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Are You a Stage 5 Clinger? Know from these 12 Signs

Are You a Stage 5 Clinger? Know from these 12 Signs

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When someone you begin dating turns out to be a complete STALKER and CLINGY, you’re dating a Stage 5 Clinger. Typically, these individuals will begin slowly before revealing that they are Stage 5 Clinger.

Are you a Stage 5 Clinger? Here are 12 Signs that can help you:-

1. You Know their address, but not because they informed you.

2. You message them a photograph of their residence with the caption “Just happened to be in the area!”

3. You stalk all of their social media pages, as well as those of their closest friends and ex-partners, numerous times per day.

4. You respond with “Oops, wrong number!” when you receive a text message that reads “Who is this?” because you cannot accept that they have erased you. They MUST have purchased a new smartphone.

5. You have saved images of them on your phone, but they do not have your number saved.

6. You awkwardly corner them at social events to prevent them from meeting anybody more fascinating or appealing because you are a paranoid, jealous freak.

7. You intend to work or reside in the same building as them.

8. You intend to work out in the same gym as them.

9. You become angry because you’ve been rejected or reprimanded, and you swear you’ll never speak to that person again, but two days later, you’re back at it.

10. You’ve changed your phone number so that you can contact them and say, “Hey, I have a new number” in the hopes that it would spark a meaningful conversation this time.

11. You leave one of your possessions on purpose at their home/in their car/at their workplace in order to have an excuse to visit them again.

12. You’ve just met once, but you’ve already planned a romantic island getaway for the two of you.