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Weekly Horoscope (16th January to 22nd January 2022)

Weekly Horoscope (16th January to 22nd January 2022)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Our Weekly Horoscope is the most accurate weekly horoscope available online. The Accurate Weekly Horoscope has been written by experts with years of practical experience behind.

(Mar 21st-Apr 19th)

Keep in touch with people that matter and reach out to them. Get something off your chest by saying what’s on your mind. It’s been a week full of expressions, debate, and relationships. People from your past have left an indelible impression on you, and you realise how fortunate you are to have known them. Decluttering and reorganising your space might help you relax. Conversations begin about a new cooperation, initiative, or project that might involve experts from all around the world. As long as you take care, you can keep your health under control.


(20th April – 20th May )

It’s possible that you’re ready to move on. Or perhaps you’re simply numb and bored of people’s games. When you reach a dead end, you may need to simply unplug and restart for your own peace of mind. Taureans who work for themselves may experiment with different company structures and techniques but avoid taking too many risks. You should not expect young people to listen to your advise, and you should not expect them to. The state of health is improving. This is an excellent week to pay attention to your diet.


(21st May – 20th June )

Take a ‘win-win’ attitude into the days ahead. When you look at things from the perspective of the other person and work together, you can accomplish a lot more in a more pleasant manner than when you attempt to do everything on your own. When you notice yourself becoming irritable, take a stroll or focus your attention on something relaxing. Friends and relatives provide encouragement and love. When you’re in need, someone special extends a helping hand. There’s a lot to be thankful for now that things are finally getting back on track.


(21st June – 22nd July )

Forget about the future and concentrate on the present. The way you manage the present moment is the key to tranquilly and success. Focus on meditation and mindful relaxation if the energies make you feel restless. This is a fantastic period for negotiations, legal papers, contracts, and obligations, and you are good at sorting things out and getting things done, regardless of what you believe. As previous debts are paid and the karmic equilibrium is gradually restored, money matters offer promise. Keep your health in mind.

(23rd July – 22nd Aug)

It’s time to work on letting go a little. Some individuals and situations refuse to change, and they also refuse to listen. Recalibrate to something better or people who understand and respect you by taking a step back. Your creative sensibilities may be heightened, particularly if you work in the arts. You may be considering a career change that will pay you in the long run. With a little more attention to detail, money concerns are resolved. Now is not the time to indulge; unexpected expenses may catch you off guard.

(23rd Aug- 22nd Sept)

Keep an eye on your step. A pleasant chat could quickly devolve into a dispute. The energies are still a touch shaky, particularly in interpersonal interactions. You may be needed to make a split-second judgement or think on your feet. Concentrate on progress rather than perfection. If you’re sick, you’ll see some improvement, but it’ll be slow. With the team, a thoughtful attitude to communication will go a long way. Although your financial situation is under control, a part of you will still be yearning for more.

(23rd Sept- 22nd Oct)

Honesty, open communication, and issues of trust are emphasised. It’s possible that someone’s actions contradict their statements. Maintain diplomacy and neutrality in all communications. Nothing is exactly what it appears to be. A problem at work necessitates a strong hand and the participation of someone with more experience. Patience and optimism are required in financial problems. The health cards reflect a progressive improvement.

(23rd Oct- 21st Nov)

Everything makes sense in retrospect. It is possible to learn from a mistake. Acceptance of a circumstance rather than trying and resisting to change it into what you want it to be brings wisdom. The cards advise you to step back for a while and focus on doing things one step at a time. In a family issue, logic and quick thinking are required. Partners may behave irrationally, but that is how they are. A long-overdue payment or response reveals a ray of hope. A misunderstanding demonstrates the possibility of resolution.

(22nd Nov- 21st Dec)

The habit is starting to take its toll. Something seems a little too predictable for you. And you might feel like taking a risk or experimenting with radical ideas by going out on a limb, trying something new, taking a risk, or taking a chance. It also permits you to open your mind to a different form of happiness and excitement somewhere along the way. Even in your personal life, you may notice tiny adjustments in the behaviour of a friend or family member, and the cards promise greater relationships, even if it feels unpleasant at first.

(22nd Dec- 19th Jan)

Reminiscing about the past and harbouring grudges only serves to harm you in the long term. As you realise where you may have gone wrong or done something wrong, you enter a phase of heightened self-awareness. We can’t change what happened in the past, but we can make amends for what happened in the future, can’t we? When it comes to family, this is especially true. Work-related issues necessitate a shift in perspective. There may be a sense that you’re doing far more than you’re getting in return, prompting you to either hold back or make a drastic adjustment. It’s possible that continuing is no longer an option. Keep an eye out for irritability, especially when it comes to work. New directions are gradually developing, but it is up to you to recognise them.

(20th Jan – 18th Feb)

You may get tired of hearing someone else whine and gripe. And choose to look for the silver lining, even if you have to use a magnifying lens to do it. It’s time to reflect on and appreciate everything that Life has given you, and to lend a helping hand to someone who is in need. As you begin to think more about others, any volunteer activity or acts of generosity will bring you blessings. Health issues may necessitate a second opinion, and recovery may take time.

(19th Feb – 20th March)

You may be able to see through someone else’s game or manipulation thanks to your keen intuition. Rather than calling their bluff, wait for additional evidence to emerge. Make sure you’re well rested because your sleep patterns can be off. A good week for clarity at work and at school, when a problem is solved or a clear route emerges. If there’s one thing you should be aware of, Piscean, it’s the need to be a little more focused on time management, as this could lead to unneeded delays or stress at the last minute. Single Pisceans may be enthralled by a new acquaintance. Is it possible that love is in the air?