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Best Funny 40 Marine Jokes and Puns

Best Funny 40 Marine Jokes and Puns

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In case you have been searching for “Best Marine Puns and Jokes” or Marine Jokes One Liner, then you are at the right place.

Laughter pertaining to the Coast Guard and mariners is unbearably amusing. If you have a sense of humor reminiscent of the military, then these quips are ideal for you. They will elicit unbridled laughter from you. A career in the military, whether in the army, marines, or air force, entails significant obligations and duty. However, having such a position does not preclude you from getting some sunlight and fresh air! These seasoned quips excel in this regard. In addition to aiding in relaxation, they offer delightful entertainment.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Marine Jokes. Let us explore

Marine Puns for Instagram And Marine Jokes One-Liner

What do you call a marine who is only a part-timer at the ship? A sub-marine.

What do marines like to eat in fruits? Crayon-berry.

Why was the marine sad? Because his pet died and he felt he now has no porpoise to live!

What are the marines most terrified of listening to? An orca-stra.

What would you call the poem written by a military officer who retired from the marine corps? The rhyme of the ancient mariner.

What did one marine say to another after finishing the test? “I think my grades would go below C level now!”

Which marine animal is needed in marines courts? Seal- because they will be useful for the seal of approval!

How was the marine party going on? It was private.

How did the marines reach their goals? By using a marine compass.

What’s the Marines’ main mission? To make sure the Army never gets their feet wet.

What course did the two marines enroll in after losing a job at the Navy? In anchor management.

Why did a marine corp wear a blue dress for Halloween? Because he was a fan of ‘Avatar.

What’s the Marines’ main mission? To make sure the Army never gets their feet wet.

What is the name of the navy marine favorite book? Harry Port-er.

Why was the typographer admitted to the military? Because he was trained in Arial combat.

How did the Air Force party get started? With the announcement.

What is the most hated month for all the troops? March.

Where did rabbits go to learn how to fly? In the hare force!

What happened to the karate master when he got into the military for the first time? When he saluted, he almost chopped off his own head.

How did the soldiers treat the enemies? They welcome them to a bomb-tastic party.

Which music band is not liked by Marines at all? ‘Maroon 5.’

What was the Air Force Bingo game like? “A-10…B-52..F-16!”

How would a military officer express his gratitude? By saying ‘Tank You!’

What was the name of the confused troops? The Lost Force.

What would you call it when an army officer is slowly being taken away from a cunning scheme? De-ploy-ment.

What do you call an army of rabbits trained in air combat? The hare force.

Where did the babies go to work in the army? They went to the infantry!

What was the name of the corn army? The kernel.

I became a chef after I left the Navy / Air Force / Marine / Space Force / Coast Guard.. Some would say I am a seasoned veteran.

The navy / Coast Guard is beginning to recruit blind men… They are sending them out to sea.

Have you heard about the karate champion who joined the Navy / Air Force / Marine / Space Force / Coast Guard?… The first time he saluted, he nearly killed himself!

A cool job that sounds lame: Building boats for the navy /Coast gaurd… You’d be a subcontractor.

Dad: You wanna join the navy? You can’t even swim! Son: no one can fly in the Air Force either.

I’m about to lose my job in the Navy Cost Guard unless I make some drastic changes… I have to take a course in anchor management.

What happens when you eat too many Navy Navy / Air Force / Marine / Space Force / Coast Guard beans?… You might end up with a dishonorable discharge.

Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good Navy knock-knock joke?

Did you know Navy Coast Guard ships run on commercial batteries?… They run on 7 C’s.

Each branch has a military ball (Navy Ball, Army Ball, etc.) And it warms my heart to know that one branch will be having “Space Balls” from here on out.

Who’s the head of the penguin navy?… Admiral Byrd!

Why are there no knock knock jokes about America?… Because freedom rings!

What is a cow’s favorite holiday?… Moomorial day.

Who won the zombie war?…Nobody, it was dead even.