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Plants and Planets in Astrology: These Plants Will Calm Your Planets And Ease Your Sufferings

Plants and Planets in Astrology: These Plants Will Calm Your Planets And Ease Your Sufferings

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Yagna, according to Vedic Astrology, is the most essential event for calming the planets and achieving their favorable outcomes. The plants and herbs that should be used in yagna have been determined by scholars. This ceremony requires a specific type of wood. Sandalwood, Palash, mango, teak, ficus, banyan, pipal, fig, cedar, and other woods are considered helpful for yagna according to Vayu Purana ceremonies.

Different plants have been associated with different planets:

Sun: Arka (English Name: Mudar); Bael (English name: Wood apple tree)

Moon: Dhak (English Name: Butea); Khirni (English name: Ceylon ironwood)

Mars: Khaira (English name: marshmallow) ; Anantmool (English name: Indian Sarsaparilla)

Mercury: Apamarga ( English name: Prickly Chaff ) Vidhara Root
Jupiter: Peepla (English name: Peepal tree) Banana root

Venus: Gular (English name: cluster fig) Sarpankhi root

Saturn: Shami (English name: Cikura pod)

Rahu: Durva (English name: Bermuda Grass) Sandalwood

Ketu: Kush

Remedies to get relief from sufferings

Sun Planet

Belpatra’s roots, bound in scarlet fabric, provide comfort from difficulties. Hawana is made from the wood of the aank tree.

Om Hram Hreem Hroma Saha Suraya Namah is the mantra for overcoming impediments caused by the afflicted Sun. This mantra should be recited 7000 times.

Moon Planet

Moon advantages can be obtained by wearing the roots of the Khirni plant wrapped in white fabric. The Palash tree’s wood is used in the Havana ceremony.

Om Shram Shreem Shroma Saha Chandramase Namah is the mantra for overcoming hurdles caused by the afflicted Moon. This mantra should be chanted 11000 times.

Mars Planet

To gain the benefits of Mars, wear the roots of the Anantmool plant knotted in a red fabric. For the Hawana ceremony, the wood of the Khair tree is used.

Om Kram Kreem Kroma Saha Bhomaya Namah is the mantra for overcoming hurdles caused by afflicted Mars. This mantra should be chanted 10,000 times.

Mercury Planet

To receive the benefits of Mercury, wear Vidhaar plant roots tied with green thread. The Apamarg tree’s wood is used in the Havana ceremonial.

Om Bram Breem Broma Saha Budhaya Namah is the mantra for overcoming problems caused by afflicted Mercury. This mantra should be chanted 9000 times.

Jupiter Planet

To obtain Jupiter’s blessings, wear the roots of a banana plant tied with yellow thread. The wood of the Peepal tree is utilized in the Havana ceremonial to counteract the malefic Jupiter’s influence.

Om Gram Greem Groma Saha Gurveya Namah is the mantra for overcoming impediments caused by Jupiter’s affliction. This mantra should be chanted 19000 times.

Venus Planet

To gain the benefits of Venus, wear the roots of the Sarponkha plant tied with dazzling thread. The wood of the Gular tree is employed in Havana to counteract the malefic Venus’s powers.

Om Dram Dreem Droma Saha Shukraya Namah is the mantra for overcoming problems caused by afflicted Venus. This mantra should be chanted 16000 times.

Saturn Planet

To obtain Saturn’s blessings, wear roots of the Bichu plant tied with black thread. The wood of the Shami tree is utilized in Havana to relieve Saturn’s effects.

Om Pram Preem Proma Saha Shaneshcharya Namah is the mantra for overcoming problems caused by Saturn’s affliction. This mantra should be chanted 23000 times.

Rahu Planet

To reap the advantages of Rahu, sandalwood wood should be worn. The color of the thread will be determined by the sign-in in which Rahu is located. Havana is made from the wood of the Durva tree.

“Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroma Saha Rahve Namah” is the mantra for overcoming barriers caused by Rahu’s affliction. This mantra should be chanted 18000 times.

Ketu Planet

To profit from Ketu, wear the root of the Asangadh tree. The colour of the thread will be determined by the sign in which Ketu is located. Havana is made from the wood of the Kush tree.

Om Sram Sreem Sroma Saha Ketve Namah is the mantra for overcoming problems caused by afflicted Ketu. This mantra should be chanted 10,000 times.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the root for astrology?

The word astrology stems from the Greek o—from astron (“star”) and – -logia, (“study of”—”account of the stars”). Astrologia became a synonym for’star-divination,’ while astronomia became the scientific term.

2. Which plant is good for Rahu?

To reap the advantages of Rahu, sandalwood wood should be worn. The color of the thread will be determined by the sign-in which Rahu is located. Havana is made from the wood of the Durva tree.

3. Which plant is for Ketu?

To receive Ketu’s advantages, wear the root of the Asangadh tree. The thread colour will be determined by the sign in which Ketu will be located. Havana is made out of Kush tree wood. Om Sram Sreem Sroma Saha Ketve Namah is the mantra for overcoming impediments caused by Ketu’s affliction.

4. Which planet gives fame?

Because the Sun is the key planet that determines a person’s renown, if it is powerful in your horoscope, you will obtain fame much faster. Venus’s placement in your 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th houses will also bring you good fortune.