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The Shape of Your Lips can Tell a Lot About Your Personality

The Shape of Your Lips can Tell a Lot About Your Personality

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Besides your eyes, your lips are the second most appealing part of your face. Apart from adding beauty quotient, they can also tell a great deal about your personality.

Lipsology: The Ability to Read Facial Expressions

According to face-reading science, every part of our bodies provides information about our personalities. The art of face-reading that uses Lip analysis is known as Lipsology.

As per Lipsology, there are several categories of lips based on their form, fullness, and cupid’s bows. The size and shape of one’s lips, as well as their fullness and curves, can tell important aspects of one’s personality.

Find out what your lip shape tells about your personality by reading on.

Fuller Lips

Fuller Lips


People with Fuller lips are inherently compassionate and have a strong parental instinct. They are naturally kind and frequently care for others, including their children, younger siblings, and friends. These types of people also enjoy establishing and maintaining deep relationships with others. They place the most priority on relationships and, when in a difficult position, constantly consider others before themselves.

Heavy Upper Lips

Heavy Upper Lips

People with heavier upper lips than lower lips are believed to be drama enthusiasts. They have a high opinion of themselves, enjoy having everyone’s attention on them and will go to great lengths to achieve this. The nicest thing about them is that they are enthusiastic about life. They are also the most humorous individuals around, capable of making jokes in any circumstance.

Heavy Lower Lip

Heavy Lower Lip

People with Heavier lower lips than upper lips are typically carefree and know how to have a good time. They are the ones who dislike 9-to-5 office work and frequently devise new earning strategies to live a joyful and active lifestyle. These individuals have a passion for exploration and are continually seeking out new eateries and destinations. They are inquisitive and receptive to new experiences.

Thin Lips

Thin Lips

People with thin lips are quiet, cautious, and independent. Due to this, they are frequently mislabelled as a loner, even though they are much at ease alone. This does not suggest that they are incapable of fitting into a group. They can rapidly discover a common topic of conversation and integrate into the group in a social context. These individuals are also typically ambitious and determined.

The Lips are Fuller in the Middle

The Lips are Fuller in the Middle

People whose lips are fuller in the middle are natural performers who are frequently thrust into the spotlight without much effort, and they take pride in this skill. They prefer being in the company of others versus being by themselves. They are primarily responsible for introducing drama into a relationship, but they also know how to have fun and enjoy life.

Bow Shaped Lips

Bow Shaped Lips

People with cupid’s bow lips are noted for their capacity to think creatively. They are conscious of their strengths and employ them effectively to achieve their goals. These individuals possess exceptional memory and recall ability. This implies they can retain information and carry on a discussion in any setting. In addition, they are quick-witted and somewhat impetuous.

Undefined Cupid Bows

Undefined Cupid Bows

People with an undefined cupid’s bow are extremely dependable and accountable. However, these traits occasionally overwhelm them, causing them to become overly generous and blur their emotional boundaries. During this process, people frequently disregard their needs and do not engage in self-care. In addition, they are highly effective and can solve any problem within the allotted time frame.