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65 Funny Gorilla Jokes and Puns You Should Not Miss!

65 Funny Gorilla Jokes and Puns You Should Not Miss!

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In case you have been searching for “Best Gorilla Puns and Jokes” or Gorilla Jokes One Liner, then you are at the right place.

Humorous remarks that capitalize on the numerous associations and connotations of gorillas are known as “gorilla jokes.” The social behavior, habitat, physical prowess, intellect, and stature of gorillas, in addition to their general demeanor and intelligence, provide an abundance of material for puns. This article will examine jokes that are witty and cunning, lighthearted and absolutely hilarious.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Gorilla Jokes. Let us explore

Gorilla Puns for Instagram And Gorilla Jokes One-Liner

Gorillas are “jungle-vip”s.

Gorillas have a lot of “apetitude.”

A gorilla walks into a bar, the bartender says, “What can I get you?”

The gorilla says, “A banana daiquiri, extra “ape-alicious.”

Gorillas are great chess players because they always have a “checkmate.”

’m going apes over you!

Gorillas are the “king-kongs” of the jungle.

I was in a gorilla suit, but it’s “a-pilling” now.

Hey, want to hear a “banana” joke? Nevermind, it’s “ape-peeling.”

What is a gorilla’s favorite game? Monkey in the middle.

You’re “simply-great” just like a gorilla.

Gorillas are “ape”-piring leaders of the jungle.

Gorillas don’t get mad, they just go “bananas”.

Gorillas are among the “planet” of the apes.

The gorillas’ favorite type of music is “ape-hop.”

Gorillas are perfectly “ape-suited” for life in the jungle.

Gorillas win all the arm-wrestling competitions—they have “ape-peal.”

Gorillas love to monkey around on their days off.

Did you hear about the gorilla who was afraid of bananas? It was a-peeling.

Where do apes like to cook their sausages? On the gorilla.

What is just as big as a gorilla but literally weighs nothing? A gorillas shadow.

What did the gorilla wear when he was cooking in the kitchen? An ape-ron.

What do you call a gorilla playing quidditch? A hairy potter.

Did you hear about the 2 apes that kept fighting with each other? It was gorilla warfare.

What did the professional gorilla specialize in? Monkey business.

What is the hairiest side of a gorilla? The outside.

What is a gorillas favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate chimp.

Why did the advertisers hire a bunch of apes? They were running a gorilla marketing campaign.

Did you hear about the gorilla who loved listening to classical music? He was a silverbach.

Why did the gorilla have to visit the vet? She wasn’t peeling well.

Why should you never fight a Gorilla? They know king kong fu.

What sort of monkeys feel unwell? Gor-ill-as.

What is a gorillas second favorite fruit to eat behind bananas? Ape-ricots.

Why wasn’t King Kong able to climb to the top of the Empire State Building? He couldn’t quite fit in the elevator.

Did you hear about the extremely serious gorilla? She didn’t monkey around.

How do gorillas get down the stairs? They slide down the banana-ster.

What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite music band? The Gorillaz.

How do you fix a broken gorilla? With a monkey wrench.

Did you see the new YouTube channel that shows gorillas opening bananas? It’s super ape peeling.

What do you call a gorilla that’s always reading? A “book-ape-nerd”.

What’s a gorilla’s favorite holiday? Ape-ril Fools’ Day.

Why did the gorilla go to the gym? To get “ape-solutely” ripped.

What do you call a gorilla that loves to paint? An “art-ape-ist”.

Why did the gorilla go to the dentist? To get its “cav-ape-ty” filled.

What’s a gorilla’s favorite ice cream flavor? “Banana-split”.

What do you call a gorilla who’s always telling jokes? A “wise-ape”.

Why don’t gorillas ever use computers? They’re afraid of getting a “virus”.

What’s a gorilla’s favorite sport? “Ape-rugby”.

Why did the gorilla go to the theater? To see “King Kong”.

What do you call a gorilla who’s always singing? A “tune-ape”.

Why don’t gorillas ever eat spicy food? They can’t handle the “hot-pepper”.

What do you call a gorilla in a lion’s den? The lion’s “ape-petizer”.

What do you call a battery made of gorillas? A “cell-ape”.

Why was the gorilla embarrassed at the party? It didn’t know what to “a-pe”.

Why do gorillas make bad criminals? They keep leaving “urban” tracks.

What do you call a gorilla in a piano? A piano-“ape”.

How does a gorilla order dessert? “Can I have the bananas-flapjack, please?”

Why don’t gorillas ever ride bikes? Because they’re too “ape-heavy”.

What’s a gorilla’s favorite dessert? Banana-“split”.

What do you do when you see a gorilla wearing sunglasses? You “act like you don’t know him”.

What did the zookeeper say when he saw the gorilla feeding the lions? “Ape-tizers are for humans, not lions!”

Why don’t gorillas ever play hide-and-seek? They always get caught “ape-hand”.

Why did the gorilla go to the doctor? Because it was feeling “ape-ful.”

What does a gorilla do when it’s cold? It wears a “bananerchief”.

What’s a gorilla’s favorite musical group? The “Bango-Bango Boys”.

Why did the gorilla take a bath? It wanted to be “banana-fresh”.

What do you call a gorilla with a cold? A “sicky-ape”.