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Viktor Yanukovych Horoscope Analysis: Birth Chart, Zodiac Sign and Political Career

Viktor Yanukovych Horoscope Analysis: Birth Chart, Zodiac Sign and Political Career

Viktor Yanukovych Birth Details

Horoscope Chart 

Viktor Yanukovych kundli

Planetary Combinations

Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych (born July 9, 1950 in Yenakiieve, Donetsk Oblast) is a Ukrainian politician and the current leader of the prominent opposition Party of Regions in the Verkhovna Rada (parliament). Yanukovych is one of the front-runners in the forthcoming presidential election, which will be held in January 2010.

Viktor Yanukovych previously served as Governor of Donetsk Oblast (province) from 1997 to 2002. Yanukoych also served as Prime Minister of Ukraine twice, from November 21, 2002 to December 31, 2004, under President Leonid Kuchma, and from August 4, 2006 to December 18, 2007, under current President Viktor Yushchenko, his main opponent in the 2004 presidential election, in which he finished second.

When interpreting a natal chart, the ideal approach is to work your way up from general to specific elements. As a result, from the overall examination of the chart and its structure to the description of its many character qualities, there is usually a plan to follow.

An overall study of the chart in the first section allows us to determine the personality’s key characteristics and to underline numerous aspects that are confirmed or not in the thorough analysis: in any case, those general attributes are taken into consideration. Human personality is an immensely complicated thing that is difficult to describe. It is illusory to claim that you can summarise it quickly, but that does not mean it is an impossible task. It is necessary to study a natal chart multiple times in order to fully comprehend all of its various meanings and intricacy. But it’s a worthwhile exercise.

Astrological Highlights

A natal chart is made up of 10 planets: two luminaries, the Sun and Moon, three fast-moving or individual planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, two slow-moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and three extremely slow-moving planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The Lunar Nodes, the Dark Moon or Lilith, Chiron, and other smaller objects are also subsidiary factors. They’re all positioned on the Zodiac wheel, which is divided into twelve astrological houses and consists of twelve signs ranging from Aries to Pisces.

The concept of dominant planets has existed in astrology since the dawn of time: how lovely it would be if a person could be characterised in a few words and one or more planets that represented their personality, without having to look at things like rulerships, angularities, houses, and so on!

The ten planets, from the Sun to Pluto, are similar to ten characters in a role-playing game; each one has its own personality, acting style, and strengths and weaknesses. They truly represent a ten-person classification, and astrologers have long attempted to link one or more prominent planets, as well as dominant signs and houses, to a natal chart.

It is true that the situation with signs and dwellings is very similar. If planets reflect personalities, signs indicate colours, or an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical structures. The sign in which a planet is positioned is similar to a character whose appearance changes depending on where he lives. A chart usually has one, two, or three highlighted signals that can be used to quickly characterise the owner.

Why Viktor Yanukovych was in the news lately ?

March 2022 :- The Kremlin is preparing former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia in 2014, for a memorable celebration. The Kyiv Independent tweeted a report from the online daily Ukrayinska Pravda. According to the article, Russia will try to declare him “President of Ukraine” in one scenario, according to Ukrainian intelligence.

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