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Monthly Horoscope (October 2021)

Monthly Horoscope (October 2021)


21st March – 19th April 

Long-term plans with a significant business or romantic partner will be cleared by the planetary alignment for Aries. This month could deliver a comprehensive picture of the situation in every field. However, Mercury’s retrograde in the sign’s solar seventh house for the majority of the month could lead Aries to a point where they are unable to see eye to eye and reach an accord.

Starting on October 6, the effect of the new moon could provide an opportunity to renegotiate and explore fresh ideas, which could help you move forward after the retrograde fades towards the end of the month.

Because it falls in Aries’ zodiac sign, the full moon on October 20 is the most important event for them this month. This will bring a key personal aim or effort to a successful conclusion. It’s a good idea to plan ahead for a prosperous future.

Despite the fact that most days this month may feel exceptionally slow and beset by delays, numerous planets emerging this month will help Aries achieve the life of their desires. Furthermore, it is beneficial to maintain patience and take things one step at a time, particularly when signing contracts, beginning ventures, and making things public. Happiness is expected to arrive at the end of the month.



20th April – 20th May 

Taurus will be encouraged to take a hard look at their professional lives in October. With so much planetary activity in this sign’s employment house, it’s apparent that Taureans are putting in long hours at work, taking on more tasks, and interacting with a wide range of people.

The new moon on October 6 will bring even more duties to their shoulders, but they will handle it well because they are the mighty bull. Mercury, our cosmic messenger, on the other hand, will cause confusion, delays, and stagnation. Which means that even if Taurus does their hardest to hit their targets, something will still go wrong. Giving it your all and taking your time, rather than rushing through and doing things sloppily, is highly recommended.

Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury are all aligned for the sign, indicating that all of the stars will soon be on their side to help them truly make their imprint in your industry. Taureans are likely to experience success and power this month, but it’s also critical to fine-tune plans and initiatives to perfection.

The full moon on the twentieth of the month may bring feelings of depression and exhaustion. To avoid burning out, it is therefore preferable to keep your head down and relax.

This month, Venus will emphasise closeness for the entire month of October, which may ignite romance. The presence of Mars on the sign’s house of opportunity on the thirty-first day will bring working as a team on crucial matters.



21st May – 20th June 

Nothing could feel like it was moving smoothly with Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury, out of sync. This could also result in misunderstandings or misunderstandings about love, creativity, expression, hobbies, or children. This mood is expected to last till the end of the month.

Despite the downturn, the great Mars will continue to energise this area with zeal throughout the month. Even if a Gemini has second thoughts about his or her choices, the universe just wants them to be truly happy.

Venus, on the other hand, will enter the solar house of romance, sweetening partnerships. There’s a chance you’ll run across someone amazing.

On the twentieth, the full moon will shine a spotlight on networks and connections. It is likely that you will receive a call from a truly adored friend or the opportunity to attend a brilliantly thrilling event. Someone might even come along and open the door to one of your greatest personal aspirations and dreams right now. Furthermore, this month, focus on what makes you happy and go with the flow rather than fighting the wind.



21st June – 22nd July 

For you, Cancer, October may feel especially sluggish. However, as the month progresses, several planets will awaken, restoring more speed to the Cancerian’s life.

Mercury retrograde may cause uncertainty or delays in affairs concerning family, domestic, or real estate. The strong Mars, on the other hand, will energise this area throughout the month, and the new moon on the 6th will provide even more motivation. Cancerians must understand that if they focus on taking their time, they can still achieve their goals.

October 7 will bring sweet romance, so take advantage of the first half of the month to pursue your heart’s desires. This month will also offer crucial professional news, demonstrating that it is a month full of significant transits. Depending on how hard you’ve worked over the last six months, the appearance of a full moon could earn you an award, a promotion, or recognition. Make the most of this opportunity and don’t let the world pass you by this month.


23rd July – 22nd Aug 

Nothing could feel like it was moving smoothly with Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury, out of sync. This could also result in misunderstandings or misunderstandings about love, creativity, expression, hobbies, or children. This mood is expected to last till the end of the month.

Despite the downturn, the great Mars will continue to energise this area with zeal throughout the month. Even if a Gemini has second thoughts about his or her choices, the universe just wants them to be truly happy.

Venus, on the other hand, will enter the solar house of romance, sweetening partnerships. There’s a chance you’ll run across someone amazing.

On the twentieth, the full moon will shine a spotlight on networks and connections. It is likely that you will receive a call from a truly adored friend or the opportunity to attend a brilliantly thrilling event. Someone might even come along and open the door to one of your greatest personal aspirations and dreams right now. Furthermore, this month, focus on what makes you happy and go with the flow rather than fighting the wind.


23rd Aug – 22nd Sept 

Virgo may face numerous hurdles in October. This month, events such as check delays, money perplexity, or employment instability may be at the top of your to-do list.

The new moon on October 6 will, however, draw focus to power in the coming weeks. If you’re considering a large financial transaction, you should probably hold off until the 18th of this month.

On October 20, the full moon in the house of assets will be intensely focused on your investments, loans, and obligations, and you may even be able to refinance one of them. Some financial assistance is on the way; keep an eye out for it.


23rd Sept – 22nd Oct 

Libra is likely to be perplexed by every life decision this month. It’s as if you’re trying to get a fresh start but encountering numerous bumps and challenges along the way.

Because October is Libra’s birthday month, it will bring them riches and maturity. The presence of the new moon on October 6 will provide them with a window of opportunity to pursue a highly personal desire, goal, or dream. Mars, the planet of ambition, energy, and strength, will also pass over the sign, bringing them ambition, energy, and strength. They’ll be eager to show the world what they’ve got and to pursue what brings them the most joy.

Libras, on the other hand, may find themselves second-guessing everything during this time, causing delays and disappointments. This phase will last until October 18, following which the fog will begin to dissipate. The ability to move forward will boost the sign by the end of the month.

Regarding a business or love partnership, the full moon will bring a culmination, turning point, awakening, or conclusion. Furthermore, rather than sending you in different directions, this could wind up making you much more committed. As a result, collaborate as a group.


23rd Oct – 21st Nov 

This month, Scorpios should pay close attention to their intuition. Try to retain an open mind while the cosmos sends you signals. The sign’s co-ruling planet, Mars, is bringing a lot of energy, indicating that you might be hustling on a behind-the-scenes project or working on something alone. Ensure that all of the pieces are in place and that everything is in order for the end of the month debut.

November is expected to be hectic, so it’s best to build a massive energy bubble during this month alone. The new moon will provide tranquilly and aid in lying low, resting, recharging, and evaluating mental wellness.

On October 7, the beautiful Venus will make an appearance in Scorpios’ lives, sparking passion and pleasure in the first days of the month.

You’ll be putting the finishing touches on a huge milestone project on October 20, full moon. This month, Scorpios may have illness or a medical problem. As a result, it is critical not to disregard one’s physical health during this period, especially since they are prone to sweat a lot during this month.

However, as their birthday season approaches, kids are more likely to become thrilled. Scorpios might concentrate this month on planning how they want to shine in the coming month.


22nd Nov – 21st Dec 

Libra is likely to be perplexed by every life decision this month. It’s as if you’re trying to get a fresh start but encountering numerous bumps and challenges along the way.

Because October is Libra’s birthday month, it will bring them riches and maturity. The presence of the new moon on October 6 will provide them with a window of opportunity to pursue a highly personal desire, goal, or dream. Mars, the planet of ambition, energy, and strength, will also pass over the sign, bringing them ambition, energy, and strength. They’ll be eager to show the world what they’ve got and to pursue what brings them the most joy.

Libras, on the other hand, may find themselves second-guessing everything during this time, causing delays and disappointments. This phase will last until October 18, following which the fog will begin to dissipate. The ability to move forward will boost the sign by the end of the month.

Regarding a business or love partnership, the full moon will bring a culmination, turning point, awakening, or conclusion. Furthermore, rather than sending you in different directions, this could wind up making you much more committed. As a result, collaborate as a group.


22nd Dec – 19th Jan 

This month, Capricorns are more likely to focus their efforts on achieving their goals. With Mars’ powerful energy showering down on you, you’ll undoubtedly put in long hours at work, completing major milestones and initiatives in your professional life. At this moment, you may be given with a number of accolades, achievements, or chances.

Following the new moon on October 6, these days may present an opportunity to advance in your field. It could, however, be in relation to a former opportunity or professional encounter. Due to the planetary alignments this month, you may experience some delays or confusion in your work life. As a result, it’s a good idea to put off starting any new projects, signing any contracts, or making any major decisions until later in the month.

Finally, on October 20, the full moon will shift your focus away from work and into home, family, or real estate problems. Something may come up during these days that will allow you to stand on more solid ground. At this time, some Capricorns may be moving, repairing, or renovating.


20th Jan – 18th Feb 

October is a good month for Aquarius to push themselves to try new things. However, it will also perplex you into choosing the correct path. This month can help you focus on a specific academic, spiritual, or intellectual goal. Contractual and legal issues may also occupy your thoughts.

However, if you have any plans for international travel, business, or even immigration, October may be a good time to do so. The sixth, with a new moon and forceful Mars circling on your house, can offer you the power to get things done and take action throughout the month.

However, by the eighteenth year, Aquarians may be feeling down and out, especially if they are experiencing delays in any of these areas. If at all possible, wait until after that day to make any big decisions. As November approaches, the mid-month planetary alignments may also provide a sense of being at ease and clearheaded.

Last but not least, the full moon on October 20 will aid you in launching an essential message, whether through writing, speaking, advertising, or social media. You could potentially be on your way to finish an adventure within four days of this insanity.


19th Feb – 20th March 

The month of October may focus primarily on your attention and time spent on money concerns. This month, you may be faced with a significant expense or purchase.

Furthermore, this month’s loan large spending or buy issues may arise. A whirlwind of paperwork may overtake you, but due to Mars’ retrograde on the sphere, it’s best to avoid signing any contracts, large agreements, or lock down purchases until October 18.

This month may seem leisurely to you at first, but it will pick up speed as it progresses. During the initial Mercury retrograde tempest, the new moon will aid in finding more clarity.

The full moon on October 20th will help you add to your bank account with a hefty check, raise, or new job offer. However, if expenses do arise, it is best to maintain your wits about you. More money is almost certainly on the way.

On the seventh, sweet Venus will move into your abode and stay there for four weeks. This indicates that your professional life is favoured because you are given more opportunities, honours, or acknowledgment for previously performed effort.