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Know the interesting story about Namuchi and Indra

Know the interesting story about Namuchi and Indra

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Namuchi was a great demon who extinguished all light in the universe, ushering it into the Age of Darkness.

The ruler of the demigods, Indra, was the one who killed Namuchi and saved the cosmos, but the story takes an unexpected turn when the demon Namuchi’s head began hunting Indra around the universe. The chapter about Namuchi is mentioned in the Mahabharata.

The story goes like this…

Namuchi had the boon that he would not be killed by anything that is wet or dry.

The earth grew barren as a result of Namuchi’s deeds, and living beings began to perish. There was no nourishment for the living beings since there was no light.

Indra then turned to Srihari Vishnu for help. Vishnu then gathered froth from the milky ocean and created Vajra, a thunderbolt-firing weapon.

Namuchi was annihilated by Indra using the weapon.

It was late in the evening. Namuchi’s severed head pursued Indra and cursed him  “O slayer of a friend, O wretch! May this sin damns you for all eternity.”

Brahma advised Indra to take bath at the confluence of the Aruna and Saraswati rivers and become pure. The head of Namuchi fell into the river and it perished.