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Moon Transit 2022: Dates, Time, Predictions And Houses

Moon Transit 2022: Dates, Time, Predictions And Houses

In astrology, the Moon represents a person’s emotions and cognitive level. It also indicates how you exhibit affection and devotion to others, as well as how you expect the same from them. The transit of the planet Moon, which represents our inner world, has varied effects in different houses of your Kundali. Its influence is determined by its placement in relation to the other houses and planets in your horoscope.

Planet Moon transits in the first, third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh houses from the place where your natal Moon lies in your horoscope produce beneficial results. For the rest, you’re likely to acquire a mixed bag of outcomes or meet obstacles in practically every element of your life.

Moon Transit 2022 Date and Time

In Vedic astrology, the Moon is the fastest of all planets, transiting from one house or zodiac sign to another in 2 days and 6 hours (about 54 hours). On the first day of the year 2022, the Moon will begin its transit through the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Let’s take a look at all of the Moon Transit 2022 dates and times:

Moon Transit in January 2022

Date Day Time
Scorpio Sagittarius January 1, 2022 Saturday 7:17 PM
Sagittarius Capricorn January 3, 2022 Monday 6:52 PM
Capricorn Aquarius January 5, 2022 Wednesday 7:53 PM
Aquarius Pisces January 8, 2022 Saturday 12:15 AM
Pisces Aries January 10, 2022 Monday 8:49 AM
Aries Taurus January 12, 2022 Wednesday 8:45 PM
Taurus Gemini January 15, 2022 Saturday 9:51 AM
Gemini Cancer January 17, 2022 Monday 10:02 PM
Cancer Leo January 20, 2022 Thursday 8:24 AM
Leo Virgo January 22, 2022 Saturday 4:48 PM
Virgo Libra January 24, 2022 Monday 11:08 PM
Libra Scorpio January 27, 2022 Thursday 3:12 AM
Scorpio Sagittarius January 29, 2022 Saturday 5:07 AM
Sagittarius Capricorn January 31, 2022 Monday 5:45 AM

Moon Transit in February 2022

Date Day Time
Capricorn Aquarius February 2, 2022 Wednesday 6:45 AM
Aquarius Pisces February 4, 2022 Friday 10:02 AM
Pisces Aries February 6, 2022 Sunday 5:09 PM
Aries Taurus February 9, 2022 Wednesday 4:09 AM
Taurus Gemini February 11, 2022 Friday 5:05 PM
Gemini Cancer February 14, 2022 Monday 5:19 AM
Cancer Leo February 16, 2022 Wednesday 3:13 PM
Leo Virgo February 18, 2022 Friday 10:46 PM
Virgo Libra February 21, 2022 Monday 4:31 AM
Libra Scorpio February 23, 2022 Wednesday 8:55 AM
Scorpio Sagittarius February 25, 2022 Friday 12:07 PM
Sagittarius Capricorn February 27, 2022 Sunday 2:22 PM

Moon Transit in March 2022

Date Day Time
Capricorn Aquarius March 1, 2022 Tuesday 4:31 PM
Aquarius Pisces March 3, 2022 Thursday 8:03 PM
Pisces Aries March 6, 2022 Sunday 2:29 AM
Aries Taurus March 8, 2022 Tuesday 12:30 PM
Taurus Gemini March 11, 2022 Friday 1:03 AM
Gemini Cancer March 13, 2022 Sunday 1:30 PM
Cancer Leo March 15, 2022 Tuesday 11:33 PM
Leo Virgo March 18, 2022 Friday 6:32 AM
Virgo Libra March 20, 2022 Sunday 11:10 AM
Libra Scorpio March 22, 2022 Tuesday 2:33 PM
Scorpio Sagittarius March 24, 2022 Thursday 5:29 PM
Sagittarius Capricorn March 26, 2022 Saturday 8:28 PM
Capricorn Aquarius March 28, 2022 Monday 11:54 PM
Aquarius Pisces March 31, 2022 Thursday 4:32 AM

Moon Transit in April 2022

Date Day Time
Pisces Aries April 2, 2022 Saturday 11:21 AM
Aries Taurus April 4, 2022 Monday 9:01 PM
Taurus Gemini April 7, 2022 Thursday 9:09 AM
Gemini Cancer April 9, 2022 Saturday 9:51 PM
Cancer Leo April 12, 2022 Tuesday 8:34 AM
Leo Virgo April 14, 2022 Thursday 3:54 PM
Virgo Libra April 16, 2022 Saturday 8:01 PM
Libra Scorpio April 18, 2022 Monday 10:08 PM
Scorpio Sagittarius April 20, 2022 Wednesday 11:41 PM
Sagittarius Capricorn April 23, 2022 Saturday 1:52 AM
Capricorn Aquarius April 25, 2022 Monday 5:29 AM
Aquarius Pisces April 27, 2022 Wednesday 11:00 AM
Pisces Aries April 29, 2022 Friday 6:42 PM

Moon Transit in May 2022

Date Day Time
Aries Taurus May 2, 2022 Monday 4:44 AM
Taurus Gemini May 4, 2022 Wednesday 4:46 PM
Gemini Cancer May 7, 2022 Saturday 5:34 AM
Cancer Leo May 9, 2022 Monday 5:07 PM
Leo Virgo May 12, 2022 Thursday 1:32 AM
Virgo Libra May 14, 2022 Saturday 6:12 AM
Libra Scorpio May 16, 2022 Monday 7:53 AM
Scorpio Sagittarius May 18, 2022 Wednesday 8:09 AM
Sagittarius Capricorn May 20, 2022 Friday 8:45 AM
Capricorn Aquarius May 22, 2022 Sunday 11:12 AM
Aquarius Pisces May 24, 2022 Tuesday 4:27 PM
Pisces Aries May 27, 2022 Friday 12:38 AM
Aries Taurus May 29, 2022 Sunday 11:15 AM
Taurus Gemini May 31, 2022 Tuesday 11:30 PM

Moon Transit in June 2022

Date Day Time
Gemini Cancer June 3, 2022 Friday 12:20 PM
Cancer Leo June 6, 2022 Monday 12:25 AM
Leo Virgo June 8, 2022 Wednesday 10:04 AM
Virgo Libra June 10, 2022 Friday 4:06 PM
Libra Scorpio June 12, 2022 Sunday 6:33 PM
Scorpio Sagittarius June 14, 2022 Tuesday 6:32 PM
Sagittarius Capricorn June 16, 2022 Thursday 5:55 PM
Capricorn Aquarius June 18, 2022 Saturday 6:42 PM
Aquarius Pisces June 20, 2022 Monday 10:35 PM
Pisces Aries June 23, 2022 Thursday 6:14 AM
Aries Taurus June 25, 2022 Saturday 5:02 PM
Taurus Gemini June 28, 2022 Tuesday 5:33 AM
Gemini Cancer June 30, 2022 Thursday 6:23 PM

Moon Transit in July 2022

Date Day Time
Cancer Leo July 3, 2022 Sunday 6:30 AM
Leo Virgo July 5, 2022 Tuesday 4:52 PM
Virgo Libra July 8, 2022 Friday 12:21 AM
Libra Scorpio July 10, 2022 Sunday 4:21 AM
Scorpio Sagittarius July 12, 2022 Tuesday 5:15 AM
Sagittarius Capricorn July 14, 2022 Thursday 4:32 AM
Capricorn Aquarius July 16, 2022 Saturday 4:17 AM
Aquarius Pisces July 18, 2022 Monday 6:34 AM
Pisces Aries July 20, 2022 Wednesday 12:50 PM
Aries Taurus July 22, 2022 Friday 11:01 PM
Taurus Gemini July 25, 2022 Monday 11:32 AM
Gemini Cancer July 28, 2022 Thursday 12:22 AM
Cancer Leo July 30, 2022 Saturday 12:12 PM

Moon Transit in August 2022

Date Day Time
Leo Virgo August 1, 2022 Monday 10:29 PM
Virgo Libra August 4, 2022 Thursday 6:39 AM
Libra Scorpio August 6, 2022 Saturday 12:06 PM
Scorpio Sagittarius August 8, 2022 Monday 2:37 PM
Sagittarius Capricorn August 10, 2022 Wednesday 2:58 PM
Capricorn Aquarius August 12, 2022 Friday 2:49 PM
Aquarius Pisces August 14, 2022 Sunday 4:15 PM
Pisces Aries August 16, 2022 Tuesday 9:06 PM
Aries Taurus August 19, 2022 Friday 6:06 AM
Taurus Gemini August 21, 2022 Sunday 6:09 PM
Gemini Cancer August 24, 2022 Wednesday 6:56 AM
Cancer Leo August 26, 2022 Friday 6:32 PM
Leo Virgo August 29, 2022 Monday 4:15 AM
Virgo Libra August 31, 2022 Wednesday 12:03 PM

Moon Transit in September 2022

Date Day Time
Libra Scorpio September 2, 2022 Friday 5:55 PM
Scorpio Sagittarius September 4, 2022 Sunday 9:42 PM
Sagittarius Capricorn September 6, 2022 Tuesday 11:38 PM
Capricorn Aquarius September 9, 2022 Friday 12:39 AM
Aquarius Pisces September 11, 2022 Sunday 2:23 AM
Pisces Aries September 13, 2022 Tuesday 6:35 AM
Aries Taurus September 15, 2022 Thursday 2:28 PM
Taurus Gemini September 18, 2022 Sunday 1:43 AM
Gemini Cancer September 20, 2022 Tuesday 2:23 PM
Cancer Leo September 23, 2022 Friday 2:03 AM
Leo Virgo September 25, 2022 Sunday 11:22 AM
Virgo Libra September 27, 2022 Tuesday 6:18 PM
Libra Scorpio September 29, 2022 Thursday 11:24 PM

Moon Transit in October 2022

Date Day Time
Scorpio Sagittarius October 2, 2022 Sunday 3:11 AM
Sagittarius Capricorn October 4, 2022 Tuesday 6:01 AM
Capricorn Aquarius October 6, 2022 Thursday 8:27 AM
Aquarius Pisces October 8, 2022 Saturday 11:23 AM
Pisces Aries October 10, 2022 Monday 4:01 PM
Aries Taurus October 12, 2022 Wednesday 11:29 PM
Taurus Gemini October 15, 2022 Saturday 10:01 AM
Gemini Cancer October 17, 2022 Monday 10:28 PM
Cancer Leo October 20, 2022 Thursday 10:30 AM
Leo Virgo October 22, 2022 Saturday 8:04 PM
Virgo Libra October 25, 2022 Tuesday 2:33 AM
Libra Scorpio October 27, 2022 Thursday 6:30 AM
Scorpio Sagittarius October 29, 2022 Saturday 9:05 AM
Sagittarius Capricorn October 31, 2022 Monday 11:23 AM

Moon Transit in November 2022

Date Day Time
Capricorn Aquarius November 2, 2022 Wednesday 2:16 PM
Aquarius Pisces November 4, 2022 Friday 6:19 PM
Pisces Aries November 7, 2022 Monday 12:04 AM
Aries Taurus November 9, 2022 Wednesday 7:58 AM
Taurus Gemini November 11, 2022 Friday 6:17 PM
Gemini Cancer November 14, 2022 Monday 6:30 AM
Cancer Leo November 16, 2022 Wednesday 6:58 PM
Leo Virgo November 19, 2022 Saturday 5:28 AM
Virgo Libra November 21, 2022 Monday 12:30 PM
Libra Scorpio November 23, 2022 Wednesday 4:03 PM
Scorpio Sagittarius November 25, 2022 Friday 5:21 PM
Sagittarius Capricorn November 27, 2022 Sunday 6:04 PM
Capricorn Aquarius November 29, 2022 Tuesday 7:51 PM

Moon Transit in December 2022

Date Day Time
Aquarius Pisces December 1, 2022 Thursday 11:47 PM
Pisces Aries December 4, 2022 Sunday 6:16 AM
Aries Taurus December 6, 2022 Tuesday 3:03 PM
Taurus Gemini December 9, 2022 Friday 1:44 AM
Gemini Cancer December 11, 2022 Sunday 1:51 PM
Cancer Leo December 14, 2022 Wednesday 2:32 AM
Leo Virgo December 16, 2022 Friday 2:04 PM
Virgo Libra December 18, 2022 Sunday 10:30 PM
Libra Scorpio December 21, 2022 Wednesday 2:57 AM
Scorpio Sagittarius December 23, 2022 Friday 4:02 AM
Sagittarius Capricorn December 25, 2022 Sunday 3:31 AM
Capricorn Aquarius December 27, 2022 Tuesday 3:30 AM
Aquarius Pisces December 29, 2022 Thursday 5:55 AM
Pisces Aries December 31, 2022 Saturday 11:46 AM

Let’s take a closer look at the consequences of the Moon transit in 2022 on each of the 12 houses.

Moon Transit in 1st House from Natal Moon

When the Moon transits the 1st house from the natal Moon, you should expect good things. Working in your organization will go smoothly and pleasantly, and you will make good progress in your endeavours. Your efforts will be rewarded and acknowledged. Moon transit 2022 is also a financially advantageous moment, and you will effortlessly repay your debts and meet your investment goals. Your marriage life will be pleasurable, and your relationship with your partner will grow stronger. There will be a lot of passion and love in the air. Your relatives and friends would express their admiration for you as well.

Physical indulgences like as good clothes, jewellery, and perfumes would keep you happy during the Chandra Gochar 2022. You’ll be at ease and happy. It would also be a fantastic time for you and your family to be healthy and free of physical illnesses, as well as to enjoy some relaxing trip time.

Moon Transit in 2nd House from Natal Moon

It’s possible that you’ll experience difficulties at work. Supervisors may be disgruntled, and coworkers may be hostile. By being cautious in your transactions, you can avoid unneeded disputes and arguments. Because the transit of the planets in 2022 is a time of mental and physical tiredness, overworking should be avoided. Financially, expenses will be higher, earnings will be lower, and money will be late. As a result, all risky investments should be avoided. Avoid going on a shopping spree.

There may be disagreements and misunderstandings with your partner and friends. There will be a dearth of social connection, which may cause you to become upset and unhappy, resulting in a general loss of joy. In terms of health, the 2022 Moon transit prediction suggests that you may be more prone to eye ailments at this time. Travel should therefore be avoided at all costs.

Moon Transit in 3rd House from Natal Moon

In terms of your professional life, you would be successful and capable of attaining your objectives. Your bosses will recognize, respect, and thank you for your efforts. It will undoubtedly be a financially advantageous time for you, and you will be successful in all of your financial pursuits and ready to recoup past dues. You will be satisfied and happy in your private matters ahead of the Moon transit in 2022, and you will have a wonderful home time.

Relationships with your spouse, neighbours, and relatives, particularly with your younger brothers and sisters, will be positive. Relationships with persons who are of the opposite gender will be rewarding and joyful. It will be a happy marriage if you marry during the Moon’s planetary transit in 2022. You could eat everything you wanted and still be happy and content with your life. You will appreciate anything that draws your attention, and your health will be superb, and you will feel energized and fit.

Moon Transit in 4th House from Natal Moon

Things will proceed at a sluggish and unsettling pace. Your expenses, on the other hand, will rise, forcing you to be exceedingly cautious with your investments during this period of decline. So, according to the Moon transit forecasts for 2022, you should keep a close eye on your spending. There may be a loss of empathy and shaky relationships in your personal life, and you may have conflicts with family members, particularly those on your mother’s side. Not only that but there’s a risk that some members of your family will lose their fortune as well, resulting in a terrible period in your life.

According to 2022 Moon transit forecasts, you may be unhappy and unable to appreciate fine cuisine owing to health concerns. Restlessness, anguish, dread, and doubt will rule the day, making it a terrible period for your health. You will have stomach and digestive problems, as well as chest problems, during the Chandra Gochar of 2022. The health of family members could likewise be a source of concern. Drive cautiously because this could be a disaster season and a period when transportation is inconvenient.

Moon Transit in 5th House from Natal Moon

Your IQ would be at an all-time low, and your employees’ integrity would be jeopardized. As a result, your professional image and esteem would suffer. The transit period of the planets in 2022 could be a time of challenges and slow progress. From a financial standpoint, you may go through a very trying period. It’s possible that you won’t be able to identify any profitable agreements and will lose money as a result of poor investments. Even your spouse and friends may be unable to cheer you up. As a result, keep your fury under control, or things will grow a lot worse.

Even good meals may be difficult to enjoy in the prevailing sense of gloom and despair, according to Chandra Gochar predictions for 2022. As a result of your depression and self-pity, you may become irritable and agitated. You should also keep an eye out for indigestion and mental sorrow. Travelling, on the other hand, would be on the cards, although you could have to overcome obstacles to find fulfilment and calm in doing so.

Moon Transit in 6th House from Natal Moon

You’ll be energized and enthusiastic, and you’ll be able to work quickly and efficiently. You will vanquish your foes and rivals in 2022 when the Moon transits your sign, and you will be effective in completing the unfinished duties you have been putting off for a long time. Your bosses will recognize you and lavish praise on you, and you may even receive a pay boost. As a result, Chandra Gochar in 2022 will be a particularly profitable year, with investments paying off handsomely.

Relationships with your spouse and family will be enjoyable and pleasurable on a personal level. Warmth and friendliness will be evident among the children. You’d have a great social life and make new friends, especially from the other gender. Overall, it will be a fun and enjoyable experience. You will be satisfied and joyful, and your life will be filled with affection and love. It would also be an excellent time to be healthy and worry-free.

Moon Transit in 7th House from Natal Moon

According to the Moon transit forecasts for 2022, you will be successful in all of your pursuits. Any business partnerships with overseas firms or foreigners will be successful. Your efforts will be noticed, and you will be praised by your coworkers. You will have an advantage over your coworkers and competition, and money gains will be significant and will come from a variety of unexpected sources. There will be a great deal of passion and love in the air. You and your spouse will have a wonderful marriage. Your children will also provide you joy.

You’ll have a satisfying social life ahead of the Moon planetary transit in 2022, and you’ll meet new people of the opposite gender. It’ll be a terrific time for all types of enjoyment. You’ll be treated to a luxurious bed, clothing, food, and beverages. In addition, general joy, happiness, and delight will predominate during this trip in 2022. In terms of health, everything will be fine. Just keep in mind not to overdo it on alcoholic beverages.

Moon Transit in 8th House from Natal Moon

At work, there will be various hurdles in your way. Avoid squabbles and conflicts with your boss. Do not indulge in any scheming or covert dealings. Your opponents will increase in number, posing a threat to you. You will not receive funds in a timely manner. Avoid making any investments at this time since the chance of losing money is extremely great. There would be squabbles and conflicts at home. As a result, the marriage will suffer. There will be little social connection, and love and passion will be in short supply. You would be unable to eat properly and may go hungry at times.

There will be few facilities and services available. Unnecessary anxiety and stress, as well as a sense of failure and despair, will rule the day. It’s an especially bad time for your health. You may encounter stomach difficulties, diarrhoea, and piles-related disorders at this time. Keep an eye on your foot on the stairwell, be cautious crossing the street, and avoid physical-demanding games, sports, and hobbies. Avoid travelling during this period because it is a high-risk season for natural disasters and calamities.

Moon Transit in 9th House from Natal Moon

It will be difficult to accomplish activities, and you may face pressure from your superiors. Even the most meticulous efforts are unlikely to yield results, and you may suffer some reputational damage as a result. Your opponents and foes will get the upper hand with 2022 Chandra Gochar. The cash inflow would be modest, and the likelihood of some liabilities increasing would be considerable, resulting in some harm or losses. Household life will also be stressful. Confrontations or disagreements with your father and children should be avoided. There will be no joy in the bedroom. You might, however, engage in some profitable philanthropic or religious activities that will help you create a good reputation.

You won’t be able to eat well due to the Moon’s planetary transit in Vedic astrology. There will be few amenities and luxury available. Anxiety would also be your constant companion. Stomach issues, weariness, and thigh, hip, and leg soreness are all possible symptoms. You could go on a religious pilgrimage during the Moon transit in 2022, but it will be taxing.

Moon Transit in 10th House from Natal Moon

In terms of business, the passage of the Moon in 2022 would be ideal. Your efforts will yield the expected results, and your boss will praise you. It’s also likely that you’ll get a promotion or an award, making this a financially favourable time for you. It would also be a great opportunity to start new projects. The money would be plenty to satisfy you and assist you when needed, and your purchases would be profitable.

It will be a fantastic moment to start a happy and satisfied family ahead of the Moon transit in 2022. Marital bliss will be pleasurable, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet new people. It would assist you in gaining a positive image and gaining respect in society. You will have access to excellent, delectable meals as well as material riches during the Chandra Gochar of 2022. Without any worries, you’ll have a very happy, comfortable, and enjoyable period ahead of you. Touring will be included as well, allowing you to explore and observe the environment from a different perspective.

Moon Transit in 11th House from Natal Moon

Work development would be exceptional, gaining you the appreciation and acclaim of your bosses. With the Moon transit in 2022, you will be highly compensated in your prestigious organization. It would be a great moment to make money. Your earnings will rise, allowing you to pay off previous debts. All business ventures must be successful and yield high profits. On a personal level, this transit period of planets 2022 will bring you contentment, happiness, and happy marriage life. You’d meet new people and appreciate the company of folks of different genders.

Furthermore, in 2022, you will have a really sociable existence with Chandra Gochar in family gatherings and get-togethers with acquaintances. Individuals who are eligible may also have the opportunity to meet their future spouses. During this time, you would eat wonderful meals and have access to a variety of worldwide facilities and services. You will be in a cheerful mood, full of joy and satisfaction, as a result of this planetary transit in 2022.

Moon Transit in 12th House from Natal Moon

According to the Moon transit forecasts for 2022, you may make slow and sluggish progress at work. Your bosses may be dissatisfied with your level of activity or job procedure. As a result, it is strongly advised that you avoid all shady dealings and illegal activities at all costs. This is not the time to pursue growth and money; instead, take measures and cling to what you have. With the transit of the Moon in 2022, spending will likely increase, and incomes may not be enough to support it. As a result, avoid any financial transactions or conversations during this time, as it is a particularly bad time for losses.

According to the Chandra Gochar 2022 predictions, you should avoid particular disagreements and arguments with your husband and family. Love and married life may take a back seat during this time. It’s possible that there will be a scarcity of decent food and simple pleasures. Jealousy and sluggishness must be avoided. Travel opportunities exist, but they will not satisfy you, and you should keep an eye on your pocket.