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Imran Khan Horoscope Analysis: Birth Chart, Zodiac Sign and Political Career

Imran Khan Horoscope Analysis: Birth Chart, Zodiac Sign and Political Career

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Imran Khan Horoscope Details

Horoscope Chart 

Imran Khan Birth Chart

Planetary Combinations

Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, was born with the Scorpio ascendant. Scorpio is a fixed-natured water sign ruled by Mars, who is forceful. Scorpions are passionate people that strive hard to achieve their goals. Natives are harmed by their own people and refuse to accept defeat. Natives have a reputation for being harsh on others. Mars, the Ascendant’s ruler, is exalted in Capricorn and in the third house, along with Rahu, the malefic shadow planet. This motivates Imran Khan to take risks in order to improve his overall prospects.

Malefic Ketu is in the ninth house and is in the water sign Cancer. The ninth house’s ruler, the Moon, is in Aquarius and is in the fourth house. Strong Raj Yoga is supported by this position. Wise ruler of the third and fourth houses Saturn is in the eleventh house and is in the dual natured earth sign Virgo. This position offers the possibility of financial gain. Mercury, ruler of the eleventh and eighth houses, is retrograde and is camped in the first house with the strong Sun, ruler of the tenth house. As a result of this job, you develop an impressive personality. Benevolent Jupiter is in charge of the fifth and second houses. Jupiter is in the sixth house and is in the fiery sign of Aries. Venus rules the seventh and twelfth houses. Venus is in the second house, in the dual natured last of the fire signs Sagittarius.

Saturn remains in the same sign as in the birth chart Virgo in the Navmansha D9 chart, leading to being “Vargottami” and gaining power. Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, was born during Rahu’s malefic era. He is currently influenced by the Venus major period. Jupiter, the beneficent planet, has entered the fixed water sign of Scorpio. Jupiter is now transiting the first house. Jupiter crosses over the radical position of the great Sun and crafty retrograde Mercury positioned in the first house during its transit through the first house. This effort is expected to help him advance his political aspirations. The common guy will applaud his actions. Imran Khan will benefit from the efforts of progressive forces right now. Jupiter’s beneficent movement will help him improve his reputation as a mature politician.

Astrological Highlights

Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan, is one of the country’s most well-known politicians. He is a former international cricketer with humanitarian ventures such as Namal College and the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre to his name. Imran Khan was born into an upper-middle-class Pashtun family in Lahore, Punjab, and received his education at Oxford’s Keble College. Prior to becoming a politician, he began playing cricket at the age of 18 and remained a member of his squad until 1992, when he served as captain and led his team to victory in the 1992 Cricket World Cup. Imran also serves as the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) (PTI).

Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, is well-known for his humanitarian activities as UNICEF’s Special Representative for Sports. He pushed health and immunisation programmes in nations such as Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Imran’s political outlook is based on poet-philosopher Muhammad Iqbal and Iranian writer-sociologist Ali Shariati. Across Pakistan’s political landscapes, Imran has a persona as a populist and a patriot.

Wily Saturn is in the fire sign of Sagittarius for the entire year of 2018 and 2019. During Saturn’s transit through the second house, he crosses the radical position of Venus, who is also stationed in the second house. Transiting Saturn is paying attention to its own radical position in the eleventh house, as well as the radical position of the Moon in the fourth house. This Saturn transit appears to be a difficult period for Imran Khan. He must use extreme caution when it comes to his health. When making a political speech, one must carefully select his words. He needs to stay away from courtroom drama. Things may not be going well in his personal life or with his family. Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, must exercise extreme caution when dealing with financial matters. Saturn enters Sagittarius in March 2019, accompanied by the malefic shadow planet Ketu. Saturn then moves through the ninth house in opposition to Rahu, the malefic planet. This could lead to a health problem for him. For Imran Khan, the overall journey of Saturn will be eventful and hard.

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