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Monthly Horoscope (March 2022)

Monthly Horoscope (March 2022)

Reading Time: 7 minutes



21st March – 19th April 

You’ve been putting forth a lot of effort recently, Aries. Making long-term planning, accumulating money, starting a business, paying bills, and so on have kept you extremely prudent. You’re already exhausted from the stress. As a result, this is the time for you to relax and replenish your batteries. The stars indicate that you will get a little respite in the coming month. Take some time to relax and rejuvenate instead of saving and working so hard to pay bills, bank accounts, jobs, and other obligations.

This month, the planets have aligned to give you a good time. So, to improve your mental and physical health, challenge yourself, go on a little adventure, try new things, and get your adrenaline rush. This will also help you prepare for the upcoming challenges in a positive spirit.




20th April – 20th May 

Nowadays, finding a sustainable balance between work, pleasure, and rest is becoming increasingly difficult. You’re either slouching on the couch for days doing nothing or spinning around like a ball of energy trying to get everything done in a single day. Even if you’ve been like this for the past month, you’ll realise in the approaching month that it’s exhausting and you’re sick of it.

This month, try to plan your days in a more practical manner. Plan ahead of time and organise your priorities as well as your daily tasks. Instead of beating your head against the wall by attempting to complete your job in one afternoon, break it down into little chunks to work on every day and address a small portion of your problems each day. You will feel considerably better as a result of this.




21st May – 20th June 

Gemini! You are never pleased with your current situation. When you get bored with what you’ve discovered recently, you have the energy to look for something new. The zeal keeps you moving forward, keeps you youthful and fresh. The approaching month is sure to pique your interest by delivering something surprising and novel. So, don’t hide now; push yourself out of your comfort zone, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

For this endeavour, the planets urge you to have an open mind and a clear eye. Don’t second-guess yourself– just say yes. You will miss the boat if you play tug of war with your own thoughts.

The stars are aligned to provide you opportunities in spirituality, leadership, becoming an expert in something, creating your own voice or platform on a topic you care about, campaigning, or volunteering for a good cause. To feel good, do good! Don’t be hesitant to participate.




21st June – 22nd July 

This month, the planetary arrangement indicates that you are hyper-focused on your material world: health, home, money, and work. However, you are also willing to make some changes; thus, wait for the opportunity to present itself. The air surrounding you indicates that you are struggling with a past setback that you are still working to overcome.

Even though things have been challenging for you, you have persevered and never given up. Just a little longer, sweetheart, and good times will come your way.

Others have noticed and admired your hard work, decency, drive, and diligence. You’ve proven time and time again that you can manage adversity with elegance and class. As a result of others admiring you for who you are, a fresh opportunity will present itself. Cancer, keep up the good work.



23rd July – 22nd Aug 

Dear Leo, your social life is going to take off, bringing with it a boost in your mood and new job chances. You’re a natural leader with a’shining in the dark’ personality. Being in demand is something you deal with on a regular basis, but you’ll be a touch worn out this month due to the increased volume. Keep an open mind on what’s going on around you.

This month, the stars advise you to live life to the fullest and savour the moments. Accept everything that is being offered right now.

The planets also convey in quiet that these interactions will bring you some inspirational lessons, news, and information that will be useful to you in the future. Keep your eyes open, think things over, reflect on what you discover about other people, and glean insight from gossip.



23rd Aug – 22nd Sept 

Virgo, you are one of the zodiac signs that worries excessively. It is simple to induce an imaginative or overthinking mood in you. But you also put out effort in whittling away at the aspects of yourself that make you who you are. Your stars’ fortunes have gotten a little out of hand this month, so you’ll be overwhelmed by your negative spiralling thoughts and concerns.

It’s time to admit that you’ve been sabotaging yourself, and you need to stop right now. The Star advises you to break the cycle by replacing negative ideas with optimistic daydreams and visions as soon as they appear. If meditation is necessary, do so, but make every effort to break out of your shell and learn to live in the present. Put some effort into your mental tranquilly, and you’ll feel lighter and brighter within days, and you’ll be back to your capable self.



23rd Sept – 22nd Oct 

Libra, something has been bugging you recently. Look back in order to go forward because something from the past has the answer. The stars indicate that your circumstances has been frustrating you, that all of your plans have stopped, and that things have been challenging for you in general. Look in a place you haven’t looked yet for the answer: the past.

You may have faced something similar in the past, or you may have experienced this emotion, or you may have been prevented from doing what you thought you should.

Examine it from your current vantage point, attempting to comprehend how you conquered it. Look for patterns and similarities, as well as variances. You will be enlightened by something.



23rd Oct – 21st Nov 

You may appear strong and in command, demonstrating that you are practically invincible, but you are just as vulnerable as the others. You, like everyone else, spend a lot of time thinking about your regrets and doubts. However, you’ve been silently grieving over something that happened in the past, and it’s been eating at you.

Despite the fact that this past incident has strengthened, changed, and sculpted you into the greatest person you can be today, you still haven’t adjusted to the change in your identity and worldview.

That’s OK. Allow yourself some space and refrain from feeling guilty. Instead, begin to appreciate the fact that you have lived and thrived in the face of adversity.



22nd Nov – 21st Dec 

Oh no! Sagittarius, it appears like your relationship is currently in jeopardy. When you commit to a relationship that is important to you, you consciously repair it when it suffers a setback. Or, at the very least, call out what’s been negative or fading recently in order to resolve the problem and return things to normal.

The planets indicate that a close relationship in your life has recently gone hot and cold, with distance or conflict. It may be tempting to call it a day at times, but don’t. It’s simply a phase; push yourself harder and things will improve over time.

Something deeper appears to be at the root of the problem. So look into it to see what’s really wrong. Everything can be mended, nothing will be lost, and everything will be back to normal, if not better than before. This is a crucial relationship. Demonstrate your concern by paying attention to how they are feeling.



22nd Dec – 19th Jan 

Have you recently been missing someone? So, acknowledge how you’re feeling and act on it. Reach out to them, make an effort to reconnect and renew your relationship, and heal whatever is broken. This relationship or affection can be rekindled.

Because there is a flame on your house of romance and friendship this month, the star indicates that someone is waiting for you. This individual could be someone completely new, but if you’ve been missing someone recently, it’s possible that this is the person in question.

The planets also indicate that you have a fan or a long-lost friend/love who is missing you. It could also be someone you had a strong attachment to. Keep your eyes and heart open, and love will find its way back into your life in whatever form it takes.



20th Jan – 18th Feb 

Aquarius, you’ve been dealing with your history. You’ve been attempting to put it behind you and go on with your life, and whatever you’re doing appears to be working. The past has harmed you or had a bad impact on you. Although it has been a long time, the effects have not faded. Fighting with oneself and overcoming the memories or influence will need a lot of conscious and deliberate effort. You’ve done a fantastic job of processing everything so far. You’ve demonstrated bravery and tenacity. Keep up the good work.

The stars, on the other hand, are urging you to relax a little this month. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Once in a while, go with the flow. If memories or sentiments arise, simply accept their presence while knowing that they will pass and that you will not be required to act.



19th Feb – 20th March 

Have you recently been missing someone? So, acknowledge how you’re feeling and act on it. Reach out to them, make an effort to reconnect and renew your relationship, and heal whatever is broken. This relationship or affection can be rekindled.

Because there is a flame on your house of romance and friendship this month, the star indicates that someone is waiting for you. This individual could be someone completely new, but if you’ve been missing someone recently, it’s possible that this is the person in question.

The planets also indicate that you have a fan or a long-lost friend/love who is missing you. It could also be someone you had a strong attachment to. Keep your eyes and heart open, and love will find its way back into your life in whatever form it takes.