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4 Blunders Parents Commit that Adversary Effect Their Children

4 Blunders Parents Commit that Adversary Effect Their Children

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Parenting is not simple; it comes with its own roller coaster ride and never-ending chores to lay a solid foundation for a child to stand on. Keeping the eyes open and capturing the lessons from the experiences can help a parent provide a good upbringing to their child during the process.

However, there are 4 parenting blunders that one should avoid for a brighter future for their children:-

1. Discourage their Children from Exploring

From the moment they are born, children begin to learn. The learning process of your tiny tot begins with capturing your expressions and progresses to gradually growing and understanding things. Throughout this phase, and even after becoming a preteen, your child will play, cry, and tumble, often resulting in bruises and scratches. However, this does not mean that you should confine your children or prevent them from exploring. If you keep monitoring every step and correcting or preventing them from getting wounded at this stage (on such minor things), they may become highly sensitive and may be unwilling to learn from their mistakes.

2. Making Unnecessary Comparisons with Other Children

This is something that all parents do. From comparing grades to behaviours, many parents consider other children as worthy and fail to discover their child’s liking, and as a result, they never appreciate or compliment their own child. However, this can have a negative impact on your child’s self-esteem. A comparison or telling your children that their classmates are better than them will not change anything and will just increase their self-doubt. Rather, sit with them and talk with them to discover what’s troubling them.

3. Fighting in front of Your Children

As a parent, you should set a good example of love, trust, and faithfulness for your children. They should look up to you as a role model for their future relationships. Arguing and fighting with your spouse in front of your children will traumatise them for years to come and may even cause doubts or insecurities in their own relationships. Make certain you never do this.

4. Setting the unrealistic Expectations for Children

Unrealistic expectations just create a sense of pressure and terrorism in your child’s mind and heart, trapping them into doing more work with no results because they are only doing it for the sake of you. Pushing them too hard will just give them a difficult upbringing while negatively damaging their future. When they are not doing enough, encourage them to do better and acknowledge their efforts to drive them.