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30 Best Puzzle Puns and Jokes To Make Your Day

30 Best Puzzle Puns and Jokes To Make Your Day

Enigmas are enjoyed by all. For the most part, yes. What brings you to this place if you do not? If you enjoy puzzles, you will adore this funny page! We have compiled all of the best puzzle jokes there have ever been, so it makes perfect sense. I made this specifically for you to look at and laugh at. Then you’re free to laugh!

If you’re in the mood to snort and laugh out loud, then keep reading! If not, then maybe you should visit one of these funny pages instead! We have funny jokes about penguins, knock-knock jokes, and even crazy things! Wow, there are a lot of jokes!

Funny Puzzle Puns and Jokes

I tried to finish a puzzle but realized the dog had eaten part of it. Excuse me while I try to find my inner piece.

If you see a puzzled look on my face today, it’s because I fell asleep on one of our jigsaws.

RIP John Spilsbury. You would have loved our puzzles.

What do you call a dancing puzzle? A jiggy-saw.

Why did the jigsaw puzzle cross the road? To get to the other side, of course!

We come in pieces.

How does a puzzle cut wood? With a jigsaw.

Why did the jigsaw puzzle go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little piece-meal.

Why was the jigsaw puzzle always so happy? Because it had everything together.

The smallest piece makes up the bigger picture.

Just like life, putting together our puzzles is a challenge.

Why did the jigsaw puzzle break up with its partner? They just didn’t fit together.

We went to a Halloween party dressed as one of our puzzle pieces but didn’t like it. We just didn’t fit in.

Why did the jigsaw puzzle go to the pumpkin patch? To fit in with the Halloween crowd.

Why did the jigsaw puzzle go on vacation? Because it needed a little piece of mind.

Why did the jigsaw puzzle go on a ski trip? To piece together some winter fun.

Why did the jigsaw puzzle go to the beach? To piece together a relaxing holiday.

How did the puzzle get in trouble with the law? It was caught organizing a jigsaw crime.

Why did the puzzle piece go to the doctor? It was feeling a little jig-sore.

Why did the jigsaw puzzle go on vacation? It was seeking some piece of mind.

What do puzzles and snowflakes have in common? No two are alike!

What did the alien puzzle say when it landed on Earth? We come in pieces.

Puzzles would be the only game I play, but I don’t want to box myself in.

I accidentally swallowed part of my puzzle! I hope I eventually find my inner piece.

I love completing jigsaw puzzles! It makes me feel so piece-ful.

Doing puzzles is great, like I’m a part of something bigger.

I’m so proud of myself — it only took me a few weeks to complete this puzzle. The box said two to four years!

I couldn’t complete this puzzle on my own… Needless to say, the frustration had me in pieces.