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To Avoid Toxicity in Child-Parent Relationships Never Use these Phrases/Actions

To Avoid Toxicity in Child-Parent Relationships Never Use these Phrases/Actions

When parents believe they are always right and attempt to correct their children constantly, the never-ending conflict between them begins. When parenting is focused solely on parents rather than children, toxicity starts to develop; if not stopped in its early phases, it eventually turns into hostility, muddling, and mistrust.

Your communication style, the things you say to your child, and even your body language, may make or break the relationship you have with them.

“He/She is Better Than You”

Never make comparisons with your child to others. This shatters your child’s love, trust, and confidence in you.

Parents frequently compare their children to others, and this tendency results from jealousy. Parents frequently become envious when their child performs better than a neighbour’s youngster and demand the same of their children. Rarely do parents genuinely allow their children to develop their gifts and abilities.

“Do not be Friends With Him/ Her”

Every person’s life is greatly impacted by their friendships. Children frequently confide in their friends as they grow up together and their trust grows.

Therefore, avoid being harsh in your criticism of your child’s friend. Even if you notice any issues, remain patient and use courteous language when speaking to the child.

“You Were a Mistake”

Parents frequently make fun of their children by saying this to them. While some children don’t take it seriously, many others have a propensity for an aggressive response. Never explain to a child why they exist or how they came to be. The youngster will feel abandoned as a result, increasingly isolating themselves from you.

“You have been a Burden For Us”

Do not let your youngster witness your tension, even if you are under a lot of other pressure. As a parent, you are inclined to vent your frustration and anger on your child, yet one moment of uncontrollable behaviour could be harmful to your child.

Giving False Assurances, Making Dishonest Promises

Parents frequently promise trips, special toys, or the fanciest clothes in exchange for good grades and academic brilliance.

It is possible to demonstrate the negative effects of such assurances and promises in a number of ways.

It firstly makes your child reliant on material possessions. Your youngster develops a propensity towards a life filled with conditions. His or her ability to make decisions will be impacted by the desire to receive opulent goods in exchange for excellence. The youngster will constantly anticipate a contingent outcome.

Second, setting such criteria will undoubtedly increase your duty to follow through. It has frequently been observed that parents break their promises and, when pressed, deny ever making any. Your child will learn about dishonesty from this.

“I had so many Expectations from You”

It is right to demand this behaviour from your child, even though it is wrong to impose it. Do not pressure your kids to follow your goals and aspirations. Do not pressure your child to live up to your unmet expectations; each child is born with a special set of abilities. In doing so, you are stifling your child’s innate abilities, which, given the right opportunity, may surpass even your wildest expectations!