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Top 70 Funny Skeleton Jokes and Puns To Shake Your Body

Top 70 Funny Skeleton Jokes and Puns To Shake Your Body

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In case you have been searching for “Best Skeleton Puns and Jokes” or Funny Skeleton Jokes One Liner, then you are at the right place.

Skeleton Jokes are certain to provoke discomfort in your spare ribs and irritate your peculiar bones. Those seeking amusement will adore the following skeleton tales. Pure comedy is forthcoming! You and I may even have a few disagreements regarding which ones are the finest.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Skeleton Jokes. Let us explore

Skeleton Puns for Instagram Captions And Skeleton Jokes For Kids

Why did the skeleton start a fight? Because he had a bone to pick.

What did the skeleton say to his girlfriend? “Will you marrow me?

”When does a skeleton laugh? When someone tickles his funny bone.

What do you call a skeleton who goes to school but doesn’t do any work? Lazy bones.

Why do skeletons hate the cold? It sends chills up their spine.

What do you call a skeleton snake? A rattler.

How did the skeleton know it was going to rain? He could feel it in his bones.

Did you hear about the skeleton who dropped out of medical school? He didn’t have the stomach for it.

What happened to the skeleton who sat by the fire too long? He became bone dry.

What kind of TV does a skeleton watch? A skelevision.

What happened to the pirate ship that sank in a sea full of sharks? It came back with a skeleton crew.

Why are skeletons so good at telling jokes? Because they have a funny bone.

What kind of dishes do skeletons serve tea on? Bone china.

What is a skeleton’s favorite mode of transport? A scare-plane.

What does a skeleton fly in if his scare-plane isn’t available? A skele-copter.

What do skeletons say when they set off to sea? “Bone voyage!

”What type of candy sent the skeleton to the hospital? Jawbreakers.

What do skeletons hate the most about the wind? Nothing. It goes right through them.

Why didn’t the skeleton rob the bank? Because he didn’t have the guts.

What’s a skeleton’s second favorite instrument? A sax-a-bone.

What is a skeleton’s favorite type of film to watch? A spine-tingler.

Why did the skeleton climb up the tree? Because a dog was after his bones!

Who is the most famous French skeleton? Napolean Bone-aparte.

What did the skeleton say to the vampire? “You suck.

”Who is the most famous skeleton detective? Sherlock Bones.

What did the doctor say to the skeleton who had a temperature of 103 degrees? “Looks like you are running a femur.”

What’s a skeleton’s favorite rock band? The Grateful Dead.

What kind of fish do skeletons like to eat? Carpals.

What’s a skeleton’s next favorite rock band? Bone Jovi.

Why did the skeleton go to the dance? To see the boogie man.

What is half the diameter of a skeletal circle? The radius.

Why did the skeleton student stay late at school? He was boning up for his exam.

What do you call a skeleton who hangs out in coffee shops and listens to indie music? A hip-ster.

What do bony people use to get into their homes? A skeleton key.

What is a skeleton’s favorite thing to do with their cell phone? Take skelfies.

Why couldn’t the police arrest the skeleton? They couldn’t pin anything on him.

How did the skeleton know the other skeleton was lying? He could see right through him.

Why was the skeleton a success at work? He had a head for business.

What kind of grass grows on a skeletons lawn? Spine-ifex.

Why did Dr Frankenstein employ the skeleton? The skeleton was a body snatcher.

Why was the skeleton not upset that his wife had an affair? He didn’t have a jealous bone in his body.

Why did the skeleton go to the butcher? He was hoping to put some flesh on his bones.

Why did the skeletons stay out of the forest? Because sticks and stones will break them bones.

Why did the skeleton have to testify in court? Because he was a body of evidence.

Why were the skeletons’ fingers missing? Because he had worked them to the bone.

Why did the skeletons go to the nudist beach? It was the best place for them to be bare bones.

Why was the skeleton scared of the baby? Because he was an ankle biter.

What do you call a heavy skeleton? A skeletonne.

How did the skeleton get his cattle to the slaughter house? He drove them in his CAR-cass.

Where do naughty skeletons buy concert tickets from? They buy them from a ticket scapula.

How did the skeleton learn the rumor about his friend? He heard it from the Skull-ttlebutt.

How does a French skeleton say good night? Bone-soir.

What is it called when a skeleton lawyer works for free? Pro Bone-O.

What happened to the skeleton who spent too long in the ocean? He got Bone-acles.

Skeletons don’t lie. They always speak the truth because they always want tibia honest!

The famous skeleton, Sherlock Bones, caught the criminal just from a trivial hunch. He claimed he could just feel it in his bones.

The skeleton got a job in the jazz band. He has been recruited as the trom-bone player.

The skeleton loved traveling and went on trips that included adventure sports like paragliding and cliff diving. He was just bone to be wild.

A skeleton went to the hospital to donate his body for medical sciences. So the doctor asked him to spine on the dotted line!

Ain’t nobody gonna Rib us apart.

There was a skeleton who always lied to his friends. So his friends named him ‘phoney-ba-boney’!

Upon producing very good results at work, his manager gave the efficient skeleton a bone-us.

I saw a skeleton starting a fight. So I asked the reason why to which he replied that he had a bone to pick!

Why were the workers unable to complete the job on time? Because they had a skeleton crew!

There was a skeleton who always failed all his examinations in school because he was a numskull!

A scared skeleton always finds it hard to look at other skeletons because he doesn’t have the stomach to see them!

There was a skeleton who was a botanist. His favorite kind of tree was a bone-sai tree.

Legless skeletons are asked to avoid arguments because they apparently don’t have a leg to stand on.

I saw a skeleton who was a famous stand-up comic. All his jokes were extremely humerus!

Once, two skeletons were having an animated conversation. When one started stretching the truth of the story, the other said, “Is that a little fib-ula?”