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Top 30 Funny Priest Jokes You Should Not Miss!

Top 30 Funny Priest Jokes You Should Not Miss!

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In case you have been searching for “Best Priest Jokes” or Priest Jokes for Instagram, then you are at the right place.

Religion rigidifies individuals as they adhere to their practises and beliefs. However, when addressing their congregations, the leaders of these institutions attempt to violate these norms. As long as they don’t offend their congregation, priests’ jokes serve as a form of rehabilitation.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Priest Jokes Puns Pick Up Lines. Let us explore

Priest Jokes for Instagram Captions And Priest Jokes Puns Funny

What’s similar between a priest and McDonalds? They both shove their meat inbetween 10 year old buns

What does a priest hold on to when having sex? He holds on to the schoolbag.

A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walked into a blood donation clinic. The nurse asked the rabbit, “What is your blood type?” “Maybe I am a type O,” said the rabbit. Oh, the rabbit was a typo.

Did you know that Matt Damon is religious? He’s a BOURNE Again Christian!

How is a Catholic priest like a Christmas tree? The balls are just for decoration.

Why did a dog enter the church in the middle of a religious mass? Because he was a German shepherd.

Why don’t skeletons play music at church? Cos’ they don’t have any organs.

Does light have mass? Of course not. It’s not even Catholic!

Need an ark to save two of every animal? I Noah guy.

Why can’t you find the letter X in Church? Because it was X-communicated.

What do you call a Catholic service that is very very important? Critical Mass.

Why do nuns go everywhere in pairs? To make sure the other nun gets none.

What do you get when you mix castor oil with holy water? A religious movement.

What kind of fun does a priest have? Nun.

What does a priest put on a salad? Lettuce spray.

Which Disney movie does the church mainly make little girls watch? Seven Deadly Sins and the Snow White?

Does Jesus eat M&Ms? No, because they keep falling through the holes in his hands.

A priest asked, do the nuns wear bras? No. God supports everything.

What do we call a Mexican fighting a priest? Definitely, it is an alien vs predator.

What happened to the guy who had to be exorcised? Well, he could not pay the priest, so he got repossessed.

What happened when Moses had a headache? God gave him some tablets.

If Eve sacrificed the human race for an apple, What would she do for a Klondike bar?

How can you tell if you’re in a gay church? Only half the congregation is kneeling.

Working for the Lord, don’t pay much, but the benefits are out of this world.

What do you call a detective from the reformation? Martin Sleuther

What Kind of bird runs the church? A cardinal!

Why can’t Anglicans play chess? Because they can’t tell a Bishop from a Queen.

Why did the priest giggle? Mass hysteria!

What’s a priest’s favorite food? Holy cheese

What’s the difference between Adam and Eve and everyone else? Parents.