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How To Make Yourself Throw Up Easily? Here are 5 Most Easy Ways How to Throw Up

How To Make Yourself Throw Up Easily? Here are 5 Most Easy Ways How to Throw Up

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If you ingest anything toxic or hazardous and begin to feel sick, your body is alerting you that something is incorrect and must be expelled. One of the methods to accomplish this is to throw up.

Although vomiting can bring relief, it should only be used as a last resort. Consult a physician before attempting this, as induced vomiting may cause damage to the body.

In this article, we take a look at 5 Most easy ways how to make yourself throw up easily:-

5 Most Easy ways How to Throw Up

Using Your Finger

Pushing your finger across your tongue and down your throat will help induce vomiting. When your finger touches the base of your tongue, your body reacts by producing a gag reflex. This makes you feel nauseated and causes you to vomit.

Drink Warm Salt Water

Add one or two teaspoons of salt to a glass of hot water. Ingest this salt water in a single gulp. It may take 25 to 30 minutes to induce vomiting, but you can speed up the process by using your finger. Salt contains sodium. Excess sodium can disrupt your body’s natural electrolyte balance and lead you to vomit seawater.


A teaspoon of salt should be added to a glass of warm water. Gargle the solution for at least ten minutes with the head tilted slightly forward. Gargling with warm water promotes vomiting by activating the gag reflex. However, gargling must be vigorous. Additionally, salt can be added to the warm water gargle to expedite the procedure.

Use A Toothbrush

The toothbrush can also be used to induce vomiting. This procedure is particularly useful if you are uncomfortable with inserting your finger down your throat. You can rub your toothbrush on the back of your tongue and nearly immediately vomit. The toothbrush triggers a gag reflex that induces vomiting.

Think About Vomiting

Thinking about vomiting and anything that makes you nauseous induces vomiting. When you concentrate on the sights, smells, and sounds that make you nauseous, you experience nausea and the want to vomit.

How to Vomit Safely to Avoid Health Issues

To safely vomit and avoid discomfort or major consequences, you should:

Thoroughly wash your Hands

Handwashing is essential for preventing the spread of germs and other microbes to the throat, which can lead to diseases such as tonsillitis.

Kneel before the Toilet

Kneeling in front of the toilet is one of the safest and most pleasant postures for vomiting. You should avoid applying excessive pressure to the stomach since this can exacerbate the discomfort.

Insert your finger into your Throat

There is a spot in the front of the throat that, when pressed, can trigger the vomiting reflex. To access it, stick your finger in your mouth and lightly press the area behind your tongue, where your throat begins. Some individuals may need to repeat the procedure two or three times before they can vomit, as the brain may attempt to block the signal the first few times.

Consume one cup of Water

It is important to drink a cup of water after vomiting to eliminate any extra stomach acid from the stomach walls. This can minimise gastrointestinal irritation and inflammation caused by acid.

Delay thirty minutes before brushing your Teeth

Although you may feel compelled to wash your teeth soon after vomiting, it is preferable to simply gargle and rinse with water. The teeth will be extremely sensitive after being exposed to stomach acid, and tooth brushing may exacerbate discomfort. You should wait around 30 minutes after vomiting before brushing your teeth.

Side Effects Of Induced Vomiting

There are always risks and adverse effects associated with induced vomiting. Repeatedly causing vomiting may result in the following adverse effects:

• Your body may become susceptible to vomiting, and you may have persistent nausea.

• You may have dehydration and electrolyte loss, as your body loses significant amounts of water and electrolytes when you vomit.

• Stomach acid may cause tooth and oral erosion. Occasionally, you may have a foul taste and oral sores that cause discomfort and redness.

• You may experience acid reflux or ulcers requiring medical treatment. Additionally, you may feel abdominal pain, headaches, and body aches.

• You may develop bulimia, an eating problem in which you consume huge amounts of food in secret and then attempt to rid yourself of the additional calories by unsafe means. You may also develop food aversions and a heightened sense of smell and taste.

Important: When vomiting should not be induced

You should never vomit to eliminate previously consumed food simply because you feel you ate too much. If you feel the need to vomit to lose weight, you may have bulimia. This is an eating disorder marked by the need to vomit out of fear of gaining weight. In addition, if you have ingested a dangerous substance or cleaning product by accident, you should not attempt to vomit because you may increase your risk of oesophagal burns.