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Know those Unique Personality Traits of people born on the Aries – Taurus Cusp

Know those Unique Personality Traits of people born on the Aries – Taurus Cusp

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Aries Taurus cusp is those people who are born between April 17 and April 23. These individuals are born on the verge of authority. They are extremely committed to their passion and objectives and have a fiery attitude. These individuals are also quite authoritative, though, in a way.  

Here is the list of unique personality traits of people born under the Aries Taurus cusp.

1. Mars and Venus, the governing planets of Aries and Taurus, have an impact on these individuals. Mars gives them a sense of purpose and motivation, and Venus gives them a strong capacity for persuasion. Their unique blend of energy helps them succeed and achieve amazing things.

2. People on the Aries Taurus cusp are impacted by both the Fire and the Earth components. They are brave yet also firmly grounded. However, as a point of caution, they should pause before committing to anything.

3. People on the Aries Taurus cusp have exceptional strength and attention for someone born on the verge of authority. They are destined to have a leadership position and achieve great success in the workplace. They have the ability to sway other people. It is advisable to not nudge them with your advise, though.

4. People on the Aries Taurus cusp are characterised by independence and a wonderful sense of humour. Despite not needing their support, they enjoy spending time with their loved ones. They can defend and look after themselves since they are independent. However, their biting remarks can be a little too harsh for delicate individuals. They must use caution in that regard.