. Dive in to find out the right foods to eat and avoid based on your zodiac!

3 Air Signs in Astrology and Their Connection With Food

Gemini zodiac sign, Libra zodiac sign, and Aquarius zodiac sign are the 3 air signs in astrology. 

Food Astrology for Gemini Zodiac Sign 

Mercury has the ownership of the Gemini zodiac sign. A weak or debilitated Mercury can cause health problems such as nervous disorders, lung disorders, and chest disorders. 

  1. Foods to avoid according to your zodiac sign – Being an air sign, avoiding a few root vegetables like potatoes are recommended. According to food astrology, you should also avoid coffee, refined sugar, alcohol, and yeasty foods
  2. Foods to eat according to your zodiac signSpinach is the show-stealer for the Gemini zodiac sign. You should also consume citrus foods like lemons, oranges, plums, and grapes. Also, eating green beans, tomatoes, and lettuce is a must. 

Food Astrology for Libra Zodiac Sign 

Venus has the rulership of the Libra zodiac sign in astrology. A weak or debilitated Venus can cause health disorders related to reproductive health and genitals, eye disorders related to vision, skin diseases, and throat problems. 

  1. Foods to avoid according to your zodiac sign – Libra-borns should completely exclude alcohol, carbonated drinks, and sugar and starch from their diet. Also, try to limit meat, spicy food, and yeasty food as much as you can. 
  2. Foods to eat according to your zodiac signAsparagus and Citrus foods like tomatoes, grapes, apples, and oranges are necessary since they’re excellent for reproductive health. Oats, wheat, and corn are also recommended for Libra-borns. 

Food Astrology for Aquarius Zodiac Sign 

Saturn has the ownership of Aquarius-borns. A weak or debilitated Saturn can inflict health problems related to bones and joints, eyes, skin, and ears.

  1. Foods to avoid according to your zodiac sign – Aquarius zodiac sign individuals should stop the consumption of coffee and refined sugar completely.
  2. Foods to eat according to your zodiac signFoods rich in sodium chloride like lettuce, and celery are must-have items since they can protect your ears, eyes, and skin. You should also eat citrus foods like pears, lemons, and tomatoes. 

3 Earth Signs in Astrology and Their Connection With Food 

Taurus zodiac sign, Virgo zodiac sign, and Capricorn zodiac sign are the 3 Earth Signs in astrology. 

Food Astrology for Taurus Zodiac Sign 

Venus has ownership of the Taurus zodiac sign. The health problems with Venus have already been explained under the Libra zodiac sign food astrology. 

  1. Foods to avoid according to your zodiac sign – Do not consume Carbs from Sugar and starch at all. Alcohol and spicy food wouldn’t do much good either. 
  2. Foods to eat according to your zodiac sign – You should eat asparagus, almonds, and spinach. Also, incorporate citrus fruits like cranberries and strawberries into your diet. 

Food Astrology for Virgo Zodiac Sign 

Mercury rules the Virgo Zodiac Sign. The health problems related to Mercury have been discussed under the food astrology for Gemini zodiac. Virgos can additionally suffer from skin problems and hair problems. 

  1. Foods to avoid according to your zodiac sign Red meat and chocolates are your biggest enemies. Also, try to exclude regular consumption of spicy food.
  2. Foods to eat according to your zodiac sign – You can largely benefit from foods rich in potassium sulphate such as kidney beans, legumes, soybeans, prunes, tomatoes, grapefruits, and oranges. Oats, fruit juices, and green vegetables are also important. 

Food Astrology for Capricorn Zodiac Sign 

Saturn is the ruling body of Capricorn-borns. Health problems related to Saturn have been listed under the section, food astrology for Aquarius Zodiac sign. 

  1. Foods to avoid according to your zodiac signAvoid bread, chocolates that contain refined sugar, and spicy food as much as possible. 

Foods to eat according to your zodiac signFruit salads and fruit juices will take you a long way. Also, incorporate lots of green vegetables into your diet. Milk, eggs, and cheese are also very important for the Capricorn zodiac.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the right Gemini diet?

Greens like spinach, green beans, and lettuce are necessary foods for the Gemini zodiac sign. Citrus foods that include lemons, plums, oranges, and grapes are also recommended.

2. What should a Gemini avoid eating?

Potatoes, alcohol, and yeasty foods are particularly nasty for you. Also, don’t drink a lot of coffee. Try to curb alcohol and refined sugar as well.

3. What are the foods that Libra should eat?

According to food astrology, the right Libra diet contains oats, wheat, corn, asparagus, and all kinds of citrus fruits that include oranges and apples.

4. What should a Libra not eat?

It is best for you to avoid alcohol, sugar, and carbonated drinks. Also, yeasty foods, extra spicy foods, and meat can cause harm if consumed frequently.

5. What is the correct Aquarius diet?

You should consume citrus foods regularly. Also, incorporate foods that contain sodium chloride. The best food items for you would be lettuce, celery, tomatoes, and pears.

6. What should the Aquarius zodiac avoid eating?

According to food astrology, coffee and refined sugar are very harmful to the Aquarius zodiac sign.

7. What is the correct Taurus diet?

Asparagus, spinach, citrus fruits, and almonds are must-have items in a Taurus diet.

8. What should a Taurus avoid eating?

Taurus-borns, according to food astrology, should not eat complex carbs from sugar and starch. Do not eat spicy food either.

9. What should a Capricorn eat?

Salads and fruit juices are very healthy for Capricorn-borns. You should also consume green leafy vegetables, milk, eggs, and cheese regularly.

10. What foods should you avoid if you are a Capricorn?

The Capricorn zodiac sign shouldn’t eat bread and spicy food. Also, steer clear of chocolates that contain refined sugar.

11. What is the correct Virgo diet?

A Virgo balanced diet should include kidney beans, prunes, tomatoes, and other foods that contain potassium sulphate. Green veggies, oats, and fruit juices are also recommended.

12. What should the Virgo zodiac avoid eating?

Virgos shouldn’t eat red meat and chocolates. Also, limit spicy food in your diet.