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60 Best Potato Jokes – 60 Mashed Potato Jokes

60 Best Potato Jokes – 60 Mashed Potato Jokes

In case you have been searching for “Best Potato Jokes” or Mashed Potato Jokes, then you are at the right place.

A collection of humorous potato jokes awaits you. There are puns, riddles, and jokes regarding numerous sorts of potatoes. Potatoes, one of the most widely consumed vegetables, have earned a position in the realm of humour.

These potato jokes are hilarious for children and people of all ages. These potato jokes are perfect for parents, teachers, gardeners, farmers, chefs, and anybody else seeking for a good laugh.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Potato Jokes. Let us explore

Funny Potato Jokes And Potato Jokes One-Liners

What did the angry potato say during an argument? You better be careful or I’ll mash you!

How do you know if a potato has no money? He won’t chip in for dinner

Before the potato became slim and slender, where could you find her? On the couch

How do you know if a potato loves hot showers? He’ll be soft inside

Did you hear about the potato who was eager to learn about his ancestors? He wanted to get in touch with his roots

Why are hot potatoes so easy to bribe? Because they love to be buttered up!

Why was the potato salad so embarrassing at dinner time? Because it saw the salad dressing.

What did the police potato say to his partner during a stake-out? “Keep your eyes peeled or we might miss something!”

How do you know if a potato has been through a lot? He’ll probably have a chip on his shoulder

Why do potatoes like going on dates during the oven? Because it always gets a bit hot and steamy!

What do potatoes do during marriage counselling? They hash it out.

Why do potatoes often miss work deadlines? They don’t deal well when it’s close to crunch time

What is a potatoes favourite romantic comedy? Spuddenly 30

What philosophy do most potatoes follow? I think, therefore I yam.

What is a potato’s favourite game? A sack race!

How do you know if a potato has good manners? They’ll peel-lity open the door for you!

What do you call a potato from Mexico? Chipotle!

What did the potato say to his friend? Nothing. Potatoes can’t talk.

What do you call a potato who loves sky diving? Air-fried

What is a potatoes favourite childhood book? Green eggs and yam!

Who is a potatoes favourite movie star? Channing Po-tatum

Why are potatoes so flirtatious? Because they’re garden hose.

What did the potato say during his wedding speech? My love for you sprouts every day!

How do you insult a potato? Tell them to get forked.

Why was the potato so stressed out? Because he knew he was in hot water!

How do potatoes kiss? They mash each other!

The potato living next door is obsessed with becoming a successful entrepreneur. He is got at least five different starch-up businesses already!

What did the potato say when he was sentenced to jail? “I want to a-peel!”

Where do potatoes go when they pass away? Into the grave-y

When the police officer saw the yam peeling out on the parking lot, he pulled it over.

Why do potatoes make such great salesmen for Soda Streams? Because they love carb-onated water!

I’ve been learning a lot about potatoes and their zodiacs lately. They’re really into starch-signs

I watched the news about the stoned potato who crashed his car. He was completely baked.

If you had to take a potato out on a coffee date where would you take them? I’d recommend visiting Starch-bucks

Why are potatoes so good at shooting firearms? They know how to handle their carb-ines

Did you hear about what the potato said to her boyfriend after their big argument? “We can’t keep hashing over the same topic. I think I am losing my peelings for you.”

How do you know if a potato has eaten something bad? They will have smelly carb-on dioxide
What is the best pasta to offer a potato? Carb-onara!

Why do potatoes make such bad gardeners? Because they have Red Thumbs, not Green Thumbs!

How did the potato propose to his girlfriend? He put a ring on her Fingerling!

Why do potatoes always get bullied? Because they’re so easy to roast

How were spuds punished in the Medieval days? They were decap-potatoed.

What do you get if you cross a country singer with a potato? Johnny Mash!

What do Indonesian potatoes each for dinner? Mashi Goreng

Did you hear about the potato who was obsessed with Twitter? He loved using hashtags!

What did the French Fry say during the date? “I think you’re a really sweet potato”

What did the fashion stylist say to the French Fry? “May I suggest you try our latest jacket-potato with that outfit?”

Which day of the week do potatoes hate? Fry-day

Why are French Fries so difficult to get along with? Because they’re often salty

How do you know if a French fry is flexible? They will be able to touch their pota-toes

The two French fries had a baby who was slightly overcooked, do you know what they called him? Chris-p

What’s a spud’s least favorite dance? The mash potato.

What does a potato say on a sunny morning? What a mashing day!

What do you get when you put potatoes on the kitchen floor? Mashed potatoes.

Why shouldn’t you give a zombie mashed potatoes? Because they’re already a little grave-y.

What do you get when you put an elephant and a load of potatoes together? Mashed potatoes!

What’s the difference between pea soup and mashed potato? Anyone can mash potatoes, but no one can pee soup.

What’s a potato’s favorite song to dance to at a Halloween party? The ‘Monster Mash’.

What do you get when you cross a tater with a race car? Crashed potato.

Why are spuds so self-conscious? Because they are full of carbs.

Did you hear about the potatoes who had been friends forever? They’re still the best of spuds!
How do you know if a spud is part of a gang? He will be covered in po-tattoos

“Did you see on the news that there was a potato roaming the streets shooting at fellow citizens? He was using a spud gun!”

Did you see the attractive potato featuring in the latest blockbuster movie? He is such a hot spud!

Did you see what happened to the potatoes who got stuck out in the rainstorm? They were splashing in all the spuddles!

“I was watching the British wrestling on television last night, the fork gave the potato an absolute spud-bashing!”