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Know these 7 Types of Kisses and Their Symbolic Meanings

Know these 7 Types of Kisses and Their Symbolic Meanings

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A Simple kiss can arouse feelings of love, caring, and appreciation. The most intimate act of love is believed to give you the overwhelming sensation of having butterflies in your stomach! The most intriguing fact is that kisses on various body parts have a whole new meaning; whether it’s a fast kiss or an intensive one, it says a lot about your relationship.

We, therefore, present to you the various kiss types and their symbolic meanings.

Kiss on the Cheek

This denotes love and closeness between two people. A cheek kiss is a common way to say “hello” in many cultures. On a grey day, a gentle kiss from your lips on your partner’s cheek will instantly lift their spirits.

Kiss on the Hands

The majority of us are familiar with this gesture from popular culture, in which a prince invariably kisses the damsel’s hands. This tradition truly has European origins and is mostly regarded as a gesture of deference. This implies that the other person genuinely cares about you and is eager to get to know you.

Kiss on the Head

This style of kiss conveys confidence and adoration in the partnership. If your spouse prefers to kiss you on the forehead, it may be a sign that they are extremely at ease with you. A forehead kiss can be one of the most important acts that two partners engage in to build closeness and trust between themselves, and is frequently done at the start of relationships.

French Kiss

French kisses are passionate and deep kisses on the lips. This is shared by two lovers who are intensely attracted to or smitten with one another and involves a lot of tongue-play. This kiss is so unique that it leaves both parties breathless and craving more.

Kiss on the Earlobe

Between you and your lover, this kind of kiss has the power to ignite intense and sensuous kinds of love. According to legend, our ears are an extremely erogenous body region that responds to even the lightest touch. If your lover enjoys playing with or nibbling at your ears, it can easily turn a friendly kiss into passionate bedtime behaviour.

Kiss on the Neck

Because they are so sensuous and lustful, neck kisses are frequently associated with sexual hints and intents. Kissing your spouse on the neck will elicit strong emotions, which usually result in intercourse. Additionally, it is a typical foreplay motion made just before sex. A kiss on such a delicate spot is a sign of intense love.

Kiss on the Nose

This tender kiss is the purest expression of adoration and affection for a loving partner. Your lover simply rests their lips on your nose, making you feel loved and cared for. It isn’t sensual or out of lust, but it is really cute. This can be a very sly manoeuvre on your partner or crush, giving them the impression that you have strong feelings for them right away.