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Going for A Tattoo? Know These Skin Tips for the Best Results

Going for A Tattoo? Know These Skin Tips for the Best Results

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So You have finally decided to go for a Tattoo!

Getting a tattoo can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, so once you’ve decided on the style and placement, you need to prepare your body for the procedure.

Here are some skincare tips, that will go a long way toward guaranteeing your comfort during and after the tattooing process.

Pre-Tattoo Procedure Tips

Before getting a tattoo, you must consider these 4 TIPS :

1. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine should not be consumed for at least 48 hours before getting a tattoo. Due to the fact that these medications are known to thin the blood, they could increase bleeding and make the procedure far more bloody than necessary.

2. Properly Hydrate Yourself

A week before getting a tattoo, drink at least 2 litres of water per day to stay hydrated. A well-hydrated body guarantees that the skin is elastic and resilient enough to withstand the pressure of the needle, especially if you have a lengthy session.

On the day of inkling, consume a substantial lunch and lots of water. Low food intake can lead to dizziness and low blood sugar, which can make the pain worse. When combined with anxiousness, these factors can diminish an otherwise memorable encounter.

3. Avoid Aspirin

Avoid taking pills such as aspirin 24 to 48 hours before getting tattooed. These medications also have a propensity to thin the blood and make bleeding easier, so unless absolutely essential, you should avoid taking them prior to your tattoo session.

4. Wear Loose Clothes

Ensure that your tattoo region is easily accessible and that your clothes is loose and breathable before heading to get inked. If it’s on your hands or legs, shorts and sleeveless tops will suffice. For more difficult regions, such as your back or midsection, ensure that your T-shirt can be pinned up simply.

Post Tattoo Procedure Tips

After your tattoo has been completed, following TIPS will help you maintain it properly.

1. Cover them Properly

As tattoos are indentations in the skin, they are especially susceptible to infection. Ensure that it is kept exceedingly clean. Cover your tattoo with a bandage or cling wrap until you arrive home from the tattoo studio. Wash your hands and the affected region with antibacterial soap and water after a few hours, then pat dry.

2. Apply  Moisturise

Apply the prescribed lotion, cream, oil, or petroleum jelly to the tattoo in accordance with the tattoo artist’s post-care instructions. It takes a few weeks to recover, therefore it requires moisture and protection during this time.

3. Avoid Soaking In

Although the tattooed area must be cleaned, it must not be submerged in water. A shower is acceptable for bathing, but bathtubs, jacuzzis, and swimming pools are strictly prohibited for several weeks. Your tattoo artist is the most qualified to judge when you can dive back in.

4. Wear Appropriate Clothing

No tight clothing for a few weeks after getting a tattoo, and always carry an umbrella when you leave the house. If your clothing is causing friction, wrap the area with a bandage to prevent further irritation.