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Importance of courtship: Why do couples prefer courting before marriage?

Importance of courtship: Why do couples prefer courting before marriage?

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There was a time when men and women didn’t get to choose their life partners. They had to get married to anyone that their parents chose. 

In fact, your great grandparents might tell you how they didn’t even see their partner before getting married. It was tragic back in those times, but we are at a different age now. 

Courtship holds a lot of importance in today’s world. While live-in couples get to stay with each other, arranged marriage couples don’t get a lot of time to know each other. 

That’s precisely why courtship is important. There are many more reasons why it’s important. Let’s dive into this article as we will shed light on the importance of courtship before marriage. 

The Best Period to Woo Each Other

People think that only women need to be swept off their feet. What about men? Don’t men have desires in their hearts? They need to be wooed too! 

Men don’t want to be in a union where they aren’t appreciated or loved. Is it the man’s responsibility to shower all the love and not expect anything in return? 

The courtship period is a wooing period. You have to woo each other and find out whether you’re good together. 

This is also the time you can let your partner know about what you want from the relationship. Women think men want great sex, but their needs are quite simple – they need a stress-free life and a happy wife. 

If you keep complaining and nagging, the man’s going to go out and find another lady who makes him happy. 

Spending quality time together is important, especially before marriage. It will help you understand each other’s likes, dislikes, habits, and so on. 

Maybe you will like each other’s company. If you don’t, you still have the chance to call it quits and find the perfect fit. 

The courtship period is the time to express your true feelings, and it also gives you some time to prepare yourself for marriage. 

Marriage isn’t a fantasy or a fairytale

Things change after marriage. This is not to scare you, but as someone who is experienced, we can tell you that the courtship period is the best time for a couple. 

Life gets emotional as well as intense after marriage. Let the courtship period be the best time with each other. You are going to love yourself and live a little more. 

This is the best time to understand each other and also get to know about each other’s past. Your partner won’t tell you all about their past in the first meeting. It takes time to open, thus, let this courtship period be about getting to know each other’s past. 

The courtship period will also tell you whether you should continue with the same person or let go. Sometimes, we get bored or turned off by the partner’s behavior. You can’t see a person once and get married to them within a week. The courtship period will give you a chance to know how the person truly is from the inside. 

Yes, the man earns very well and he looks like Brad Pitt. The woman has the perfect body and Angelina Jolie’s lips. Is that all you need in your life partner? The answer’s NO! You need a lot more in your partner. 

Understanding, care, love, respect, loyalty, and other qualities are needed in a partner. The courtship period will help you to understand your partner – who they are as a person. 

Understanding the Perks of Courtship Period

Now that you are aware of certain perks of the courtship period, we wouldn’t want to end it right here. 

There is more you need to know about the courtship period. 

  1. Firstly, it is meant for building a romantic relationship with your future wife/husband. 
  2. Some couples will enjoy this time, while others will have a hard time making things work. 
  3. When it comes to love, it shouldn’t be very hard. If it takes effort to talk to each other or have a good time, your heart belongs to someone else you’ve not found yet. You get the luxury to realize it before getting married only when you court your current partner first. Later on, it’s either compromise or divorce that are your options.

The courtship period can be 6-months long, but sometimes it can be 3-4 years long as well. Some couples stay in relationships for several years and then get married. 

But the courtship period is important because you’re finally getting to know what the person is like as a partner. You get to know about their strengths, weaknesses, annoying habits (and whether you can make your peace with those habits), and their hidden talents. 

Are they likable as a person? Will they fit into your family? Are they great to be with? You need to find answers to these questions during the courtship period. 

Concluding Thoughts 

Getting married is a big decision. If you aren’t sure about your partner and their flaws, you need to rethink the decision. 

Good looks won’t last forever. Marrying a good person who is compatible with you is absolutely necessary. 

Don’t think that you will ‘make it work.’ How long can you make it work? 

You need the kind of love that’s effortless, pure, and joyous. So, take this courtship period very seriously, dear friend!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is courtship important?

It helps you get excited about your spouse, love, and the relationship you’re about to embark on. The courtship stage allows you to express your thoughts without having to say them out loud, as well as give you and your partner time to prepare for a wonderful new relationship.

2. What is the concept of courtship?

Courting is the stage of a romantic relationship while the pair is dating. Before agreeing to marry, most couples go through a courtship period. Courtship is a quaint term that implies that two individuals who adore each other will eventually marry.

3. Is courtship still relevant today?

Nonetheless, courtship is no longer a crucial part of current American culture; the phrase itself has become archaic and out of date. Courtship traditions in twentieth-century America have been documented by social historians such as Beth Bailey and Ellen Rothman.

4. What are examples of courtship?

The term “courtship” refers to the period of dating before deciding to marry. The time when a young couple dates before getting engaged is an example of courting.