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Kalathra Dosha: The Reason Why Your Marital/Romantic Life Is Not Up to The Mark Yet

Kalathra Dosha: The Reason Why Your Marital/Romantic Life Is Not Up to The Mark Yet

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Some planets are regarded as “paap grahas” in Vedic astrology, meaning evil planets, such as the Sun, Mars, Ketu, and Rahu. When these planets are posited in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th houses from the Lagna (moon), this period is known as the kalathra dosham period, leading to Kalathra Dosha. 

In such a situation, the quality of the marital and romantic life of husband and wife depends highly on Venus and Mars. 

What is Kalathra Dosham?

The term Kalathra refers to any romantic partner, especially a spouse. Kalathra Dosham is the 7th house in a horoscope. 

A successful and happy marriage requires a connection between the 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses in the horoscope. The absence of this connection can be the reason behind a couple’s delayed marriage. 

Additionally, marital life can become complicated and unhealthy due to the effects of malefic planets in the 7th house. It can even result in a divorce

Kalathra Dosham, or Kathira Dosha, is among the main reasons behind delayed or no marriage. Usually, the 2nd, 7th, or 11th houses determine Kalathra Dosham, but mostly it’s the 7th house. 

The 7th house is vital for all aspects of marital life, including but not limited to pleasure, survival or romantic partners, marital harmony, healthy relationship, sexual relationship, progeny, and parting. 

Kalathra Karaka, on the other hand, is different for both genders:

  1. In the female horoscope, it is Jupiter.
  2. In the male horoscope, it is Venus.

It is vital to examine Kalathra Dosha charts before and after marriage because it relates to all sorts of marital issues. 

The Main Effects of Kalathra Dosham

As already discussed, Kalathra Dosham has a massive impact on marital and romantic life. Here is a list of some of the maleficent effects of Kalathra Dosham on marriage and romantic relationships:

Unhealthy Marriage

Kalathra Dosham can make marital life a living hell where partners constantly engage in fights. They’re suffocated and feel entrapped. These regular conflicts can make the marriage completely miserable. 

Delayed or Postponed Marriage

Everybody wants their marriage to happen on time. Kalathra Dosham can be a very serious barrier in the way of timely marriage. If a couple is already engaged, their wedding can get postponed due to the effects of Kalathra Dosham. 

Loss of Partners 

Among the most severe and frightening effects of this Dosha is the loss of a lover or partner. Kalthra Dosham can literally lead to the death of a partner. 

Difficulty Finding Suitable Romantic Partners

The presence of Kalathra Dosham in your horoscope or Kundli can make finding a suitable partner extremely hard, almost impossible, for you. 

You may find a partner, but he or she won’t be emotionally and mentally the right person for you. 

Joyless Marital Life

The sole purpose of marriage is to achieve peace and happiness in life. Marriage is supposed to make your life easier, and not the other way around. 

Kalathra Dosham can deteriorate your marriage and suck out all the pleasure and peace from it. 

Unhealthy Family Dynamics 

With all its effects on your marital life and your search for a suitable partner, Kalathra Dosham can also disturb your familial life. It can leave you unable to express your emotions and feelings; thereby, making your family life extremely tense. 

Hateful Family Members

The absence of love can sometimes make one hateful. Since Kalathra Dosham is clearly devoid of love, it builds up hatred and resentment among family members.  

Why Does Kalathra Dosham Ruin Relationships?

Shukra (Venus), the son of Sage Bhrigu and the most eminent star in the sky, is regarded as the true epithet of love, beauty, charm, and positive emotions in Vedic astrology. 

The presence of a powerful Shukra in your horoscope can make your life full of romance, love, beauty, and other heavenly blessings. A weak Shukra can have the opposite effects and even lead to the death of your romantic interest. 

If you wonder what makes Kalathra Dosham so powerful, here is why:

  1. Both Mars and Venus are mighty stars. These two stars can have tremendous effects on your marital life when placed together. If Mars and Venus exchange their positions in a female’s horoscope, this will lead to infidelity. The female will develop an attachment and taste for other men, which will ruin her marriage and her familial happiness. In order for such tendencies to not arise, the house of chastity (the 4th house) and its lord must not be afflicted with the Sun or Jupiter. 
  2. Mars, if present in the 7th house, can lead to the death of a romantic partner. If in a male’s horoscope, Sun and Rahu are placed in the 7th house, it can also lead to the death of the male’s wife or romantic partner. 
  3. The 7th house is highly related to and affected by the Sun. The presence of the Sun, Ketu, and Rahu in the 7th house can lead to financial problems, mainly due to the wife’s ill health or bad ways. 

The Cure Against Kalathra Dosha

Now that you know about the afflictions of Kalathra Dosham, you may be wondering about possible remedies. Having a kalathra dosham tamil expert on your side can save you from the adverse effects of Kalathra Dosha. 

You can get help from an expert and reliable astrologer to see if your horoscope has Kalathra Dosha. There are several mantras for such situations that can help you combat this Dosha. 

Finding the right loving partner is one of the main concerns of youth in today’s competitive world. Many people commit the mistake of not waiting for the right time and then regret it their whole life. 

Concluding Thoughts:

The Kalathra Dosha has powerful effects on both men and women. Understanding Kalathra Dosha can save your marital life and help you lead a long-lasting happy life.