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45 Funny Forehead Jokes To Make You Laugh

45 Funny Forehead Jokes To Make You Laugh

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In case you have been searching for “Best Forehead Jokes” or Big Forehead Jokes for Instagram, then you are at the right place.

Similar to yo mama jokes, big forehead jokes have existed for centuries and continue to be a popular form of humor. These jokes can be both amusing and relatable, whether you have a large forehead yourself or know someone who does. From comparing someone’s forehead to a five-head or a billboard to suggesting that they use their forehead as a solar panel, there are countless opportunities for witty remarks.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Forehead Puns Pick Up Lines. Let us explore

Big Forehead Jokes for Instagram Captions And Forehead Puns Funny

Your forehead is so big that your State ID says “To Be Continued.”

Nobody has asked you to give them ‘head’ because they wouldn’t feel comfortable receiving such a big donation.

Your forehead is so massive that school teachers use it as a chalkboard.

Your forehead is so big that you wear a bed sheet for a bandana.

That’s one hell of a solar panel on your head, but you wear it great.

Your forehead is so big, that you could use it as a billboard.

Your head is so big that you don’t need to go to the cinema, you already dream in “wide screen”.

You could power the whole neighborhood if you attached a solar panel to your forehead.

The good news is that you could make a lot of money by selling billboard space on your forehead.

The good news is that if someone ever insults you, it will never go over your head, ever.

Your forehead looks like the bottom of a stingray that 4 fishermen are all trying to catch at the same time.

Your head is so big that underneath your passport photo it reads “to be continued on page 2”

Your head is so big that “lather, rinse, repeat” is just not an option.

Seriously, tell me, just how big is your pillow? No hang on, I bet that just buy a king sized mattress to lay your head on.

Your head is so big that you got booted from the stadium for blocking the skybox views.

Sponge Bob Squarehead.

Your head is so big, you could paint a target on the back of it and giants could use it as a dartboard.

Wow, you must have extremely strong shoulders.

Your head is so big that when it rains your body never gets wet. Ever.

Your forehead is so big, it gets home before you do.

Your forehead is so big that it has its own gravitational pull.

Your forehead is so big your inner thoughts echo.

Your head is so big the airlines charge you an extra $25 to bring it aboard.

Your forehead is so big your thoughts start on a Monday and don’t end until Sunday.

Your forehead is so big when you walk by I can’t see what’s in front of me.

Your forehead is so big it goes back to when Burger King was Burger Prince.

Your forehead is so big that it couldn’t handle an acute angle.

What does a big-headed kid want to become when he grows up? Headmaster.

Why do big-headed students hate Maths? It is way over their heads.

Remember the young child with a large head whom everyone called “Pumpkinhead?” Eventually, that boy’s body grew into his head and now everyone calls me “Pumpkinman.”

Why did the blonde have makeup on her forehead? Someone told her to make up her mind.

What is the biggest achievement of a mountain climber? Successfully climbing your forehead.

Why do big foreheaded people never go broke? They can always rent out parking spots on your forehead.

Your head is so massive that if you used it as a bowling ball, you would be guaranteed a strike everytime.

Your head is so big that people mistake you for a real life bobble head toy.

Your head is so large that I ran around it to train for my half marathon race.

Your head is so big that you need to be careful to stay away from needles and pins so it doesn’t pop.

Your head is so big that your left and right ears are in different time zones.

Your head is so big that the airlines have to charge you for extra baggage every time that you fly.

Your head is so big that the rest of your body will never get a tan.

Yo mama’s head is so big it shows up on radar.

Yo mama‘s head is so big you wear a bed sheet for a bandana.

Yo mama’s head is so big Goodyear is renting it out.

Yo mama’s head is so big there are mall directories on her ears.

Yo mama’s head is so big she washes her hair at Niagara Falls.

Yo mama’s forehead is so big the UN passed a bill declaring it a sovereign state.

Yo mama’s head is so big her AirPods are in different countries.