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Root Chakra (Muladhara): Know the Root Chakra Symptoms | [Bonus] Root Chakra Affirmations

Root Chakra (Muladhara): Know the Root Chakra Symptoms | [Bonus] Root Chakra Affirmations

The Root Chakra

There are seven chakras, which are the body’s major energy centres.  The first chakra, also known by the name of “Root Chakra” or by the Sanskrit name of  “Muladhara”. Muladhara is the Sanskrit name for the root chakra, which is made up of the words “Mula” for root and “Adhara” for support or base.

The Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra) is positioned at the base of the spine, near the tailbone.

Muladhara is the base or roots of the entire chakra system, as its name suggests. All Chakras are built on this base. As a result, you’ll need a strong foundation to reach your maximum potential. Assume you’re creating the foundation for a home where you’ll be living for a long time. A sturdy foundation set in firm soil will give you the stability you need to build a home that will bring you delight for many years to come.

What Root does Chakra stand for?

Root Chakra is concerned with survival, security, and grounding. Happiness, contentment, and inner peace can all be found when the root chakra is balanced. The root chakra is made up of whatever gives you a sense of security in your life. This encompasses both essential requirements like food, drink, shelter, and safety, as well as deeper emotional demands like a fear release.

You’ll feel calm, comfortable, and grounded in reality if your root chakra is healthy and balanced. You’ll be able to take on new challenges with confidence and boldness. It’s especially critical when you’re trying to learn something new or pursuing a major life goal.

Whether or whether you feel comfortable now has more to do with how safe you felt like a tiny child than with what you have at your disposal. You felt safe in the world as an infant if your parents consistently gave you everything you needed to survive. You had the impression that the world could be trusted to meet your basic requirements. However, you may experience first chakra blockages if your parents withheld or delayed providing you what you needed, or if their giving was uneven.

Before moving on to the other chakras, you must first balance your root chakra so that your growth is rooted, grounded, and stable.

Symptoms of a Blocked Root Chakra include

Emotional Signs and Symptoms

  • Anxiety levels have increased.
  • Feeling frightened or unsafe
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Negative thoughts about yourself and others
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Food habits that are unhealthy (e.g, binging, starving, purging)
  • Low self-assurance
  • Making decisions can be difficult.
  • Hypochondria (imagined continuous anxiety about one’s health) is a type of anxiety disorder.

Physical signs and symptoms

  • Back-ache
  • Discomfort in the Stomach
  • Lethargy
  • Leg Ache
  • Hands and feet are freezing.

Furthermore, anything that causes you to lose your sense of security might cause the root chakra to become blocked. For example, if you lose your job, are dealing with the loss of a relationship, are having financial troubles, are having disputes with close family members, have received a concerning health diagnosis, or have witnessed something terrifying.

How to Unblock and Open Your Root Chakra

Although learning how to open the root chakra is quite basic and straightforward, the effects it has on you can be substantial. You can enhance your self-confidence, feel better prepared to tackle your concerns, relax more deeply, and feel more involved in relationships with a healthy root chakra. You will develop a fundamental sense of stability that will disseminate positively throughout your life.

As you become more familiar with the root chakra, you’ll be able to recognize these triggers and know what practises to use to avoid significant chakra misalignments.

Meditate on the Root Chakra.

Root chakra meditation might assist you with general healing. Chakra Meditation is similar to ordinary meditation in that it concentrates on one specific place of the body. You can use the following way to meditate on your root chakra, which is simple but effective:

  • Sit with your shoulders back and your back straight in an erect stance. All of your muscles should be relaxed.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose.
  • Pull your breath as deep as you can into your body. Then exhale slowly and deeply through your mouth.
  • Draw your attention to the root chakra, which is located immediately below your tailbone. Any stiffness in the area should be noted.
  • Consider picturing a red light blazing at the base of your spine, as red is the colour element of the root chakra.
  • Feel the warmth and relaxation spread around the room as this light steadily expands. For 3-5 minutes, concentrate on this sensation.
  • Gently open your eyes after you’re finished. Do not rush. Before continuing with the rest of your day, take a few minutes to sit.

Yoga Techniques to Follow

Using particular yoga methods to open up and align your root chakra can be really beneficial:-

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold), Malasana (Garland Pose), Sukhasana (Easy Pose), Janu Sirasana (Head to Knee Forward Bend), and Balasana (Child’s Pose) are some of the best examples.

Root Chakra Affirmations

Finally, affirmations can help you heal your root chakra. You can repeat these positive affirmations for the root chakra several times a day, or if you feel your chakra is obstructed. You can say one or more of these affirmations before or after you meditate, or even before you begin your day.

“I am secure and safe.”

“I have faith in myself.”

“At this time, I am stable, grounded, and relaxed.”

“I nourish and care for myself.”

“Mother earth nourishes and supports me.”

“I let go of all anxieties and doubts.”

“I am surrounded by plenty.”

Maintain a Beneficial Foods Diet

Any organic meal might be associated with the root chakra. Anything that has to do with roots opens the root chakra. Protein-rich foods also serve to ground you and provide physical strength. Protein-rich foods include beans, spinach, tofu, green peas, almonds, and so on.

Because of the colour red’s link with the root chakra, red-coloured meals inherently affect it. Apples, cherries, strawberries, beets, red bell peppers, and tomatoes come to mind.

Root vegetables such as garlic and potatoes are also good for balancing the root chakra, partly because they grow in soil. These foods can also help to restore the misaligned root chakra because of their earthly ties.

Using Colours and Jewels

Finally, colours and jewels can aid in the balancing of a chakra. The colour red is associated with the root chakra. Garnet, crimson jasper, black tourmaline, and bloodstone are all good stones for the first chakra. While lying down, place the gemstone on the chakra’s location to assist open and align it.