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Know the Surya Dosh Nivaran As Per Lal Kitab

Know the Surya Dosh Nivaran As Per Lal Kitab

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Offering prayers to Surya on Sunday and chanting the Gayatri Mantra every day while facing the rising sun are two of the most essential Surya Dosh Nivaran but there are other effective Surya dosha nivaran as per Lal Kitab that can bring a similar amount of relief.  Let us explore:-

Effective Surya Dosha Nivaran as per Lal Kitab

  1. According to the Lal Kitab, Surya dosh nivaran involves pouring a pinch of jaggery or wheat into a river for 43 days.
  2. Wheat, red copper, and jaggery are among the items that might be donated for immediate relief from Surya dosh. These items should be donated for 43 days without break to a poor person, to a temple or sacred place or thrown into a river
  3. You can also observe puja and prayers dedicated to Vishnu on all days.
  4. On Sundays, wearing red clothing and planting trees and plants are considered commendable.