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Top 75 Funny Shadows Puns and Jokes You Should Not Miss!

Top 75 Funny Shadows Puns and Jokes You Should Not Miss!

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If you’re looking for some good puns about shadows, you’ve come to the right place. Shadows are mysterious, and fascinating, and can create some really funny jokes.

Whether you’re looking for some clever puns to share with your friends or just want a good laugh, these puns about shadows are sure to bring a smile to your face.

Shadows Puns One-Liner

A shadow can really cast a wide net.

Don’t let darkness cloud your judgment; keep the light on!

Always be sure to stay out of someone’s dark shadows, or else you might find yourself in trouble.

Sometimes it pays to think outside of the box… and into the shadows!

A burnt-out candle’s biggest ambition is to become an eclipse.

An astronaut’s shadow on the moon, is nothing but a lunar silhouette.

I have total trust in my shadow it follows me wherever I go!

I’m always in the dark when it comes to making jokes about shadows.

The shadow of the doubt always follows me around.

If something’s cast in the shade it must have been overshadowed!

I just love to hang out with my shadow it makes me feel grounded!

It’s been so cloudy lately, I could really use some sunshine and shadow play.

When it doubt, just throw shade!

My shadow is so long it could put the eclipse to shame.

Light and dark have a complicated relationship – they are always in each others’ shadows!

You can never be shady if you have a dark side.

Don’t follow your shadow, it could lead you astray!

“Help! My shadow just disappeared! I guess he didn’t want to hang around anymore.”

Shadows always stick around, because they’re the life of the party!

Don’t worry if shadows are following you; it just means you’re outshining everyone else!

A friend of mine says his family’s vacations leave him feeling quite cast aside…

I don’t know what happened, but I was left completely out of shade.

You could say I’m feeling a bit in the shadows today.

It’s always dark before the dawn of puns about shadows.

Sometimes it takes “shady” people to make you laugh with shadow puns.

Does anyone remember how to make a shadow laugh? Put your hands over your head and pretend you’re a tree!

If your shadow is having a bad day, don’t worry – it’s just going through a phase!

Everyone needs their shadows in life… Without them, we’d be lost in the dark!

Don’t cast too many shadows on others; sometimes lighting up someone else’s world can come at the expense of yours.

You must have a shady past if your shadow runs away from you!

Why did the shadow go to the beach? To catch some rays.

Why did the shadow cross the road? To get to the dark side.

Why did the shadow go to the bar? To get a little shade.

Why did the shadow go to the gym? To work on its silhouette.

Why did the shadow go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little shady.

Why did the shadow go to the party? To make some new friends, but it was hard to keep up with them.

Why did the shadow become a magician? To make things disappear.

Why did the shadow become a painter? To create shadow art.

Why did the shadow become a fashion model? Because it had a great silhouette.

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!

I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.

On Halloween, ghosts will be given a warm welcome. After all, they’re just dead friendly.

I used to be a night owl, but my feathers got too dark.

Why don’t mummies take vacations? They’re afraid they’ll relax and unwind.

I’m friends with vampires because I appreciate their neck-working abilities.

What do you call a laughing motorcycle? A Yamahahaha!

Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts.

How does a ghost greet another ghost? “Hallo-queen!”

Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.

When the scarecrow won an award, he was outstanding in his field.

What do ghosts wear when their eyesight starts to go? Spook-tacles.

Did you hear about the vampire who started a new business? It was a grave success.

Why did the vampire enjoy art class? He could really sink his teeth into it.

What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert? Boo-berry pie!

I don’t trust stairs because they’re always up to something.

Why don’t witches wear flat shoes? It’s all about the broomsticks.

What did the vampire say when he saw his own reflection? “Looking sharp!”

The zombie didn’t go to school because he already had plenty of braaains.

Why did the ghost go to the bar? He needed some boos.

What did the skeleton say before eating? “Bone appétit!”

How do you organize a space party? You “planet.

What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit? A blood orange.

How did the mummy fix his broken car? With a “wratchet” and “mummy” wrench.

Why were the math book’s problems so sad? They had too many “imaginary” solutions.

How much does a ghost weigh? Boo-tiliciously light!

What’s the ghost’s favorite kind of candy? “I-scream” bars.

Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.

How does a vampire start a letter? “Tomb it may concern…”

What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frostbite.

What’s a vampire’s favorite dance move? The fang-dango.

How do you count bats? With a calculator, because they’re batty.

What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A sand-witch.

How did the ghost get a date for the ball? He “haunted” one.

Why did the vampire become an artist? He wanted to draw some “gore-gous” art.

Why did the zombie go to school? To improve his “braaains.”

What did the werewolf say to the vampire after lunch? “See you next month!”

What do you call a ghost’s car? A Boo-ick.