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Monthly Horoscope (February 2022)

Monthly Horoscope (February 2022)


21st March – 19th April 

For the first time since March 2020, your ruler Mars has returned to Capricorn, the sign where the action planet does its best work. As a result, you’re feeling energised in a level you haven’t felt before, and you’re making wide gestures at everything. Your recovered vigour improves your public image and employment prospects. On the 16th, if you’ve been hoping for a promotion or some acknowledgment from your family, your method will pay out handsomely. Though your hobbies are admirable, pushing yourself too far may result in burnout by the end of the month. The Pisces season, especially on the 23rd, is a beautiful time for a retreat.

Love – This month, you and your spouse are both focused on your careers, appearance, and aspirations, leaving little time to organise a date. However, the full moon in Leo on the 16th falls in your romance sector, allowing you to put pleasure first, if only for one night.

Money – This month, both you and your partner have made significant progress in your careers and toward your financial goals, indicating that your household’s net worth is increasing. On the 23rd and 24th, Venus and Mars will collide with hazy Neptune, so be careful not to spend your full bonus. Instead, put money into your retirement account.



20th April – 20th May 

Even if you weren’t in the middle of a court battle, finishing a dissertation, or searching for jobs in a distant location during Venus’ retrograde in December and January, you felt like you were. With Venus now direct, you’re slowly but steadily making progress while piecing together the events of the day. The full moon in Leo on the 16th is an excellent time to reconnect with your roots. How can you build a foundation for your long-term vision? When the Pisces season begins on the 18th, staying in touch with pals becomes a must. You’re more motivated than normal to get engaged and broaden your horizons, especially on the 24th.

Love – Venus and Mars, the planets of love, travel together for virtually the entire month, which is a very unusual event in astrology. This is a breakup or breakthrough transit for you, peaking on or around the 16th. If you’re going through a breakup, it’s one of those situations when neither one did anything wrong; you’re just on separate paths in life.

Money – With Mercury retrograde since mid-January, money growth has been slow for the majority of this year. You have your invoices paid, your offer letters signed, and your tax refunds on the way once the commerce planet stations direct on the 3rd.



21st May – 20th June 

When Mercury stations direct on the 3rd, you’re feeling swamped with knowledge, whether you’re investigating grants and loans to support your new business or deep-stalking your ex’s Instagram to figure out what went wrong. Although knowledge is power, especially on the 11th, you may need to shake off some of the heaviness with your BFF or therapist. Thankfully, on the 14th, Mercury re-enters Aquarius, allowing you to turn your attention to the future. This month, friends and family are constantly inquiring about your thoughts on everything. If you’re having trouble coming up with words to give good counsel, Mercury’s conjunction with inventive Uranus on the 24th will provide some unexpected inspiration.

Love – On the 4th, Mars, the action planet, aligns with Jupiter, the feel-good planet. This month is for experimenting with things you previously considered taboo in the bedroom, so don’t be scared to try something new.

Money – On the 3rd, your ruler Mercury stations direct in your home of shared resources, bringing you news of a long-awaited inheritance or tax refund. Money is on its way to you, but you may have to jump through some hoops in order to obtain it. On the 16th, the full moon in Leo gets you wondering of starting your own business.



21st June – 22nd July 

It doesn’t imply something wasn’t worthwhile just because it didn’t persist indefinitely. Impermanence is valuable in and of itself. You’re at an energetic low as the new moon in Aquarius occurs on the 1st, and you’re dependent on others for assistance as you process a loss, sort through debts, and consider burnout. Remember that this sensation won’t endure forever; just like the moon, your vitality waxes and wanes. On the 16th, the full moon in Leo is a bright spot in your month, full of brightness and drama. This is insane if you want to brag, brag, and ride your ego like a wave. When Pisces season begins on the 18th, you’ll be inspired to share more of your wisdom with the group, so save your selflessness.

Love – This year has been difficult for you in terms of relationships. If you’re single, you’ve been focused on self-improvement or reaching a certain work goal before returning to the dating scene. If you’re in a relationship, you’ve probably had to cope with unbalanced power dynamics because you or your partner require more attention. When Venus and Mars align on the 16th, everything will reset and become easier.

Money – The new moon on January 1st and the full moon on January 16th both fall in your money sectors, making this an excellent month to get organised with your funds. Concentrate on sowing seeds of savings and investments so that your personal worth can increase.

urging you to enrol in high-priced boutique fitness classes. If it gets you excited to move again, the splurge is well worth it.


23rd July – 22nd Aug 

Aquarius season is normally the lowest part of the year for your vigour because you flourish when the days are long. Even if you’re feeling down, as the sun aligns with Saturn on the 4th, you’ll be able to show up for your spouse, bestie, or work wife in a way that strengthens your friendship for years to come. On the 16th, the full moon in Leo provides a welcome break from all the hard work and selflessness. Put on your best outfit! Put on a show! Take up as much room as you desire! The sun then enters Pisces on the 18th, ushering in a season of empathetic dialogue, delicate financial discussions, and cathartic tears in therapy.

Love – For you, Aquarius season is always about partnerships, and if you’re single, this could make you feel even more estranged or lonely. On the 14th, Mercury moves into your relationship area, urging you to try something new and strike up a discussion with someone who isn’t your regular type.

Money – Mercury oversees money in your horoscope, and since the commerce planet returned to direct on the 3rd, you’ve been swamped with bills that were easy to overlook during the retrograde (out of sight, out of mind!). On the 24th, Mercury aligns with the forward-thinking Uranus, sparking a creative idea to get you out of debt.


23rd Aug – 22nd Sept 

You’re not one to accept flaws, but Mercury retrograde has made you aware of all the blunders you’ve made on your way to achieving your goals. When Mercury stations direct on the 3rd, you’ll feel empowered rather than shamed by your earlier blunders, whether you’re looking for romance, artistic fulfilment, or parenting. You’ll be back in your typical detail-oriented comfort zone once the communication planet re-enters Aquarius on the 14th. On the 16th, the full moon in Leo falls in your unconscious sector, allowing you to recharge in peace. Take advantage of this respite while it lasts, for once Pisces season begins on the 18th, your focus will turn to caring for all of the people who matter most to you.

love – Planet of Love Venus is in your romance sector, travelling direct and slowly, which is a great transit for dating and taking things slowly with a new love. You’ll get a clear red or green flag to keep moving forward when Venus joins with Mars on the 16th.

Money – This month, collaborating with a business partner or financial counsellor to plan your financial moves is a smart option, especially when Mars aligns with Jupiter on the 4th. If you’re self-employed, you might be startled by your tax bill, so get advice from a professional to ensure that things go more smoothly next year.


23rd Sept – 22nd Oct 

For the whole holiday season and into January, Venus retrograde kept you busy with home repairs, apartment shopping, or family upheaval. With Venus’s return to direct motion, you’re back to where you were in November, only wiser. Maybe you wanted to leave but now you’re certain about staying. Maybe you were on the verge of severing your ties with your father, but now you’re closer than ever. On the 16th, when Venus aligns with Mars, a wild, amorous night confirms that all of your decisions have been well worth it. The sun enters Pisces on the 18th, allowing you to lean into healthy living and the support of a consistent routine.

Love – This month, your love life is quite active, and the new moon on January 1st has you feeling especially romantic. You’re either taking your new lover home to meet the family by the full moon on the 16th or deciding it’s finally time to sign a lease with your spouse.

Money – Whether you’re moving in with a partner or getting out from under the boot of a bad landlord, a significant portion of your monthly budget will go toward improving your living situation. On the 4th, Mars makes contact with Jupiter, kicking off the process and making the hard labour seem effortless.


23rd Oct – 21st Nov 

The headline for this month is How Scorpio Recovered Her Groove. For the first time since March 2020, your ruler Mars has returned to Capricorn, the sign where the action planet is known for kicking asses and taking names. You’re feeling inspired in all areas of your life. The full moon in Leo illuminates your public image sector on the 16th, prompting you to resume your job search after months of unemployment or unhappiness with your existing situation. Despite the positive sentiments and high energy, all of this extra vitality may be a one-way ticket to burnout. The Pisces season begins on the 18th, allowing you to unwind and focus more softly.

Love – Venus, the planet of love, has reverted to direct motion and is slowly traversing your house of friends and neighbours. Take a lengthy walk around the neighbourhood if you’re looking for romance, and don’t be afraid to strike up a discussion. Finding your next hookup becomes a priority once Pisces season begins on the 18th, and you’ll have plenty of possibilities by then.

Money – With Jupiter in Pisces, you’re more eager than ever to take financial risks this year. On July 4th, your sister informs you about a hot new stock. Why not follow her advise and put some of your extra cash to good use?


22nd Nov – 21st Dec 

For you, Aquarius season is always a stressful period. It feels critical to establish a more sustainable routine, whether you’re deep in the final push of a creative project, organising your sister or BFF’s bachelorette planning, or taking on extra volunteer shifts at the local food Co-op. This is especially evident on the 17th, when Jupiter joins with the forward-thinking Uranus. How can you improve your situation now that you have the ideal work, the ideal WFH space, and all the daycare you require? Or, to put it another way, how can you put your health ahead of your productivity? Your schedule eases up when Pisces season begins on the 18th, and you’re eager to retreat. Keep in mind that you’re at your best when you’re at home.

Love – When it comes to romance, you enjoy variety, so on the 14th, when Mercury enters Aquarius, you and your spouse begin organising a series of romantic day trips. If you’ve been missing the spark in your relationship, these outings will rekindle it, especially on the 24th, when Mercury aligns with the creative Uranus.

Money – On the 3rd, Mercury stations direct in your money sector, and your overdue paycheck arrives. Unfortunately, you’ll have to spend all of that money on overdue bills as soon as it clears. On the 11th, Mercury conjuncts Pluto (a conjunction that occurs twice a year, on December 30th and January 28th), encouraging you to quit avoiding your bank account and recover your financial authority.


22nd Dec – 19th Jan 

With Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto all converging in your sign at the beginning of the month, your abilities are undeniable. On the 4th, when the sun aligns with Saturn in your money sector, you commit to not only a new budgeting strategy, but also to claiming your self-worth. Your self-assurance grows even further as Venus conjoins Mars in your sign on the 16th, giving you a radiance that has suitors licking their lips. Then, on the 18th, Pisces season kicks in, and you’re off to a productive rest. As the month draws to a close, take a brief trip out of town and spend a leisurely weekend reading literature.

Love – The new moon on the 1st has you avoiding any superficial relationships, so your love life is a little sluggish at the start of the month. Laying low pays off on the 16th, when the full moon in Leo makes you the centre of attention. Only go on dates with people that make you feel like a queen.

Money – Finances are in charge this month, with both lunations (new and full moons) occurring in your money sectors. The full moon on the 16th is particularly auspicious, so keep an eye out for inheritance payments, grant awards, or loan forgiveness around this time.


20th Jan – 18th Feb 

The true believers understand that you prefer steadiness to constant change. The year 2021 was marked by unceasing upheaval, particularly at home and with your family, and this tendency is expected to continue this year. The new moon in Aquarius on the 1st offers an opportunity for you to regain control in the midst of the storm. You don’t have to keep putting on a brave face just to make other people happy. On the 4th, the sun aligns with Saturn, urging you to take charge of your own happiness and ambitions. In the second half of the month, Mercury re-enters your sign on the 14th, giving you enough to chat about on awkward first dates, Zoom meetings, and belated catch-ups with friends.

Love – If you’re dating, you may feel as if no one understands you until Mercury enters your sign on the 14th and you find someone who speaks your language—especially your love language. The full moon in Leo on the 16th is your annual opportunity to go all out on date night if you’re already married.

Money – On the 4th, a chance to gain more money appears out of nowhere. This offer appears to be too good to be true, and it very well could be, so be sure you acquire all of the information before agreeing to anything. When you trust the source, abundance is easy to come by.


19th Feb – 20th March 

While many of your pals are still trying to shake off the bad feelings from 2020 and 2021, you’re in a good mood. You’re laser-focused on improving your health, wellbeing, and general life admin with the full moon in Leo on the 16th. Make those doctor’s appointments you’ve been putting off, and make sure your licence isn’t expired! Then, on the 17th, Jupiter joins forces with the forward-thinking Uranus, allowing you to go with the flow. You’re thinking about moving to a new neighbourhood, starting your own business, or reconnecting with an ex. Your season starts on the 18th, reminding you that you don’t need anyone’s permission to do whatever you want.

Love – On the 3rd, Mercury becomes straight, giving clarity to a situationship that has already experienced many ups and downs. Even if you two get on the same page, as Mercury enters your unconscious centre on the 14th, you may be physically detached from your partner. Hey, this could be the month you try phone sex for the first time!

Money – You’re lot more confident making financial decisions now that Mars is in forceful Capricorn, especially when the action planet aligns with your ruler Jupiter on the 4th. Then, on the 24th, Mars aligns with hazy Neptune, allowing you to daydream large about a future project that will require a lot of money, such as your wedding or a starting business.