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Justice as Yes or No – A Complete Guide

Justice as Yes or No – A Complete Guide

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Justice represents truth, law, and equity. While seated in her throne, Justice grasps a sword and balanced scales in opposite hands. She embodies the concepts of impartiality and karmic retribution. Equilibrium is maintained by Justice as she assesses the truth of a circumstance using her scales. Just punishments are meted out by Justice via her sword to those who have committed wrongdoing against others.

A reminder that whatever you sow will likewise come back to haunt you is justice. While we may temporarily evade consequences for our prejudiced actions, such defiance will not enable us to evade condemnation in the long run. Although life may present you with challenging circumstances, remember that in the long run, you will be rewarded for doing the right thing. Appreciating the spirit of justice enables us to embody the virtues of optimism and benevolence.

Justice as Yes or No – Upright

If you are posing a yes-or-no query and you draw Justice, your actions will determine whether it indicates a yes or no. Justice functions as a reminder that one receives what one sows. Although it may be possible to temporarily evade consequences for our unjust actions, such evasion will not endure indefinitely. Regardless of the obstacles you may face, keep in mind that doing what you believe to be right will ultimately serve your best interests.

In matters pertaining to love, Justice responds affirmatively when queried whether one should undertake a romantic relationship in a just manner. This card signifies the truth, so long as you are not performing an act, it is a positive indication. Maintain a positive attitude and your authentic self while treating others with kindness. Additionally, have faith that the universe will administer retribution to those who exploit or offend you.

In career inquiries that require a binary response (yes or no), Justice responds affirmatively. Everything that has transpired thus far has culminated in this instant; karma is on your side. Your commitment to integrity and courtesy will ultimately result in professional advancement. Those in your vicinity have recognized your well-balanced demeanor and approach to work, and are now prepared to bestow upon you the reward for which you have laboriously strived.

Regarding prospective and existing relationships, Justice is a resounding affirmative. Your prospective partner has been complimenting the delightful and honest personality that you have been exhibiting. They appear to be captivated by your positive aura; they seem to be unable to get enough of you! This is an excellent indication of a robust relationship. Be mindful, however, that your behavior will have an immediate impact on how your partner perceives you, so maintain your finest conduct.

Regarding established relationships, Justice is ambivalent. Your partner’s affection for you is directly proportional to your treatment of them thus far. They will reciprocate your kindness, affection, and fairness if you have treated them in the same manner. However, should one exhibit controlling, disrespectful, and unjust behavior, the recipient may perceive the germ of animosity germinating. Conscious of the fact that what goes around will come around, maintain a relationship with your companion in which you wish to be treated yourself.

Justice responds negatively when asked about reconciliation with a former partner. Your ex is aware that the relationship ought to have ended sooner. Although they do not retain any animosity or negative sentiments towards you, they are cognizant of the fact that attempting to salvage the relationship could potentially foster those very sentiments. It is advisable to maintain the status quo, given that the situation between you two concluded amicably. While bad blood does not exist between you two, romantic sentiments have ceased to exist as well.

Justice as Yes or No – Reversed

When posed with a yes or no query, a reversed Justice signifies a negative response. As this card represents justice, its inversion signifies that you have engaged in activities beyond your authorized authorization. Unfairness and injustice lurk in some aspect of your existence, and they will inevitably surface. Prior to moving forward, you must rectify your wrongdoings; otherwise, they will strike you even harder in the future.

When the response to a love query is either yes or no, Justice inverted signifies the negative. In the past, you have evaded responsibility for your actions and demonstrated a tendency to flee from the situation. Even if it is difficult to do so, if you wish to make amends with those you have wronged in the past, you must retract your actions and admit your error. Such is the sole viable course of action in progress.

In career inquiries that require a binary response (yes or no), the inverted justice signifies the negative. Your previous performance has been inadequate, and you have been attributing failures to others rather than accepting responsibility. Honesty and accountability are virtues that are highly esteemed, and to achieve success, one must initially examine one’s own actions. Consider the actions you have taken in the past or have been taking and identify your mistakes. Realize that making errors is perfectly acceptable; however, attributing them to innocent individuals is not.

Regarding prospective and existing relationships, Justice Reversed is unsuitable. Just as life can be unjust, this card serves as a representation of that. It is conceivable that you are the one being treated unjustly in your relationship, rather than the other person. Injustice can operate in both directions. Evaluate whether you have been behaving impolitely towards your companion and attend to any consequences that may have ensued as a result. Likewise, if your companion has been engaging in mistreatment towards you, this serves as an indication for you to confront them. Without resolving these issues, you will be unable to maintain an enduring relationship due to the unbalanced dynamic.

Regarding established relationships, the reversal of justice is not acceptable. This card signifies the neglect of addressing and nurturing negative emotions. A minor miscommunication that occurred a month ago has now escalated into a profound animosity between you and your partner. There is an imbalance in the relationship, which could be attributed to either one of you or your companion. Alternatively, this card could represent infidelity and dishonesty in the relationship, which would be the result of your constant state of imbalance. Instead of placing responsibility on yourself, take action in the direction of what you believe is necessary to restore functionality.

When asked about reconciliation with a former partner, Justice Reversed unequivocally declined. They harbor resentment regarding how your relationship concluded. They maintain the belief that you have committed some sort of wrongdoing against them and have no intention of contacting you in any capacity. The problems in your relationship are met with criticism, and it appears that neither of you is willing to accept responsibility for your errors. The possibility of reconciliation is remote for the two of you.

Final Words

In regard to emotions and relationships, Justice illuminates the karmic and cyclical nature of life and love. It is said that generous giving will be rewarded in abundance. The concept of justice serves as a reminder to cultivate acts of loving benevolence, as our actions mirror the results we achieve. By capitalizing on Justice’s impartial and equitable disposition, we can enhance our capacity to support one another in interpersonal connections. Through the demonstration of compassion and empathy, one will attract love and positivity into their existence.