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Why “Mom Yelling At Kid” is NOT a Problem? 4 Myths Debunked

Why “Mom Yelling At Kid” is NOT a Problem? 4 Myths Debunked

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Numerous articles on the Internet explain to today’s moms how and why they should stop yelling at their children.

Unfortunately, there are numerous misconceptions about a mom yelling at kid.

To set the record right, we do not believe that an issue exists when a mom yells at her kid.

And much of today’s parenting advice might leave mothers feeling despairing about their inability to manage their temper or find out how to grab their child’s attention without yelling.

If so, you are NOT alone, and trust us you are NOT a horrible mother!

Every mother will yell at some time. There are times when parenthood can be excruciatingly difficult.

And when we mix the behavioral concerns of our children with our emotional difficulties and truly terrible days, yelling feels inevitable.

Here are 4 common myths about mom yelling at the kid. Most of us believe in completely false myths

1. You are a BAD Parent

A person’s yelling does not make them a bad parent. We bet that the majority of yellers are GOOD parents. Good parents attempt. They wish to improve. They have high hopes for their children. They become frustrated when their children fail to meet these standards.

They are exhausted since they spend the entire day caring for their families. They make every effort to ensure that their children have all they require.

They feel awful that they cannot do enough for their children, or that they simply are not enough. Therefore, it is not strange that we occasionally lose it.

2. Your Children are Negatively Affected by your Yelling

Let us assure you, that shouting may not be permanently harmful to your kids.

Positive and negative moments exist in balance in every healthy relationship. Extensive research demonstrates that for every negative encounter, five positive interactions are required to maintain a healthy and balanced relationship. These studies were conducted on couples, but their findings have also been applied to the parent-child relationship.

We are sure you engage in numerous simple positive gestures like a grin and touch with your children throughout the day.

Hence one-off yelling cannot negatively affect the kid if it is supported by numerous simple positive gestures.

The Key is to maintain a balance.

3. Am I the Only Parent that Yells at His or Her Children?

Nobody knows who screams behind closed doors. There is no reasonable doubt that all parents experience rage at some point in their parenting. Hence, as a human first and then as a parent, it is quite natural to yell at kids.

4. I Can’t Yell Less

It is very much possible for you to yell less at your kids.

In case, you use the correct techniques and advice from a competent therapist, you can achieve your goal. Trust us, the journey of learning to yell less at your kids is a gratifying feeling.