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Know the Pancha Kosha in Hinduism

Know the Pancha Kosha in Hinduism

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The Taittiriya Upanishad refers to Pancha Kosha, the five sheaths that cover the self in Hinduism.

Pancha Kosha are

  1. Annamaya Kosha
  2. Pranamaya Kosha
  3. Manomaya Kosha
  4. Vijnanamaya Kosha
  5. Anandamaya Kosha

Ignorance causes a person to lose sight of someone’s true nature. A kosha, or sheath, protects the true nature of pure consciousness. The sheaths continue to hold until one is set free.

Annamaya Kosha is the physical body which is maintained by water and food.  It serves as a platform for various forms of entertainment as well as self-realization. When ignorance is present, a person dies and loses their physical body. A self-aware person’s physique naturally sinks to enter a higher plane.

Pranamaya Kosha is the vital airs and five organs of action. Prana, apna, sammana, vyana, and udana are the five essential breaths of air. Speech, hands, feet, genitalia, and anus are the five organs of action or karmendriya. This covering conceals the true essence of pure consciousness.

Manomaya Kosha consists of the mind and the five senses for acquiring knowledge. This obscures the genuine nature of atman and causes confusion. Manomaya Kosha is a component of the subtle body or Sookshasharia.

Vijnanamaya Kosha is the intellect and five organs of perception. They offer misleading information that prevents self-realization.

Anandamaya Kosha is that aspect which makes a person experience joy, fear and pain in deep sleep. The phenomena that are both gross and subtle are in the stage of dissolution.